Cmdlets for Redis

Build 24.0.8963


Sequentially executes a batch of Redis commands using either a temporary table or a batch file.

Batch commands are much more efficient because the cmdlet does not need to send and wait for single commands to complete. Instead, the cmdlet will send several commands and wait for them as a group.

Method 1: Batch File

Create a text document and populate it with one Redis command per line without any delimiters. Empty lines are skipped.

For example:

set key1 value1
set key2 value2
set key3 value3

Then, invoke the procedure with the path to the file supplied in the CommandFile input.

EXECUTE RunBatchCommand CommandFile = "C:\\Users\\username\\Public Documents\\batchfile.txt"

TEMP Tables

Populate a temporary table with Redis commands.

INSERT INTO Commands#TEMP (CommandLine) VALUES ("rpush mylist value1")
INSERT INTO Commands#TEMP (CommandLine) VALUES ("rpush mylist value2")
INSERT INTO Commands#TEMP (CommandLine) VALUES ("rpush mylist value3")

Then, invoke the procedure with the name of the temporary table provided in the CommandTable input.

EXECUTE RunBatchCommand CommandTable = "Commands#TEMP"


Name Type Required Description
CommandTable String False Specifies a temporary table to be used in generating a batch of Redis commands for direct execution on the Redis server.
CommandFile String False The path to a file containing a batch of Redis commands. These commands will be sequentially and directly executed on the Redis server.
KeyType String False The format for the Redis server output. 'AUTO' returns the keys in list format (nested lists will each be one compound result). 'HASH' returns the keys as a hash (each group is a row, each property gets its own column).

The allowed values are AUTO, HASH.

The default value is AUTO.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
* String Output will vary for each collection.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963