FireDAC Components for SuiteCRM

Build 22.0.8462


Create, update, delete, and query accounts created in SuiteCRM

Table Specific Information


You can query the Accounts table using any criteria in the WHERE clause. The component will use the SuiteCRM API to filter the results.

SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name LIKE '%test%' AND [Date Created] > '2017-10-09'


Create a SuiteCRM Account by specifying any writable column.

INSERT INTO Accounts (Name,[Email Address],Industry) VALUES ('Test Account','','Energy')


You can update any Account column that is writable, by specifying the Id.

UPDATE Accounts SET Description = 'Updated' , Employees = '20-50' WHERE Id = 'Test123' 


Remove an Account by specifying the Account's Id.

DELETE FROM Accounts WHERE Id = 'account21'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String True

Address String True

Address from Google Maps of the account address.

AlternatePhone String False

An alternate phone number.

AnnualRevenue String False

Annual revenue for this account.

AnyEmail String True

The email address for the account.

Assignedto String True

The Id of the user assigned to the record.

AssignedUser String False

The user name of the user assigned to the record.

BillingCity String False

The city used for the billing address.

BillingCountry String False

The country used for the billing address.

BillingPostalCode String False

The postal code used for the billing address.

BillingState String False

The state used for the billing address.

BillingStreet String False

The second line of the billing address.

BillingStreet2 String True

The third line of the billing address.

BillingStreet3 String True

The fourth line of the billing address.

BillingStreet4 String True

The street address used for the billing address.

Campaign String True

The campaign that generated the account.

CampaignID String False

The first campaign name for the account.

CreatedById String True

The Id of the user who created the record.

CreatedByName String True

The name of the user who created the record.

DateCreated Datetime True

The date the record was created.

DateModified Datetime True

The date the record was last modified.

Deleted Bool False

The record deletion indicator.

Description String False

The full text of the alert.

EmailAddress String False

The alternate email address for the account.

EmailOptOut Bool True

Whether the account has opted out of emails.

Employees String False

Number of employees. Can be a number (100) or range (50-100)

Fax String False

The fax phone number of this account.

GeocodeStatus String True

Geocode from Google Maps of the account address.

Industry String False

The industry that the account belongs in.

InvalidEmail Bool True

Whether the email address of the account has been marked as invalid.

Latitude Double True

Latitude from Google Maps of the account address.

Longitude Double True

Longitude from Google Maps of the account address.

Memberof String False

The name of the parent of this account.

ModifiedById String True

The Id of the user who last modified the record.

ModifiedByName String True

The name of the user who last modified the record.

Name String False

The name of the account.

NonPrimaryE-mails String True

The nonprimary email addresses of the account.

OfficePhone String False

The office phone number.

Ownership String True

The ownership of the account.

ParentAccountID String False

The Id of the parent of this account.

Rating String False

An arbitrary rating for this account for use in comparisons with others.

ShippingCity String False

The city used for the shipping address.

ShippingCountry String False

The country used for the shipping address.

ShippingPostalCode String False

The ZIP code used for the shipping address.

ShippingState String False

The state used for the shipping address.

ShippingStreet String False

The second line of the shipping address.

ShippingStreet2 String True

The third line of the shipping address.

ShippingStreet3 String True

The fourth line of the shipping address.

ShippingStreet4 String True

The street address used for for shipping purposes.

SICCode String False

SIC code of the account.

TickerSymbol String False

The stock trading (ticker) symbol for the account.

Type String False

The type of the account.

Website String False

The URL of the website for the account.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Rows@Next String

Identifier for the next page of results. Do not set this value manually.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462