ODBC Driver for Google Contacts

Build 23.0.8839


The view specifies all the details of Other Contacts



SELECT * FROM [OtherContacts] WHERE SearchTerms = 'Yash'


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the contact.
ResourceName String The ResourceName of the contact.
Etag String The ETag of the resource. (Note that the quotation marks are part of the ETag.)
NamePrefix String The honorific prefixes, such as Mrs. or Dr.
FullName String The display name formatted according to the locale specified by the viewer's account
GivenName String The given name of the contact.
MiddleName String The middle name of the contact.
FamilyName String The family name of the contact.
NameSuffix String The honorific suffixes, such as Jr.
PhoneticNamePrefix String The Phonetic honorific prefixes, such as Mrs. or Dr.
PhoneticFullName String The Phonetic display name formatted according to the locale specified by the viewer's account.
PhoneticGivenName String The Phonetic given name of the contact.
PhoneticMiddleName String The Phonetic middle name of the contact.
PhoneticFamilyName String The Phonetic family name of the contact.
PhoneticNameSuffix String The Phonetic honorific suffixes, such as Jr.
UnlabeledEmailAddresses String The unlabeled email addresses of the contact. Multiple email addresses should be separated by comma.
HomeEmailAddresses String The home email addresses of the contact. Multiple email addresses should be separated by comma.
WorkEmailAddresses String The work email addresses of the contact. Multiple email addresses should be separated by comma.
OtherEmailAddresses String The other email addresses of the contact. Multiple email addresses should be separated by comma.
CustomEmailAddressTypes String The custom type of the email address. This attribute should be used along with CustomEmailAddresses. Multiple custom types should be separated by comma.
CustomEmailAddresses String The custom value of the email address. This attribute should be used along with CustomEmailAddressTypes. Multiple custom emailAddresses should be separated by comma.
UnlabeledPhoneNumbers String The unlabeled phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
HomePhoneNumbers String The home phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
WorkPhoneNumbers String The work phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
MobilePhoneNumbers String The mobile phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
HomeFaxes String The homeFax phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
WorkFaxes String The workFax phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
OtherFaxes String The otherFax phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
Pagers String The pager phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
WorkMobilePhoneNumbers String The workMobile phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
WorkPagers String The workPager phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
MainPhoneNumbers String The main phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
GoogleVoicePhoneNumbers String The googleVoice phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
OtherPhoneNumbers String The other phone numbers of the contacts. Multiple phone numbers should be separated by comma.
CustomPhoneNumberTypes String The custom type of the phone number. This attribute should be used along with CustomPhoneNumbers. Multiple custom types should be separated by comma.
CustomPhoneNumbers String The custom value of the phone number. This attribute should be used along with CustomPhoneNumberTypes. Multiple custom phone numbers should be separated by comma.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
SearchTerms String The query matches on a contact's names, emailAddresses, and phoneNumbers fields that are from the OTHER_CONTACT source. Maximum 10 matching rows will be returned.

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Build 23.0.8839