SSIS Components for Oracle Sales

Build 24.0.8963


The revenue items resource is used to view, create, and update revenue items of an opportunity. The revenue items associated with opportunities are products, services, or other items a customer might be interested in purchasing. You add revenue items by selecting a product group or product to associate with an opportunity.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
RevnId [KEY] Long False

This is the primary key of the revenue items table.

OptyNumber [KEY] String False


ActualCloseDate Datetime False

The date when the revenue line was closed.

BUOrgId Long False

The unique identifier of the Business Unit that owns the opportunity.

CloseReasonCode String False

The reason for winning or losing the revenue.

Comments String False

The user-provided comments for the revenue line.

CommitFlag Boolean False

Indicates if the revenue line should be used for forecasting. If the value is true, then the revenue line should be used for forecasting. The default value is False.

ConversionRate Long False

The currency conversion rate for converting the revenue amount to opportunity summary currency. The rate is used if the revenue line is different from that of the opportunity.

ConversionRateType String False

The currency conversion rate type for converting the revenue amount to opportunity summary currency. The rate type is used if the revenue line is different from that of the opportunity. For example, the rate type can be spot, user-defined, or corporate.

CostAmount Decimal False

The cost amount for the opportunity.

CreatedBy String False

The user who created the child revenue record.

CreationDate Datetime False

The date when the record was created.

CreditRcptPartOrgPartyId Long False

Credit Recipient Partner Organization Party.

CrmConversionRate Long False

The currency conversion rate for converting the revenue amount to CRM common currency for the Revenue Forecast Metrics. The rate is used if the revenue line is different from that of the opportunity.

CrmConversionRateType String False

The currency conversion rate type for converting the revenue amount to CRM common currency for Revenue Forecast Metrics. The rate type is used if the revenue line is different from that of the opportunity. For example, the rate type can be spot, user-defined, or corporate.

CrmCurcyCode String False

The common CRM currency code.

CustomerAccountId Long False

The unique identifier of the customer account that owns the opportunity.

Description String False

The user-provided description of the product associated with the revenue.

Discount Decimal False

The discount percent.

DownsideAmount Decimal False

The minimum amount of revenue for the opportunity.

EffectiveDate Datetime False

The date when the child revenue closes. The default value is the opportunity's close date.

ExpectAmount Decimal False

The maximum amount of revenue for the opportunity.

ExpectDlvryDate Datetime False

The expected delivery date for the product in the opportunity. This used only for opportunities that include products.

ForecastOverrideCode String False

The code that indicates if the revenue forecast should be overridden. The valid values are ALWAYS, NEVER, and CRITERIA.

InventoryItemId Long False

The unique identifier of the product in the inventory.

InventoryOrgId Long False

The unique identifier of the organization in the inventory.

ItemNumber String False

The unique number of the product that is associated with the revenue.

ItemNumberInternal String False

The unique internal number of the product that is associated with the revenue.

LastUpdateDate Datetime False

The date when the record was last updated.

LastUpdatedBy String False

The user who last updated the record.

LastUpdateLogin String False

The login of the user who last updated the record.

MarginAmount Decimal False

The margin amount for the opportunity.

Name1 String False

The name of the territory.

NqSplitAllocTypeCode String False

The code indicating the non-quota allocation split type. The valid values are Adhoc amount and Proportional to Revenue.

OptyId Long False

The unique identified of the opportunity.

OptyLeadId Long False

Identifier for lead associated with opportunity.

OrganizationId Long False

The unique identifier of the organization to which the product belongs.

OwnerDealExpirationDate Datetime False

The date when the owner deal expires.

OwnerDealProtectedDate Datetime False

The date when the owner deal starts.

OwnerLockAsgnFlag Boolean False

Indicates if the revenue owner assignment should be locked. If the value is Y, then the owner assignment for the child revenue should be locked.

ParentRevnId Long False

The Parent revenue line id. Used for Lineset functionality.

PartEngagementTypeCd String False

Partner Engagement Type.

PartOrgPartyId Long False

The unique identifier of the primary revenue partner party.

PartOrgPartyName String False

The name of the primary partner associated with the child revenue.

PrCmptPartyId Long False

The unique identifier of the primary competitor of this child revenue.

PrimaryFlag Boolean False

Indicates if the revenue is the primary revenue. If the value is true, then the revenue is the primary revenue among all the child revenues. The default value is False.

ProdGroupId Long False

The unique identifier of the product group.

ProdGroupName String False

The name of the product group associated with the revenue.

ProductType String False

The type of product on the revenue line, such as item or product group.

PrPartOrgPartyId Long False

Primary Revenue Partner Organization Party.

PrTerritoryVersionId Long False

The unique identifier of the primary territory for this revenue item.

Quantity Long False

The quantity of product for this opportunity.

RecurDownsideAmount Decimal False

The minimum revenue amount from the recurrence.

RecurEndDate Datetime False

The date when the child revenue recurrence ends.

RecurFrequencyCode String False

The code that indicates the frequency of recurrence for the child revenue.

RecurNumberPeriods Long False

The number of time the child revenue should recur.

RecurParentRevnId Long False

The unique identifier for the parent revenue of the recurring revenue lines.

RecurPeriodOrEndDateCode String False

Indicates if a date or the number of recurrences are specified to end the recurrences.

RecurQuantity Long False

The quantity of the child revenue recurrence.

RecurRevnAmount Decimal False

The amount of revenue from the child revenue recurrence.

RecurStartDate Datetime False

The date when the recurrence starts.

RecurTypeCode String False

Indicates if the line is a standard revenue line or recurring revenue line.

RecurUnitPrice Decimal False

The price of each child revenue recurrence.

RecurUpsideAmount Decimal False

The maximum revenue amount from the recurrence.

ResourcePartyId Long False

The unique identifier of the revenue owner.

RevnAmount Decimal False

The amount of revenue that is earned from this opportunity.

RevnAmountCurcyCode String False

The currency code used to calculate the revenue for this opportunity.

RevnCategoryCode String False

The revenue category used in Revenue Line Set functionality.

RevnLineTypeCode String False

This denotes the type of revenue line like Opportunity Summary Revenue, Standard Revenue and so on.

RevnNumber String False

The user-editable unique identifier for the child revenue. The default value is the revenue identifier.

RevnSequenceNumber Integer False

The Revenue Sequence Number

SalesAccountId Long False

Identifier of the opportunity sales account.

SalesChannelCd String False

Sales Channel Code.

SalesCreditTypeCode String False

The type of the sales credit, such as quota or non-quota.

SplitParentRevnId Long False

The unique identifier of the split parent revenue.

SplitPercent Long False

The percentage of split revenue.

SplitTypeCode String False

The code that indicates if the split is revenue or non-revenue.

StatusCode String False

The unique code of the status for the child revenue.

TargetPartyId Long False

The unique identifier of the sales account that owns the opportunity.

TypeCode String False

The revenue type for the revenue earned from this opportunity.

UnitPrice Decimal False

The estimated unit price for the product.

UOMCode String False

The unit of measure code for the product.

UpsideAmount Decimal False

The maximum amount of revenue for the opportunity.

WinProb Integer False

The estimated probability of winning the opportunity.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
RecordSet String

Input specifying the resource type.

Finder String

Input specifying the Finder type.

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Build 24.0.8963