TDV Adapter for Oracle Sales

Build 22.0.8462


Table to capture task and appointment information.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ActivityNumber [KEY] String False

System generated or can come from external system (user key).

ActivityId Long True

System generated non-nullable primary key of the table.

StartDtRFAttr Datetime False


AccountAddress String False


AccountId Long False

Party Id of the activity account (Customer - org/person, or Partner etc.).

AccountIdAttr Long False


AccountName String False

Name of account associated to activity.

AccountNameOsn String False


AccountPhoneNumber String False


AccountStatus String False


AccountType String False


ActivityCreatedBy String False

Original Activity Created By

ActivityCreationDate Datetime False

Original Activity Creation Date

ActivityDescription String False

A text field for capturing some descriptive information about the activity.

ActivityDirection String False


ActivityEndDate Datetime False

The end date and time of an appointment, or the completion time of a task.

ActivityFilter String False


ActivityFunctionCode String False

Task vs Appointment. System use only.

ActivityFunctionCodeTrans String False


ActivityLastUpdateLogin String False

Original Activity Last Update Login

ActivityMtgMinutes String False

Activity meeting minutes

ActivityOutcome String False


ActivityPartialDescription String False


ActivityPriority String False


ActivityStartDate Datetime False

The start date and time of an appointment or a task. Defaulted to null for an appointment and defaulted to creation datetime for a task.

ActivityStatus String False


ActivityTimezone String False

Represents the time zone that the activity needs to be created in, other than the default logged in user's timezone preference.

ActivityType String False


ActivityTypeCode String False

The type or category of the activity.

ActivityUpdateDate Datetime False

Original Activity Update Date

ActivityUpdatedBy String False

Original Activity Updated By

ActivityUserLastUpdateDate Datetime False

Original Activity User Last Update Date

AllDayFlag Bool False

Designates that an appointment is the entire day.

ApptEndTime Datetime False


ApptStartTime Datetime False


AssessmentId Long False

Identifier of the Assessment to which the activity or the activity template is associated to.

AssetId Long False

Id of the Asset associated with the activity.

AssetName String False

Name of the Asset associated with the activity

AssetNumber String False

Asset Number.

AssetSerialNumber String False

Asset Serial Number.

AttachmentEntityName String False


AutoLogSource String False

For activities auto-generated through other systems, store the source system where it came from. We will use this information later in sync back logic to avoid double appearances of the same activity.

BpId Long False

Related Business plan.

BuOrgId Long False


CalendarAccess Bool False


CalendarRecurType String False


CalendarSubject String False


CalendarSubjectDay String False


CalendarTimeType String False


CallReportCount Long False


CallReportUpcomingYN String False

Flag to indicate Y,N,M for upcoming appointments

CallReportYN String False

Flag to Check if this activity has a Call Report

CampaignId Long False

Related Campaign.

CampaignName String False

Name of campaign associated to the activity.

CheckedInBy String False

Specifies the name of the person who checks-in to a location.

CheckedOutBy String False

Specifies the name of the person who checks-out to a location.

CheckinDate Datetime False

Stores the date and time when a user checks in to an Appointment.

CheckinLatitude Long False

Stores the latitude of a location where a user checks in to an Appointment.

CheckinLongitude Long False

Stores the longitude of a location where a user checks in to an Appointment.

CheckoutDate Datetime False

Stores the date and time when a user checks out of an Appointment.

CheckoutLatitude Long False

Stores the latitude of a location where a user checks out of an Appointment.

CheckoutLongitude Long False

Stores the longitude of a location where a user checks out of an Appointment.

ClaimId Long False

Related Claim.

ClaimName String False

Claim Name associated to the activity.

ConflictId Long False


ContactIDAttr Long False


CorpCurrencyCode String False

Holds Corporate Currency Code from profile

CreatedBy String False

System attribute to capture the user Id of the activity creator. This is defaulted by the system.

CreationDate Datetime False

System attribute to capture the Date and time the activity was created. This is defaulted by the system.

