Data Model
The provider enables you to model Redis key-value pairs as tables.
The provider enables two major paradigms for modeling Redis key-value pairs as tables.
Modeling Redis Hashes as Tables
Redis key patterns can be modeled as tables. See Freeform Querying of Redis Keys for a breakdown of the different configuration options.
Freeform Querying of Redis Keys
It is also possible to query keys directly as if they are tables.
If you would like to query specific keys as tables, see Modeling Redis Hashes as Tables.
If you would like to query all keys in the Redis keystore from a single table, see the Keys table.
Redis Data Types
See Redis Data Types for a list of the Redis data types supported by the provider.
Stored Procedures
Use the available Stored Procedures to submit commands (in native redis-cli syntax) to the Redis server for direct execution.