JDBC Driver for Kintone

Build 22.0.8462


Uploads a document in kintone.


Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
FullPath String False False The full path to the document to upload. A value for this field is required when FileData is not specified.
FileData String False False If the FullPath input is empty, Please enter BASE64 encoded FileData.
FileName String False False The name you would like to give the document. If none is specified, the file name specified in the FullPath input will be used.
ContentType String False False Content type of the file.
GuestSpaceId String False False This parameter is used for documents that are in the guest space. Do not add this parameter if the connection property GuestSpaceId is specified in the connection string.
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploaded when FullPath is not specified.
AttachToApp String False False This parameter is of boolean type and it default to false. It is used for attaching the file to an attachment field of an app.
UploadedFileKey String False False The Id of the uploaded file. This is required when AttachToApp set to true and Content or FileData or FullPath is not given.
AppId String False False The Kintone App Id. This is required when AttachToApp set to true.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
FileKey String The Id of the uploaded file.
Success String Whether or not the operation was successful.
Id String The Record ID of the uploaded file. Returns when filtering the request with attach parameter.
Revision String The revision number of the record after updating the status. The revision number will increase by 2, as two operations are preformed - running the action and updating the status. Returns when filtering the request with attach parameter.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462