From Access
You can use the CData ODBC Driver for Google Campaign Manager to import data into an Access table and to create a linked table.
Import a Table into Access
To import a table into Access:
- Select External Data > ODBC Database from the ribbon. This opens the ODBC Database wizard. Select the option to import the source data into a new table in the current database.
- Select the CData Google Campaign Manager data source from the Machine Data Source tab.
- Select the tables to import into Access.
Importing data into Access is a one-time import..
Link a Table in Access
To link a table in Access to a table in Google Campaign Manager:
- Select External Data > ODBC Data sources from the ribbon.
- Select the option to link to the data source by creating a linked table.
- On the next page of the wizard, select the CData Google Campaign Manager data source in the Machine Data Source tab.
Once you select the correct data source, you will be presented with a list of tables. Here, you can select a table that you want as a linked table in Access. The linked table will always have fresh data.