CData Python Connector for Kintone

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query the Form Fields in Kintone.


The AppId column is required in the WHERE clause. The connector will use the Kintone APIs to filter the results by this column. By default, the connector will process other filters client-side within the connector.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM FormFields WHERE AppId = 6
SELECT * FROM FormFields WHERE AppId = 6 AND Lang = 'en'
SELECT * FROM FormFields WHERE AppId = 6 AND IsPreview = false


The AppId, Type, Code and Label columns are required in the INSERT statement.

INSERT INTO FormFields (AppId, Type, Code, Label) VALUES (6, 'SINGLE_LINE_TEXT', 'Text__single_line_CRUD', 'Test')

Insertion can also be executed by providing the AppId column and Properties column as a json aggregate:

INSERT INTO FormFields (AppId, Properties) VALUES (6, '{"Text__single_line_TD":{"type":"SINGLE_LINE_TEXT","code":"Text__single_line_TD","label":"Test"}}')

The Kintone API supports Bulk Insert as well:

INSERT INTO FormFields#TEMP (AppId, Type, Code, Label) VALUES (6, 'SINGLE_LINE_TEXT', 'Text__single_line_temp1', 'Label1')
INSERT INTO FormFields#TEMP (AppId, Type, Code, Label) VALUES (6, 'SINGLE_LINE_TEXT', 'Text__single_line_temp2', 'Label2')
INSERT INTO FormFields (AppId, Type, Code, Label) SELECT AppId, Type, Code, Label FROM FormFields#TEMP


For updating the FormFields, provide the Properties as an aggregate. The AppId column is required to update the FormFields.

UPDATE FormFields SET Properties = '{"Text__single_line_TT":{"code":"Text__single_line_PT","label":"text","type":"SINGLE_LINE_TEXT"}}' WHERE AppId = 6


You need to specify the comma separated values of Code column that you want to delete. The AppId Column is required to delete the FormFields.

DELETE FROM FormFields WHERE Code = 'Text__single_line_CRUD, Text__single_line_TD' AND AppId = 6


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
AppId [KEY] Integer False

The App ID of the kintone application.

Code [KEY] String False

The field code.

Enabled String True

The on/off settings of features.

Label String False

The field name.

NoLabel Boolean False

The Hide field name option.

Type String False

The field type.

Required String False

The Required field option.

Unique String False

The Prohibit duplicate values option.

MaxValue String False

The maximum number of characters for the field.

MinValue String False

The minimum number of characters for the field.

MaxLength String False

The maximum number of digits for the field.

MinLength String False

The minimum number of digits for the field.

DefaultValue String False

The default value. An array will be returned for fields that can set multiple default values.

DefaultNowValue String False

The Default to the record creation date option.

Options String False

An object including data of the field's options.

Align String False

The layout of the options.

Expression String False

The formula expression used in the field.

HideExpression String False

The Hide formula settings for the field.

Digit String False

The Use thousands separators option.

ThumbnailSize String False

The size of the image thumbnail in pixels.

Protocol String False

The Link type settings for the field.

Format String False

The display format for fields with calculations.

DisplayScale String False

The number of decimal places to display for the field.

Unit String False

The Currency settings of the field.

UnitPosition String False

The display position of the Currency.

Entities String False

An array listing the preset users for the field.

ReferenceTable String False

An object containing the settings of the Related Records field.

LookUp String False

An object containing the settings of the Lookup field.

OpenGroup String False

The Show fields in this group option.

Fields String False

An object containing data of fields in a table. The parameters of this object are the same as the properties parameter.

Revision String True

The revision number of the App settings.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Lang String

The localized language to retrieve the data.

IsPreview Boolean

By setting this to False, you will be able to retrieve the Form Field details of the live App. Default value is true.

Properties String

Only used for performing Insert or Update.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963