TDV Adapter for SuiteCRM

Build 22.0.8462

Data Model

Suite CRM Adapter models SuiteCRM modules as relational .


Table definitions are dynamically retrieved. The adapter connects to Suite CRM and gets the list of tables and the metadata for the tables by calling the appropriate Web services. Any changes you make to your Suite CRM account, such as adding a new table, or adding new columns, or changing the data type of a column, will immediately be reflected when you connect using the adapter.

The adapter can also expose custom modules on your Suite CRM account that are not mentioned in the . You can query against these custom modules as with any other table. Additionally, you can query against custom fields of standard modules.

This section shows the sample table definitions that are included in the SuiteCRM development environment.

Key Features

  • The adapter models Suite CRM Products, Customers, Inventory, and more as relational tables, allowing you to write SQL to query Suite CRM data.
  • Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Suite CRM, including downloading and uploading objects.
  • Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Suite CRM account are immediately reflected when using the adapter.

Suite CRM V4.1 Data Model

See SuiteCRM V4.1 Data Model for the entities available when connecting to Suite CRM 1 instances.

Suite CRM V8 Data Model

See SuiteCRM V8 Data Model for the entities available when connecting to Suite CRM 2 instances.

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Build 22.0.8462