ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Sales

Build 24.0.8963


The opportunity competitor resource is used to view, create, and update the competitors for an opportunity. The opportunity competitors is used to store information about the competitors associated with the opportunity.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
OptyNumber [KEY] String False

The unique alternate identifier for the opportunity.

AverageDaysAtStage Int False

The average duration, in number of days, the opportunity remains in the current sales stage.

BudgetAvailableDate Date False

The date when the budget will be available.

BudgetedFlag Boolean False

Indicates if the opportunity sales account has the budget approved for the potential purchase. If the value is true, then the sales account has the budget approved for the purchase. The default value is False.

ChampionFlag Boolean False

Indicates if the opportunity has an internal sponsor. If the value is true, then the opportunity has an internal sponsor. The default value is False.

CreatedBy String False

The user who created the opportunity record.

CreationDate Datetime False

The date and time when the record was created.

CurrencyCode String False

The currency used by the opportunity.

CustomerAccountId Long False

The customer account associated with the opportunity.

DealHorizonCode String False

The estimated time, in days, required to close the deal. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup MOO_SETID_DEAL_HORIZION. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.

DecisionLevelCode String False

The job level of the person who takes the final decision for the opportunity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup MOO_SETID_DECISION_LEVEL. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.

DeleteFlag Boolean False

Indicates whether the opportunity can be deleted.

Description String False

The description of the opportunity including the sales objective. The description is added by the Sales Representative.

DescriptionText String False

The description of the sales objective of the opportunity.

DownsideAmount Decimal False

The minimum amount of revenue for the opportunity.

EffectiveDate Date False

The date when the opportunity may to close.

EmailAddress String False

The e-mail address of the employee resource that owns the opportunity.

ExpectAmount Decimal False

The expected revenue from the opportunity.

KeyContactId Long False

The unique identifier of the primary contact of the opportunity.

LastUpdateDate Datetime False

The date when the record was last updated.

LastUpdatedBy String False

The user who last updated the opportunity record.

LastUpdateLogin String False

The session login associated to the user who last updated the record.

LineOfBusinessCode String False

The line of business that owns the opportunity.

MaximumDaysInStage Int False

The maximum duration, in number of days, that an opportunity can be in sales stage before it is considered stalled.

Name String False

The name of the opportunity.

OptyId Long False

The unique identifier of the opportunity.

OwnerResourcePartyId Long False

The unique identifier of a valid employee resource who owns and manages the opportunity.

PartyName1 String False

The name of the opportunity owner.

PartyUniqueName1 String False

The unique name of the primary competitor for the opportunity.

PhaseCd String False

The current phase of the opportunity sales stage.

PrimaryCompetitorId Long False

The unique identifier of the primary competitor for this opportunity.

PrimaryContactEmailAddress String False

The e-mail address of the primary contact for the opportunity.

PrimaryContactFormattedPhoneNumber String False

The formatted phone number of the primary contact for the opportunity.

PrimaryContactPartyName String False

The name of the opportunity's primary contact.

PrimaryOrganizationId Long False

The unique identifier of the business unit to which this opportunity belongs.

PrimaryPartnerId Long False

The unique identifier of the primary partner associated with the opportunity.

PrimaryPartnerOrgPartyName String False

The name of the primary partner associated with the opportunity.

PrimaryRevenueId Long False

The unique identifier of the summary revenue line for the opportunity. The summary revenue line stores the total revenue amount of the opportunity.

PrSrcNumber String False

The unique identifier number of the primary marketing source or campaign that generated this opportunity.

QuotaFactor Decimal False

The quota factor of the opportunity sales stage.

RcmndWinProb Decimal False

The recommended probability of winning the opportunity in the sales stage.

ReasonWonLostCode String False

The reason for winning or losing the opportunity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup MOO_SETID_WIN_LOSS_REASON. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.

Registered String False

Indicates whether the opportunity was registered. The valid values are Expired, Yes, and No.

RegistrationStatus String False

The registration status of the opportunity or deal created by a partner.

RegistrationType String False

The registration type used by the partner to create the opportunity or deal.

Revenue Long False

The estimated revenue amount from the opportunity.

RiskLevelCode String False

The risk level code of the opportunity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup MOO_SETID_RISK_LEVE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.

SalesAccountUniqueName String False

The unique name of the sales account that owns the opportunity.

SalesChannelCd String False

The sales channel for the opportunity.

SalesMethod String False

The sales method associated with the opportunity.

SalesMethodId Long False

The sales method identifier for this opportunity, and indicates the sales process used.

SalesStage String False

The current sales stage of the opportunity.

SalesStageId Long False

The unique identifier for the sales stage of the opportunity.

StageStatusCd String False

The default status for the opportunity's sales stage.

StatusCode String False

The status of the opportunity. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup MOO_OPTY_STATUS. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.

StgOrder Decimal False

The order of the opportunity's sales stage in the sales method.

StrategicLevelCode String False

The strategic value that the opportunity has for the sales account. A list of valid values is defined in the lookup MOO_SETID_STRATEGIC_VALUE. Review and update the codes using the Setup and Maintenance work area, Manage Standard Lookups task.

TargetPartyId Long False

The unique identifier of the sales account that owns the opportunity.

TargetPartyName String False

The name of the sales account that owns the opportunity.

UpdateFlag Boolean False

Indicates whether the opportunity can be updated.

UpsideAmount Decimal False

The maximum amount of revenue for the opportunity.

WinProb Int False

The estimated probability of winning the opportunity.


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Name Type Description
RecordSet String

Input specifying the resource type.

Finder String

Input specifying the Finder type.

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Build 24.0.8963