Table for running Floodlight reports saved in DCM or ad-hoc reports.
Name | Type | Dimension | Description |
CookieReachIncrementalImpressionReach | Long | False | |
CookieReachIncrementalTotalReach | Long | False | |
CookieReachTotalReach | Long | False | |
CookieReachOverlapClickReach | Long | False | |
CookieReachOverlapClickReachPercent | Double | False | |
CookieReachOverlapImpressionReach | Long | False | |
CookieReachOverlapImpressionReachPercent | Double | False | |
CookieReachOverlapTotalReach | Long | False | |
CookieReachOverlapTotalReachPercent | Double | False | |
Activity | String | True | |
ActivityGroup | String | True | |
ActivityGroupId | Long | True | |
ActivityId | Long | True | |
ActivityTime | String | True | |
Ad | String | True | |
AdId | Long | True | |
AdType | String | True | |
Advertiser | String | True | |
AdvertiserGroup | String | True | |
AdvertiserId | Long | True | |
Asset | String | True | |
AssetCategory | String | True | |
AssetId | Long | True | |
AssetOrientation | String | True | |
AudienceTargeted | String | True | |
BrowserPlatform | String | True | |
Campaign | String | True | |
CampaignEndDate | String | True | |
CampaignId | Long | True | |
CampaignStartDate | String | True | |
ChannelMix | String | True | |
City | String | True | |
ClickCount | Long | True | |
ClickThroughUrl | String | True | |
ConnectionType | String | True | |
ConversionReferrer | String | True | |
ConversionUrl | String | True | |
Country | String | True | |
Creative | String | True | |
CreativeGroup1 | String | True | |
CreativeGroup2 | String | True | |
CreativeId | Long | True | |
CreativeSize | String | True | |
CreativeType | String | True | |
CreativeVersion | String | True | |
CustomRichMediaEventCount | Long | True | |
CustomRichMediaEventPathSummary | String | True | |
Date | String | True | |
DaysSinceAttributedInteraction | Long | True | |
DaysSinceFirstInteraction | Long | True | |
DmaRegion | String | True | |
DynamicProfile | String | True | |
DynamicProfileId | Long | True | |
Feed1 | String | True | |
Feed1ReportingDimension1 | String | True | |
Feed1ReportingDimension2 | String | True | |
Feed1ReportingDimension3 | String | True | |
Feed1ReportingLabel | String | True | |
Feed1UniqueId | String | True | |
Feed2 | String | True | |
Feed2ReportingDimension1 | String | True | |
Feed2ReportingDimension2 | String | True | |
Feed2ReportingDimension3 | String | True | |
Feed2ReportingLabel | String | True | |
Feed2UniqueId | String | True | |
Feed3 | String | True | |
Feed3ReportingDimension1 | String | True | |
Feed3ReportingDimension2 | String | True | |
Feed3ReportingDimension3 | String | True | |
Feed3ReportingLabel | String | True | |
Feed3UniqueId | String | True | |
Feed4 | String | True | |
Feed4ReportingDimension1 | String | True | |
Feed4ReportingDimension2 | String | True | |
Feed4ReportingDimension3 | String | True | |
Feed4ReportingLabel | String | True | |
Feed4UniqueId | String | True | |
Feed5 | String | True | |
Feed5ReportingDimension1 | String | True | |
Feed5ReportingDimension2 | String | True | |
Feed5ReportingDimension3 | String | True | |
Feed5ReportingLabel | String | True | |
Feed5UniqueId | String | True | |
FloodlightAttributionType | String | True | |
FloodlightConfigId | Long | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension1 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension2 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension3 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension4 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension5 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension6 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension7 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension8 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension9 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension10 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension11 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension12 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension13 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension14 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension15 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension16 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension17 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension18 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension19 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension20 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension21 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension22 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension23 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension24 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension25 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension26 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension27 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension28 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension29 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension30 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension31 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension32 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension33 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension34 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension35 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension36 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension37 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension38 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension39 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension40 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension41 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension42 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension43 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension44 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension45 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension46 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension47 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension48 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension49 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension50 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension51 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension52 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension53 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension54 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension55 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension56 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension57 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension58 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension59 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension60 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension61 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension62 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension63 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension64 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension65 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension66 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension67 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension68 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension69 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension70 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension71 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension72 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension73 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension74 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension75 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension76 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension77 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension78 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension79 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension80 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension81 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension82 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension83 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension84 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension85 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension86 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension87 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension88 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension89 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension90 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension91 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension92 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension93 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension94 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension95 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension96 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension97 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension98 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension99 | String | True | |
FloodlightVariableDimension100 | String | True | |
HasRichMediaBackupImages | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaCustomCounters | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaCustomExits | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaCustomTimers | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaDynamicAdImpressions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaExpansions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaFullScreenImpressions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaFullScreenVideoCompletions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaFullScreenVideoPlays | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaFullScreenViews | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaHtml5Impressions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaInteractiveImpressions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaManualCloses | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoCompanionClicks | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoCompletions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoFirstQuartileCompletes | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoFullScreens | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoInteractions | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoMidpoints | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoMutes | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoPauses | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoPlays | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoProgressEvents | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoReplays | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoSkips | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoStops | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoThirdQuartileCompletes | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoUnmutes | Boolean | True | |
HasRichMediaVideoViews | Boolean | True | |
Hour | String | True | |
HoursSinceAttributedInteraction | Long | True | |
HoursSinceFirstInteraction | Long | True | |
ImpressionCount | Long | True | |
InteractionChannel | String | True | |
InteractionCountClickTracker | Long | True | |
InteractionCountMobileRichMedia | Long | True | |
