JDBC Driver for Microsoft Ads

Build 22.0.8462


Use this report to discover how your campaigns and ad groups are resonating with audiences of diverse age and gender.


Name Type Select requirement Metric Aggregate Description
Summary String True The report data will be aggregated by the entire specified report time. The report will not include a time period column.
Hourly String True Each row of the report identifies the hour when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each hour of the day.
Daily Date True Each row of the report identifies the month, day, and year when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each day. Each row of the report identifies the month, day, and year when the transaction occurred. The report will include a column named GregorianDate that contains the day formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Weekly Date True Each row of the report identifies the week when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each week. The report will include a column named WeekStartDate that contains the date of the Sunday for each week formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Monthly Date True Each row of the report identifies the month when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each month. The report will include a column named MonthStartDate that contains the first day of the month formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Yearly Integer True Each row of the report identifies the year when the transaction occurred. The report data will be aggregated by each year. The report will include a column named Year that contains the year formatted as yyyy.
AccountName String True The account name.
AccountNumber String The Microsoft Advertising assigned number of an account.
AccountId Long The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an account.
AdGroupId Long The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an ad group.
CampaignId Long The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a campaign.
AdGroupName String True The ad group name.
CampaignName String The campaign name.
AdDistribution String The network where you want your ads to show.
Gender String True The gender (male or female) of the search users to whom the ad was delivered..
AgeGroup String True The age group of the audience who viewed the ad. The possible values are 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64, and 65+.
Language String This is the language of the country the ad is served in.
AccountStatus String The account status.
CampaignStatus String The campaign status.
AdGroupStatus String The ad group status.
AllConversions Double The number of conversions. A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad.
AllRevenue Decimal The revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.
Assists Integer The number of times an entity (an account, campaign, ad group, or keyword, for example) contributed to a conversion that is associated with a different entity.
BaseCampaignId Long The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an experiment campaign. This will be the same value as the CampaignId if the campaign is not an experiment.
Impressions Long True The number of times an ad has been displayed on search results pages or other sites on the Audience Network.
Clicks Integer Clicks are what you pay for. Clicks typically include a customer clicking an ad on a search results page or on a website on the search network.
Conversions Integer The number of conversions. A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad.
ExtendedCost Decimal Cost information that is optionally provided by advertisers, including non-advertising costs, taxes, and shipping.
Revenue Decimal The revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.
Spend Decimal The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) charges for your ads and keywords. Spend helps you keep track of your budget.
Goal String The goal name.
GoalType String The goal type. Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, and Url.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
DatePreset String The time period to use for the report. You can specify a custom date range or select a predefined date range, for example, Today or ThisWeek.

The allowed values are Today, Yesterday, LastSevenDays, ThisWeek, LastWeek, LastFourWeeks, ThisMonth, LastMonth, LastThreeMonths, LastSixMonths, ThisYear, LastYear.

EndDate String The end date of the custom date range. The end date cannot be later than today's date.
StartDate String The start date of the custom date range. The start date must be earlier than or the same as the end date.

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Build 22.0.8462