CurcyConvRateType String False

Holds currency code of a record

CurrencyCode String False

Holds Currency Conversion Rate Type from profile

CurrentDateForCallReport Datetime False


CurrentDateForCallReportAttr Datetime False


CurrentSystemDtTransient Date False


CustomerAccountId Long False

Id of Customer Account that the activity relates to.

DealId Long False

Related Deal.

DealNumber String False

Deal Number associated to the activity.

DelegatorId Long False

Activity resource that delegated activity ownership to another resource.

DelegatorName String False

Name of activity resource that delegated activity ownership to another resource.

DeleteFlag Bool False

This flag controls if the user has access to delete the record

DerivedAccountId Long False


DirectionCode String False

Inbound/Outbound. Optional. Default null.

DismissFlag Bool False

This Flag indicates if this activity is Dismissed

DoNotCallFlag Bool False

Flag to indicate if primary Contact can be called.

DueDate Date False

The date the task activity is due to be completed.

Duration Long False

Duration of an appt or task.

DynamicClaimLOVSwitcher String False


EmailSentDate Datetime False

This field is used to capture the Activity Email Notification shared date for Outlook integration

EndDateForCallReport Datetime False


EndDateForCallReportAttr Datetime False


EndDtRFAttr Datetime False


ExternalContactEmail String False

Indicates the Email address of an external contact.

ExternalContactName String False

Indicates the name of an external contact.

ExternallyOwnedFlag Bool False

Indicates that the activity is not created by an internal resource.

FundRequestId Long False

Related Fund request.

FundRequestName String False

Fund Request Name associated to the activity.

InstNumDerivedFrom String False


IsClientService String False


LastUpdateDate Datetime False

System attribute to capture the Date and Time the activity was last updated. This is defaulted by the system.

LastUpdateLogin String False

System attribute to capture the Id of the user who last updated the activity. This is defaulted by the system.

LastUpdatedBy String False

System attribute to capture the Id of the user who last updated the activity. This is defaulted by the system.

LeadId Long False

Related Lead.

LeadIdAttr Long False


LeadName String False

Lead Name

LeadNameOsn String False


Location String False

Appointment location.

LocationId Long False

Location or Address ID of the activity account or primary contact.

LoginUserRFAttr Long False


MdfRequestId Long False


MobileActivityCode String False

Unique identifier of external mobile device.

NotesLinkSourceCodeTransient String False


ObjectiveId Long False

Related Objective.

OpportunityId Long False

Related Opportunity.

OpportunityIdAttr Long False


OpportunityName String False

Name of opportunity associated to the activity.

OpportunityNameOsn String False


OrigEntityCode String False


OrigEntityNumber String False


OsnActivityId Long False


OtherPartyPhoneNumber String False

For inbound phone calls, the ANI or number being called from. For outbound calls, the phone number being called.

OutcomeCode String False

The outcome of the activity.

OutlookFlag Bool False

If created from Outlook and synced,

OutlookIdentifier String False

Unique identifier from Outlook Activity.

OwnerAddress String False

Activity Owner's Address.

OwnerEmailAddress String False

Activity Owner's Email Address.

OwnerId Long False

Primary resource on the activity. Supports resources only.

OwnerName String False

Name of primary resource of activity.

OwnerNameOsn String False


OwnerPhoneNumber String False

Activity Owner's Phone Number.

ParentActivityId Long False

Related activity Id, only applicable if the record is a follow up activity.

ParentActivityIdAttr String False


PartialMtgMinutes String False


PartnerEnrollmentId Long False

Related Partner Enrollment

PartnerEnrollmentNumber String False


PartnerPartyId Long False

Party identifier of the partner organization.

PartnerPartyName String False

Party name of the partner organization.

PartnerProgramId Long False

Related Partner Program.

PartnerProgramName String False

Name of partner program associated to the activity.

PartnerUsageFlag Bool False

Flag to indicate that the Activity has been created for an Organization Account with usage as Partner.

PercentageComplete Long False

Numeric Value 0-100 to reflect the percent complete status of the activity. Free form numeric. % value at end.

