CData Python Connector for Instagram

Build 23.0.8868


The number of accounts that followed and the number of accounts that unfollowed or stopped using Instagram during the selected time period. For this view, the Metric Type is total_value and Breakdown(dimension) is follow_type. Requires the instagram_basic and instagram_manage_insights scopes.


The connector will use the Instagram APIs to process filters that refer to a date range or InstagramBusinessAccountId and will process other filters client-side within itself.

  • Metric supports the '=,IN' operator.

The default query returns results for the 'follows_and_unfollows' metric.

SELECT * FROM AccountFollowersNonfollowers
SELECT * FROM AccountFollowersNonfollowers WHERE FromDateTime='2023-06-20T00:00:00Z' AND ToDateTime='2023-07-12T00:00:00Z'

To retrieve the result for other metrics, then explicitly specify the Metric in where clause. For example:

SELECT * FROM AccountFollowersNonfollowers WHERE Metric = 'reach'
SELECT * FROM AccountFollowersNonfollowers WHERE Metric IN ('follows_and_unfollows', 'reach')


Name Type Description
InstagramBusinessAccountId String The unique identifier for the Instagram business account Id.
Metric String Metric Type. Default value is follows_and_unfollows.

The allowed values are follows_and_unfollows, reach.

Follower Int The number of accounts that followed the Instagram business account
Nonfollower Int The number of accounts that unfollowed the Instagram business account


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FromDateTime Datetime The earliest time for insight data to have been collected.
ToDateTime Datetime The latest time for insight data to have been collected.

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Build 23.0.8868