The driver models the data in Oracle Sales as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
CData ODBC Driver for Oracle Sales Tables
Name | Description |
AccountAddresses | The address resource is used to view, create, and update addresses of an account. An address represents the location information of an account. |
AccountAddressPurposes | The address purpose resource is used to view, create, or modify the address purpose. The address purpose describes the use of an address, such as shipping address or billing address. |
AccountNotes | The note resource is used to capture comments, information, or instructions for an account. |
AccountPrimaryAddresses | The primary address resource is used to view, create, and update primary address of an account. A primary address is the default communication address of an account. |
AccountRelationships | The relationship resource is used to view, create, and update account relationships. |
AccountResources | The sales team member resource represents a resource party and is assigned to a sales account team. A sales account team member has a defined access role for the sales account. |
Accounts | The sales team member resource represents a resource party and is assigned to a sales account team. A sales account team member has a defined access role for the sales account. |
Activities | Table to capture task and appointment information. |
ActivityAssignees | Table used to capture the assignees/resources associated to the activity. |
ActivityContacts | Table used to capture the contacts associated to the activity. |
ActivityNotes | Note data objects that capture comments, information or instructions for an Oracle Fusion Applications business object. |
ActivityObjectives | Table used to capture the objectives associated to the activity. |
Assets | Usage information for the operation Assets.rsd. |
ContactAddresses | Table that includes attributes used to store values while creating or updating an address. An address represents the location information of an account, contact or household. |
ContactAddressPurposes | The address purpose resource is used to view, create, or modify the address purpose. The address purpose describes the use of an address, such as shipping address or billing address. |
ContactNotes | The note resource is used to capture comments, information, or instructions for a contact. |
ContactPrimaryAddresses | The primary address resource is used to view, create, or modify a primary address of a contact. A primary address is the default communication address of an entity. |
ContactRelationships | The relationship resource includes attributes that are used to store values while viewing, creating, or updating a relationship. |
Contacts | Table resource items include attributes used to store values while creating or updating a contact. |
ContactSalesAccountResources | The sales team member resource represents a resource party and is assigned to a sales account team. A sales account team member has a defined access role for the sales account. |
Leads | Usage information for the operation Leads.rsd. |
LightboxDocuments | Usage information for the operation LightboxDocuments.rsd. |
Opportunities | The opportunity competitor resource is used to view, create, and update the competitors for an opportunity. The opportunity competitors is used to store information about the competitors associated with the opportunity. |
OpportunityCompetitors | The opportunity competitor resource is used to view, create, and update the competitors for an opportunity. The opportunity competitors is used to store information about the competitors associated with the opportunity. |
OpportunityContacts | The opportunity contact resource is used to view, create, and update the contacts of an opportunity.The contact associated with the opportunity. You can specify a contact's role, affinity, and influence level on an opportunity. A single contact can be marked as primary. |
OpportunityLeads | The opportunity lead resource is used to view, create, and update the lead that resulted in an opportunity. |
OpportunityNotes | The note resource is used to capture comments, information, or instructions for an opportunity. |
OpportunityPartners | The opportunity partner resource is used to view, create, and update the partners associated with this opportunity.The opportunity partner is used to store information about partners who are contributing to the selling effort of the current opportunity. |
OpportunityRevenueItems | The revenue items resource is used to view, create, and update revenue items of an opportunity. The revenue items associated with opportunities are products, services, or other items a customer might be interested in purchasing. You add revenue items by selecting a product group or product to associate with an opportunity. |
OpportunityRevenueTerritories | The opportunity revenue territories resource is used to view, create, and update the revenue territories of an opportunity. The territories assigned to an opportunity revenue line. The territories provide the rules for automatically assigning salespeople and other resources to customers, partners, leads, and opportunity line items. |
OpportunitySources | The opportunity source resource is used to view, create, and update the source of an opportunity.The opportunity source is used to capture the marketing or sales campaign that resulted in this opportunity. |
OpportunityTeamMembers | The opportunity team members resource is used to view, create, and update the team members associated with an opportunity. The opportunity team member of the deploying organization associated with the opportunity. |
PartnerContacts | Usage information for the operation PartnerContacts.rsd. |
PartnerProgramBenefits | Usage information for the operation PartnerProgramBenefits.rsd. |
PartnerPrograms | Usage information for the operation PartnerPrograms.rsd. |
Partners | Usage information for the operation Partners.rsd. |
ProgramEnrollments | Usage information for the operation ProgramEnrollments.rsd. |
Proposals | Usage information for the operation Proposals.rsd. |
SalesOrders | Usage information for the operation SalesOrders.rsd. |
ServiceProviders | Usage information for the operation ServiceProviders.rsd. |
Territories | The sales territories resource represents the list of sales territories that the logged-in user can view. A sales territory is an organizational domain with boundaries defined by attributes of customers, products, services, resources, and so on. Sales territories can be created based on multiple criteria including postal code, area code, country, vertical market, size of company, product expertise, and geographical location. Sales territories form the fundamental infrastructure of sales management as they define the jurisdiction that salespeople have over sales accounts, or the jurisdiction that channel sales managers have over partners and partner transactions. |
TerritoryForecasts | The forecasts resource is used to view or modify a forecast territory. |