ODBC Driver for Instagram

Build 24.0.8963


Allows you to get insights for an Instagram business account. Requires the instagram_basic and instagram_manage_insights scopes.


You can query the following metrics given a date range. The default date range is the last 7 days.

  • Impressions (accepts time periods of day, week, and days_28)
  • Reach (accepts time periods of day, week, and days_28)
  • FollowerCount (only accepts the day period)
  • EmailContacts (only accepts the day period)
  • PhoneCallClicks (only accepts the day period)
  • TextMessageClicks (only accepts the day period)
  • GetDirectionsClicks (only accepts the day period)
  • WebsiteClicks (only accepts the day period)
  • ProfileViews (only accepts the day period)

Specify a date range with the FromDateTime and ToDateTime columns. Specify the intervals of the date range by setting the Period column in the WHERE clause. Note that you cannot use a period on a metric that does not support it. For example, you cannot use Impressions AND FollowerCount with period days_28 because FollowerCount only supports the day period.

The driver will use the Instagram APIs to process filters that refer to a date range or Id. The driver processes other filters client-side within itself.

The following examples show how to retrieve metrics over a given date range:

  • The default query returns results for the following metrics during the last seven days: Impressions, Reach, FollowerCount, EmailContacts, PhoneCallClicks, TextMessageClicks, GetDirectionsClicks, WebsiteClicks, and ProfileViews.

    SELECT * FROM AccountInsights

  • Filter on FromDateTime and ToDateTime to explicitly specify a different date range. The max date range cannot be more than 30 days (2592000 s).

    SELECT * FROM AccountInsights WHERE FromDateTime = '2018/01/01' AND ToDateTime = '2018/01/30' AND period = 'day'

  • Return results over a period of 7 days.

    SELECT * FROM AccountInsights WHERE FromDateTime = '2018/01/01' AND period = 'day'

  • Return results from 2018/01/01 to 2018/01/08.

    SELECT * FROM AccountInsights WHERE ToDateTime = '2018/01/08' AND period = 'day'

  • Return a custom projection on account insights for the date range from 2018/01/01 to 2018/01/08.

    SELECT Impressions, FollowerCount, EmailContacts FROM AccountInsights WHERE FromDateTime = '2018/01/01' AND ToDateTime = '2018/01/30' AND period = 'day'


Name Type Description
InstagramBusinessAccountId String The unique identifier of the Instagram business account Id.
EndTime Date The most recent date this insight data is relevant for.
Impressions Integer Total number of times this profile has been seen.
Reach Integer Total number of unique accounts that have seen this profile.
ProfileViews Integer Total number of unique accounts that have viewed this profile within the specified period.
FollowerCount Integer Total number of unique accounts following this profile.
EmailContacts Integer Total number of taps on the email link in this profile.
PhoneCallClicks Integer Total number of taps on the call link in this profile.
TextMessageClicks Integer Total number of taps on the text message link in this profile.
GetDirectionsClicks Integer Total number of taps on the directions link in this profile.
Websiteclicks Integer Total number of taps on the website link in this profile.
Period String The period for the insight. This controls how rows will be broken up (by day, week, 28 days, or lifetime). This must always be specified.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FromDateTime Datetime The earliest time for insight data to have been collected.
ToDateTime Datetime The latest time for insight data to have been collected.

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Build 24.0.8963