PrimaryContactEmailAddress String False

Holds Email Id of the primary contact

PrimaryContactId Long False

Primary contact of the activity.

PrimaryContactName String False

Name of primary contact.

PrimaryContactNameOsn String False


PrimaryFormattedAddress String False

Holds Address of the primary contact

PrimaryFormattedPhoneNumber String False

Holds Phone Number of the primary contact

PriorityCode String False

The priority of the activity. Default to 2. Possible values: 1, 2, 3.

PrivateFlag Bool False

This Flag indicates if this activity is private

RecordSet String False


RecurDay Long False

Repeat on specified day of month (for monthly appointments).

RecurEndDate Datetime False

Ends on a specified date.

RecurEveryOptionFlag Bool False

It is set to indicate if the recurrence occurs for every day, month, year, etc. For example, a daily recurring appointment can occur every day of the week or weekdays only. If it is everyday of the week, it is set to Y if it is weekdays only, it is set to N.

RecurExceptionFlag Bool False

Indicates if Appointment instance has been updated outside of recurring appointment series.

RecurFrequency Long False

Frequency that the recurring appointment series repeats.

RecurFriFlag Bool False

Repeat on Friday.

RecurMonFlag Bool False

Repeat on Monday.

RecurMonth String False

Repeat on specified month (for yearly appointments).

RecurNumberOfInstances Long False

Designates specific number of occurrences for the series to end after.

RecurOrigInstDate Datetime False

Original date of a recurring appointment instance.

RecurPattern String False

Designates which week for appointment to recur (for monthly and yearly appointments). Possible values: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last.

RecurRecType String False

For Internal Use Only. Either

RecurSatFlag Bool False

Repeat on Saturday.

RecurSeriesId Long False

Series Id that links instances of a series together.

RecurSunFlag Bool False

Repeat on Sunday.

RecurThuFlag Bool False

Repeat on Thursday.

RecurTueFlag Bool False

Repeat on Tuesday.

RecurTypeCode String False

Designates how often an appointment is repeated. Possible values: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.

RecurUpdatedAttributes String False


RecurWedFlag Bool False

Repeat on Wednesday.

RecurWeekday String False

It works in conjunction with RecurPattern attribute. Possbile values: Monday to Sunday, Weekday, Weekend, Day

ReferenceCustomerActTypeCode String False

Activity Type for a reference customer activity. To be used as an extension only

ReferenceCustomerId Long False

Id of the reference customer (party) associated with the activity.

ReminderPeriod String False

Reminder Period

ResponseCode String False

Response Code

SalesObjectiveName String False

Sales Objective Name associated to the activity.

SearchDate Datetime False


SelectedFlag Bool False


ShowStatus String False


ShowTimeAs String False

Show Time

SortDate Datetime False

This is an internal column which is used to sort the activity based on the due date for task and start date for activity.

SourceObjectCode String False

Code of the Object to which Activity will get related to

SourceObjectId Long False

Identifier of the Object to which Activity will get related to

SrId Long False

Service Request Id

SrNumber String False

Service Request Number

StartDateForCallReport Datetime False


StartDateForCallReportAttr Datetime False


StatusCode String False

Status of the activity. Defaulted to NOT_STARTED.

Subject String False

Subject/Name/Title of the activity.

SubmittedBy Long False

Call Report submitter.

SubmittedByName String False

Call Report submitter

SubmittedDate Datetime False

Call Report submission date

SwitchCallId String False

Unique Ientifier of the call on the external phone system.

TemplateDuration String False

The duration (in days) of the template activity. This attribute is used with the start date when generating an activity from a template in order to calculate the due date.

TemplateFlag String False


TemplateId Long False


TemplateLeadTime String False

The lead time (in days) of the template activity. This attribute is used with the date input parameter when generating an activity from a template in order to calculate the activity start date. Activity start date = date provided as input parameter + lead time.

UpdateFlag Bool False

This flag controls if the user has access to update the record

UpgSourceObjectId String False


UpgSourceObjectType String False


Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462