Power BI Connector for SuiteCRM

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query quotes saved in SuiteCRM



WHERE 句で任意の条件を使用して、Quotes テーブルをクエリできます。本製品 はSuiteCRM API を使用して結果をフィルタリングします。

SELECT * FROM Quotes WHERE Name = 'test' 


書き込み可能なカラムを指定して、Quote を作成します。

INSERT INTO Quotes (Id, Name) VALUES ('id', 'Energy')


Id を指定して、書き込み可能なQuote カラムを更新できます。

UPDATE Quotes SET Name = 'new name', Description = 'Desc' WHERE Id = 'Test123'


Id を指定して、Quote を削除します。

DELETE FROM Quotes WHERE Id = 10003


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False


Name String False

DateEntered Datetime False

The date the record was created.

DateModified Datetime False

The date the record was last modified.

ModifiedUserId String False

The Id of the user who last modified the record.

ModifiedByName String True

The name of the user who last modified the record.

CreatedBy String False

The Id of the user who created the record.

CreatedByName String True

The name of the user who created the record.

Description String False

Description for the quote

Deleted Bool False

The record deletion indicator.

CreatedByLink String True

Link to the record who created it

ModifiedUserLink String True

Link to the record who modified it.

AssignedUserId String False


AssignedUserName String True

AssignedUserLink String True

Link to the user which the record has been assigned to

SecurityGroups String True

The security group associated with the record.

ApprovalIssue String False

BillingAccountId String False

Id of the billing account

BillingAccount String True

BillingContactId String False

Id of the billing contact

BillingContact String True

BillingAddressStreet String False

The first line of the billing address.

BillingAddressCity String False

The city used for the billing address.

BillingAddressState String False

The state used for the billing address.

BillingAddressPostalcode String False

The postal code used for the billing address.

BillingAddressCountry String False

The country used for the billing address.

ShippingAddressStreet String False

The first line of the shipping address.

ShippingAddressCity String False

The city used for the shipping address.

ShippingAddressState String False

The state used for the shipping address.

ShippingAddressPostalcode String False

The ZIP code used for the shipping address.

ShippingAddressCountry String False

The country used for the shipping address.

Expiration String False

Number String False

OpportunityId String False

Opportunity Id of the quote

Opportunity String True

Opportunity name of the quote

TemplateDdownC String False

LineItems String False

The list of the quote's line items

TotalAmt String False

TotalAmtUsdollar String False

SubtotalAmount String False

SubtotalAmountUsdollar String False

DiscountAmount String False

DiscountAmountUsdollar String False

TaxAmount String False

TaxAmountUsdollar String False

ShippingAmount String False

ShippingAmountUsdollar String False

ShippingTax String False

The quote's shipping tax costs

ShippingTaxAmt String False

ShippingTaxAmtUsdollar String False

TotalAmount String False

TotalAmountUsdollar String False

CurrencyId String False

Stage String False

Term String False

TermsC String False

ApprovalStatus String False


InvoiceStatus String False

Quote's invoice status

SubtotalTaxAmount String False

The quotes's subtotal and tax amount in the system's default currency

SubtotalTaxAmountUsdollar String False

Accounts String True

The accounts associated with the record

Contacts String True

The contacts associated with the record

Opportunities String True

The opportunities associated with the record.

AosQuotesProject String True

AosQuotesAosInvoices String True

AosQuotesAosContracts String True

AosProductsQuotes String True

AosLineItemGroups String True

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963