Passes a command to the Redis server for direct execution. Use standard redis-cli syntax.
Running Redis Commands Directly
You can use this procedure to run a command directly that isn't exposed by the usual CRUD operations on tables. For example, the FLUSHDB command removes all keys from the current database:
EXECUTE RunCommand @CommandLine = 'FLUSHDB'
You can also run commands which require parameters by separating them with spaces, the same as in redis-cli. Double-quotes are also available if you need to embed spaces into a parameter value:
EXECUTE RunCommand @CommandLine = 'INFO "CPU"'
The add-in will process the results of the command and return them in the appropriate format. For cases like FLUSHDB or INFO where the result is a simple value or a flat array, each element will be returned as a separate row.
'# CPU' 'used_cpu_sys:1272.08' 'used_cpu_user:537.84' 'used_cpu_sys_children:4.81' 'used_cpu_user_children:98.89'
More complex results, like the values returned from the COMMAND command, will be separated by row and then converted to JSON for final output.
'["slowlog","-2",[["admin"]],"0","0","0"]' '["persist","2",[["write","fast"]],"1","1","1"]' '["zrevrangebylex","-4",[["readonly"]],"1","1","1"]' '["sinter","-2",[["readonly","sort_for_script"]],"1","-1","1"]' '["lrange","4",[["readonly"]],"1","1","1"]' '["hmset","-4",[["write","denyoom","fast"]],"1","1","1"]' '["lpush","-3",[["write","denyoom","fast"]],"1","1","1"]' '["zremrangebyscore","4",[["write"]],"1","1","1"]' '["FT.DICTDEL","-1",[["readonly"]],"1","1","1"]' ...
Name | Type | Required | Description |
CommandLine | String | False | The command to pass directly to the Redis server for execution. |
KeyType | String | False | The format for the Redis server output. 'AUTO' returns the keys in list format (nested lists will each be one compound result). 'HASH' returns the keys as a hash (each group is a row, each property gets its own column).
The allowed values are AUTO, HASH. The default value is AUTO. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
* | String | Output will vary for each collection. |