Other SQL Clauses
SQLAlchemy ORM also exposes support for other clauses in SQL, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET. All of these are supported by this connector:
The following example sorts by a specified column using the session object's query() method:rs = session.query([My Contacts]).order_by([My Contacts].AnnualRevenue) for instance in rs: print("Id: ", instance.Id) print("GivenName: ", instance.GivenName) print("HomeEmailAddresses: ", instance.HomeEmailAddresses) print("---------")
You can also use the session object's execute() method perform an ORDER BY. For example:
rs = session.execute([My Contacts]_table.select().order_by([My Contacts]_table.c.AnnualRevenue)) for instance in rs:
The following example uses the session object's query() method to group records with a specified column:rs = session.query(func.count([My Contacts].Id).label("CustomCount"), [My Contacts].GivenName).group_by([My Contacts].GivenName) for instance in rs: print("Count: ", instance.CustomCount) print("GivenName: ", instance.GivenName) print("---------")
You can also use the session object's execute() method to perform a GROUP BY:
rs = session.execute([My Contacts]_table.select().with_only_columns([func.count([My Contacts]_table.c.Id).label("CustomCount"), [My Contacts]_table.c.GivenName]).group_by([My Contacts]_table.c.GivenName)) for instance in rs:
The following example uses the session object's query() method to skip the first 100 records and fetch the following 25:rs = session.query([My Contacts]).limit(25).offset(100) for instance in rs: print("Id: ", instance.Id) print("GivenName: ", instance.GivenName) print("HomeEmailAddresses: ", instance.HomeEmailAddresses) print("---------")
You can also use the session object's execute() method to set a LIMIT or OFFSET:
rs = session.execute([My Contacts]_table.select().limit(25).offset(100)) for instance in rs: