SSIS Components for SuiteCRM

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query the registered Leads



WHERE 句で任意の条件を使用して、Leads テーブルをクエリできます。本製品 はSuiteCRM API を使用して結果をフィルタリングします。

SELECT * FROM Leads WHERE [Lead Source] = 'Word of Mouth'


書き込み可能なカラムを指定して、Lead を作成します。

INSERT INTO Leads ([First Name], [Last Name], [Referred by]) VALUES ('New', 'Lead', 'Adminitrator')


Id を指定して、書き込み可能なLead カラムを更新できます。

UPDATE Leads SET Converted = True  WHERE Id = 'Test123' 


Id を指定して、Lead を削除します。

DELETE FROM Leads WHERE Id = 10003


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String False

The unique identifier of the record.

AcceptStatusC String True

The call accept status fields.

AcceptStatusId String True

The Id of the accept status.

AcceptStatusM String True

The meeting accept status fields.

AcceptStatusName String True

The name of the accept status.

AccountDescription String False

Description for the lead's account

AccountID String False

Account the lead is linked to

AccountName String False

The name of the associated acocunt.

Address String True

Address from Google Maps of the lead.

AltAddressCity String False

The city for the alternate address.

AltAddressCountry String False

The country for the alternate address.

AltAddressPostalcode String False

The postal code for the alternate address.

AltAddressState String False

The state for the alternate address.

AltAddressStreet String False

The street address for the alternate address.

AltAddressStreet2 String True

The second line of the alternate address.

AltAddressStreet3 String True

The third line of the alternate address.

AnyEmail String True

The email for the lead.

Assignedto String True

The user name of the user assigned to the record.

AssignedUser String False

User Id assigned to the record.

Assistant String False

The name of the assistant of the lead.

AssistantPhone String False

The phone number of the assistant of the lead.

Birthdate Date False

The birthdate of the lead.

Campaign String True

The lead's campaign name

CampaignID String False

Campaign that generated the lead.

ContactID String False

Main contact for the lead

Converted Bool False

Whether the lead has been converted.

CreatedById String True

The Id of the user who created the record.

CreatedByName String True

The user name of the user who created the record.

DateCreated Datetime True

Date the record was created.

DateModified Datetime True

Date the record was last modified.

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator.

Department String False

The department of the lead.

Description String False

Full text of the note.

DoNotCall Bool False

An indicator of whether the lead can be called.

EmailAddress String False

The alternate email for the lead.

EmailAddress2 String True

Email of WebToLead

EmailOptOut Bool True

Whether the lead has opted out of radio.

EmailOptOut2 Bool True

Whether the prospect has opted out of WebToLead emails.

EventStatusId String True

Id of the lead's event status.

Fax String False

The lead fax number.

FirstName String False

The first name of the lead.

Fullname String True

The full name of the lead.

GeocodeStatus String True

Google Maps geocode status

HomePhone String False

Home phone number of the lead.

InvalidEmail Bool True

Whether the lead email has been marked as invalid.

LastName String False

The last name of the lead.

Latitude Double True

Latitude from Google Maps of the lead.


The event accept status fields.


The event invite status fields.


Status of the lead's event accept.


Id of the lead's event invite.


Name of the lead's event status.

LeadInvalidEmail Bool True

Whether the WebToLead email is invalid.

LeadSource String False

How the lead came to be known.

LeadSourceDescription String False

Description of the lead source.

Longitude Double True

Longitude from Google Maps of the lead.

Mobile String False

Mobile phone number of the lead.

ModifiedById String True

The Id of the user who last modified the record.

ModifiedByName String True

The user name of the user who last modified the record.

Name String True

The name of the lead.

NonPrimaryE-mails String True

The nonprimary email addresses for the lead.

OfficePhone String False

Work phone number of the lead.

OpportunityAmount String False

The amount the opportunity yields

OpportunityID String False

The Opportunity the lead was generated from

OpportunityName String False

The name of the opportunity the lead was generated from

OtherEmail String True

The alternate email for the lead.

OtherEmail2 String True

Alternate email of WebToLead

OtherPhone String False

Other phone number for the lead.

Photo String False

The picture for the lead.

PortalApplication String False

The Joomla portal application of the lead

PortalName String False

The Joomla portal name of the lead

PrimaryAddressCity String False

The city for the primary address.

PrimaryAddressCountry String False

The country for the primary address.

PrimaryAddressPostalcode String False

The postal code for the primary address.

PrimaryAddressState String False

The state for the primary address.

PrimaryAddressStreet String False

The street address used for the primary address.

PrimaryAddressStreet2 String True

The second line of the primary address.

PrimaryAddressStreet3 String True

The third line of the primary addrss.

ReferredBy String False

The Name of the lead's reference.

ReportsTo String True

The name the updates for the lead will be reported to

ReportsToID String False

The name the updates for the lead will be reported to

Salutation String False

The lead salutation (e.g., Mr. or Ms.).

Status String False

Status of the lead

StatusDescription String False

A description for the status

Title String False

The title of the lead.

Website String False

The lead's website


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Rows@Next String

Identifier for the next page of results. Do not set this value manually.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963