ODBC Driver for Oracle Sales

Build 24.0.9062


Note data objects that capture comments, information or instructions for an Oracle Fusion Applications business object.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
NoteId [KEY] Long False

Unique Note Identifier. This is the primary key of the notes table.

ActivityNumber [KEY] String False


ContactRelationshipId Long False

The relationship ID populated when the note is associated with a contact.

CorpCurrencyCode String False

Holds Corporate Currency Code from profile

CreatedBy String False

Who column: indicates the user who created the row.

CreationDate Datetime False

Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.

CreatorPartyId Long False

This is Party Id for the Note Creator

CurcyConvRateType String False

Holds Currency Conversion Rate Type from profile

CurrencyCode String False

Holds currency code of a record

DeleteFlag Bool False

This flag controls if the user has access to delete the record

EmailAddress String False

Email Address of the user who created the Note

FormattedAddress String False

Address of the user who created the Note

FormattedPhoneNumber String False

Phone Number of the user who created the Note

LastUpdateDate Datetime False

Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.

LastUpdateLogin String False

System attribute to capture the Id of the user who last updated the Note. This is defaulted by the system.

LastUpdatedBy String False

System attribute to capture the Id of the user who last updated the Note. This is defaulted by the system.

NoteTxt String False

This is the column which will store the actual note text.

NoteTypeCode String False

This is the note type code for categorization of note.

ParentNoteId Long False


PartyId Long False

Party identifier

PartyName String False

Name of this party

SourceObjectCode String False

This is the source_object_code for the source object as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.

SourceObjectId String False

This is the source_object_Uid for the source object (such as Activities, Opportunities etc) as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.

UpdateFlag Bool False

This flag controls if the user has access to update the record

VisibilityCode String False

This is the attribute to specify the visibility level of the note.

ActivityLastUpdateDate Datetime False

The date and time when the opportunity was last updated.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Finder String

Input specifying the Finder type.

ActivityId String

The unique identifier of the activity.

ContactIDAttr String

The contact ID related to the activities.

AccountIdAttr String

Finds the account ID related to the call reports.

LeadIdAttr String

Finds the lead ID related to the call reports.

OpportunityIdAttr String

Finds the opportunity ID related to the call reports.

ParentActivityIdAttr String

The parent activity ID related to the call reports.

EndDtRFAttr String

The appointment end date.

StartDtRFAttr String

The appointment start date.

DateRange String

The date range within which you want search for appointments.

Bind_CurrentDate String

Finds the date used to locate completed activities.

Bind_RecurSeriesType_BV String

The recurring type code of an appointment.

Bind_TaskActFuncCd_BV String

The activities with a function code of task.

Bind_TaskStatus_BV String

The status of the tasks.

Bind_UserResourceId String

Finds the resource ID of the user.

Bind_Subject String

Open activities owned by a specified user.

Bind_LoggedInUserId_BV String

The ID of the user who is logged into the application.

Bind_TaskStatus_Cancel_BV String

The tasks with a cancelled status.

Bind_TaskPriority_BV String

The priority of the task.

Bind_CurrentUPTZDate String

The date used to locate the Tasks whose due date is before the current date.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062