InteractionCountMobileStaticImage | Long | True | |
InteractionCountMobileVideo | Long | True | |
InteractionCountNaturalSearch | Long | True | |
InteractionCountPaidSearch | Long | True | |
InteractionCountRichMedia | Long | True | |
InteractionCountStaticImage | Long | True | |
InteractionCountVideo | Long | True | |
InteractionType | String | True | |
MobileCarrier | String | True | |
Month | String | True | |
NaturalSearchEngineCountry | String | True | |
NaturalSearchEngineProperty | String | True | |
NaturalSearchEngineUrl | String | True | |
NaturalSearchLandingPage | String | True | |
NaturalSearchLandingPageQueryString | String | True | |
NaturalSearchProcessedLandingPage | String | True | |
NaturalSearchProcessedLandingPageQueryString | String | True | |
NaturalSearchQuery | String | True | |
NumValue | String | True | |
OperatingSystem | String | True | |
OperatingSystemVersion | String | True | |
OrdValue | String | True | |
PackageRoadblock | String | True | |
PackageRoadblockId | Long | True | |
PackageRoadblockStrategy | String | True | |
PaidSearchAd | String | True | |
PaidSearchAdGroup | String | True | |
PaidSearchAdGroupId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchAdId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchAdvertiser | String | True | |
PaidSearchAdvertiserId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchAgency | String | True | |
PaidSearchAgencyId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchBidStrategy | String | True | |
PaidSearchBidStrategyId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchCampaign | String | True | |
PaidSearchCampaignId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchEngineAccount | String | True | |
PaidSearchEngineAccountCategory | String | True | |
PaidSearchEngineAccountId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchExternalAdGroupId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchExternalAdId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchExternalCampaignId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchExternalKeywordId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchKeyword | String | True | |
PaidSearchKeywordId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchLabels | String | True | |
PaidSearchLandingPageUrl | String | True | |
PaidSearchLegacyKeywordId | Long | True | |
PaidSearchMatchType | String | True | |
PathLength | Long | True | |
PathType | String | True | |
Placement | String | True | |
PlacementEndDate | String | True | |
PlacementId | Long | True | |
PlacementSize | String | True | |
PlacementStartDate | String | True | |
PlatformType | String | True | |
RenderingId | Long | True | |
RichMediaVideoLength | String | True | |
Site | String | True | |
SiteDirectory | String | True | |
SiteDirectoryId | Long | True | |
SiteId | Long | True | |
SiteKeyname | String | True | |
StandardRichMediaEventCount | Long | True | |
StandardRichMediaEventPathSummary | String | True | |
State | String | True | |
TranValue | String | True | |
UValue | String | True | |
Week | String | True | |
ZipCode | Long | True | |
ActivityClickThroughConversions | Double | False | |
ActivityClickThroughRevenue | Double | False | |
ActivityViewThroughConversions | Double | False | |
ActivityViewThroughRevenue | Double | False | |
FloodlightImpressions | Long | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric1 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric2 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric3 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric4 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric5 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric6 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric7 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric8 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric9 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric10 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric11 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric12 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric13 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric14 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric15 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric16 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric17 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric18 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric19 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric20 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric21 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric22 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric23 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric24 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric25 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric26 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric27 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric28 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric29 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric30 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric31 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric32 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric33 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric34 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric35 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric36 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric37 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric38 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric39 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric40 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric41 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric42 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric43 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric44 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric45 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric46 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric47 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric48 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric49 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric50 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric51 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric52 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric53 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric54 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric55 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric56 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric57 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric58 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric59 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric60 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric61 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric62 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric63 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric64 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric65 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric66 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric67 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric68 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric69 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric70 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric71 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric72 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric73 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric74 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric75 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric76 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric77 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric78 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric79 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric80 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric81 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric82 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric83 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric84 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric85 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric86 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric87 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric88 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric89 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric90 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric91 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric92 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric93 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric94 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric95 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric96 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric97 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric98 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric99 | Double | False | |
FloodlightVariableMetric100 | Double | False | |
LastClickAttributedTransactionCount | Double | False | |
LastImpressionAttributedTransactionCount | Double | False | |
RichMediaAverageExpansionTime | Double | False | |
RichMediaAverageFullScreenViewTime | Double | False | |
RichMediaAverageInteractionTime | Double | False | |
RichMediaAverageVideoViewTime | Double | False | |
RichMediaBackupImages | Long | False | |
RichMediaCustomAverageTime | Double | False | |
RichMediaCustomCounters | Long | False | |
RichMediaCustomExits | Long | False | |
RichMediaCustomTimers | Long | False | |
RichMediaDisplayTime | Long | False | |
RichMediaExpansionTime | Long | False | |
RichMediaExpansions | Long | False | |
RichMediaFullScreenImpressions | Long | False | |
RichMediaFullScreenVideoCompletes | Long | False | |
RichMediaFullScreenVideoPlays | Long | False | |
RichMediaHtml5Impressions | Long | False | |
RichMediaInteractionTime | Long | False | |
RichMediaInteractions | Long | False | |
RichMediaInteractiveImpressions | Long | False | |
RichMediaManualCloses | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoCompanionClicks | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoCompletions | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoFirstQuartileCompletes | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoFullScreens | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoInteractionRate | Double | False | |
RichMediaVideoInteractions | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoMidpoints | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoMutes | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoPauses | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoPlays | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoProgressEvents | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoReplays | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoSkips | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoStops | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoThirdQuartileCompletes | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoUnmutes | Long | False | |
RichMediaVideoViewRate | Double | False | |
RichMediaVideoViews | Long | False | |
TotalConversions | Double | False | |
TotalConversionsRevenue | Double | False | |
TransactionCount | Long | False |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ReportID | String | Optional input to pull a specific report by ID. |
FileID | String | Optional input to pull a specific file by ID. |