Power BI Connector for SuiteCRM

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query Documents created in SuiteCRM

Table Specific Information


You can query the Documents table using any criteria in the WHERE clause. The connector will use the SuiteCRM API to filter the results.

SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE Name = 'test' 


Create a Document by specifying any writable column.

INSERT INTO Documents (Id, Name) VALUES ('id', 'Energy')


You can update any Document column that is writable, by specifying the Id.

UPDATE Documents SET Name = 'new name', Description = 'Desc' WHERE Id = 'Test123'


Delete a Document by specifying the Id.

DELETE FROM Documents WHERE Id = '10003'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The unique identifier for the record.

Name String False

The name of the document.

DateEntered Datetime False

The date the record was created.

DateModified Datetime False

The date the record was last modified.

ModifiedUserId String False

The Id of the user who last modified the record.

ModifiedByName String True

The name of the user who last modified the record.

CreatedBy String False

The Id of the user who created the record.

CreatedByName String True

The name of the user who created the record.

Description String False

The full text of the note.

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator.

CreatedByLink String True

Link to the record who created it

ModifiedUserLink String True

Link to the record who modified it.

AssignedUserId String False

The Id of the user assigned to the record.

AssignedUserName String True

AssignedUserLink String True

Link to the user which the record has been assigned to

SecurityGroups String True

The security group associated with the record.

DocumentName String False

The document name.

DocId String False

DocType String False

DocUrl String False

Filename String False

The file name of the document attachment.

ActiveDate String False

ExpDate String False

CategoryId String False

SubcategoryId String False

StatusId String False

The Id of the document status.

Status String False

The status of the record.

DocumentRevisionId String False

The Id of the document revision.

Revisions String True

Revision String False

The revision number.

LastRevCreatedName String False

LastRevMimeType String False

LatestRevision String False

The latest revision.

LastRevCreateDate String False

Contracts String True

Leads String True

The leads associated with the record.

Accounts String True

The accounts associated with the record

Contacts String True

The contacts associated with the record

Opportunities String True

The opportunities associated with the record.

Cases String True

The cases associated with the record.

Bugs String True

The bugs associated with the record.

RelatedDocId String False

RelatedDocName String True

RelatedDocRevId String False

RelatedDocRevNumber String False

IsTemplate Bool False

TemplateType String False

LatestRevisionName String False

SelectedRevisionName String False

The name of the selected revision.

ContractStatus String False

The document's contract status.

ContractName String False

The name of the document's contract

LinkedId String False

The Id of the linked record.

SelectedRevisionId String False

The Id of the selected revision.

LatestRevisionId String False

The Id of the latest revision.

SelectedRevisionFilename String False

The filename of the selected revision.

AosContracts String True

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963