ODBC Driver for Google Campaign Manager 360

Build 24.0.8963

From PHP

This section provides a walk-through to writing ODBC data access code to Google Campaign Manager 360 in PHP, using the build-in Unified ODBC API.

See Data Model for more information on the available API objects and any API limitations or requirements. See SQL Compliance for the SQL syntax.

Connecting from PHP

See Getting Started for the prerequisite information you need to deploy the driver and configure the connection to Google Campaign Manager 360.

Dependencies describes the necessary steps to configure Unified ODBC. Once it is prepared, refer to Connecting to connect to Google Campaign Manager 360.

Executing SQL

Use Unified ODBC functions to execute SQL on Google Campaign Manager 360:

  • See Querying Data to execute SELECT statements and iterate over the results.
  • See Parameterized Statements to execute parameterized statements. Parameterized statements provide a means to efficiently execute queries more than once and to mitigate SQL injection attacks.

Executing Stored Procedures

See Executing Stored Procedures to execute stored procedures as SQL statements.

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Build 24.0.8963