Power BI Connector for Kintone

Build 24.0.8963


Gets an authentication token from Asana.


Name Type Required Description
AuthMode String False The type of authentication mode to use. Select App for getting authentication tokens via a desktop app. Select Web for getting authentication tokens via a Web app.

The allowed values are APP, WEB.

The default value is APP.

CallbackUrl String False The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application. This value must match the Redirect URL you have specified in the Asana app settings. Only needed when the Authmode parameter is Web.
Verifier String False The verifier returned from Asana after the user has authorized your app to have access to their data. This value will be returned as a parameter to the callback URL.
Scope String False A space separated list of scopes limiting an application's access to a user's account.

The default value is k:app_record:read k:app_record:write k:app_settings:read k:app_settings:write k:file:read k:file:write.

State String False Encodes state of the app, which will be returned verbatim in the response and can be used to match the response up to a given request.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The access token used for communication with Asana.
OAuthRefreshToken String The OAuth refresh token. This is the same as the access token in the case of Asana.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token. A -1 denotes that it will not expire.

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Build 24.0.8963