ODBC Driver for LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

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The Analytics API provides account, campaign, and creative level insights on click intelligence numbers.

Table Specific Information


The Analytics view provides account, campaign, and creative level insights on click intelligence numbers. Examples of these insights include clicks, shares, and impressions.

The 本製品 uses the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions API to process search criteria. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品. For example, the following queries are processed server side.

SELECT ReportStartTime, ReportEndTime, Clicks, Impressions, Follows, TotalEngagements FROM Analytics WHERE ReportStartTime = '07/20/2016' AND Account = '123456789' AND Granularity = 'MONTHLY'

Select Rules

Analytic reports:

Dimensions Required FinderMethod, ReportStartTime, Granularity
Optional ReportEndTime, CampaignType
If FinderMethod is Analytics Use 0 or 1 (Default is Campaign) Company, Account, Share, Campaign, CampaignGroup, Creative, Conversion, ServingLocation, CardIndex, MemberCompanySize, MemberIndustry, MemberSeniority, MemberJobTitle, MemberJobFunction, MemberCountry, MemberRegion, MemberCompany
If FinderMethod is Statistics Use 1 or 2 (Default is Campaign) Company, Account, Share, Campaign, CampaignGroup, Creative, Conversion, ServingLocation, CardIndex

Note: The default value for FinderMethod will be Analytics. The default value for Granularity will be MONTHLY. The default time window will be the last year period.

Metrics Use 1 or more ActionClicks, AdUnitClicks, CardClicks, CardImpressions, Clicks, CommentLikes, Comments, CompanyPageClicks, ConversionValueInLocalCurrency, CostInLocalCurrency, CostInUsd, StartPeriod, EndPeriod, ExternalWebsiteConversions, ExternalWebsitePostClickConversions, ExternalWebsitePostViewConversions, Follows, FullScreenPlays, Impressions, LandingPageClicks, LeadGenerationMailContactInfoShares, LeadGenerationMailInterestedClicks, Likes, OneClickLeadFormOpens, OneClickLeads, Opens, OtherEngagements, Pivot, PivotValue, Shares, TextUrlClicks, TotalEngagements, VideoCompletions, VideoFirstQuartileCompletions, VideoMidpointCompletions, VideoStarts, VideoThirdQuartileCompletions, VideoViews, ViralCardClicks, ViralCardImpressions, ViralClicks, ViralComments, ViralCompanyPageClicks, ViralExternalWebsiteConversions, ViralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions, ViralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions, ViralFollows, ViralFullScreenPlays, ViralImpressions, ViralLandingPageClicks, ViralLikes, ViralOneClickLeadFormOpens, ViralOneClickLeads, ViralOtherEngagements, ViralShares, ViralTotalEngagements, ViralVideoCompletions, ViralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions, ViralVideoMidpointCompletions, ViralVideoStarts, ViralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions, ViralVideoViews, AverageDailyReachMetricsApproximateReach, AverageDailyReachMetricsApproximateFrequency, AverageDailyReachMetricsApproximateCost, AveragePreviousSevenDayReachMetricsApproximateReach, AveragePreviousSevenDayReachMetricsApproximateFrequency, AveragePreviousSevenDayReachMetricsApproximateCost, AveragePreviousThirtyDayReachMetricsApproximateReach, AveragePreviousThirtyDayReachMetricsApproximateFrequency, AveragePreviousThirtyDayReachMetricsApproximateCost, ApproximateMemberReach, ValidWorkEmailLeads
Filter Use 1 or more Account, Campaign, Creative

Note: If there are no filters specified the default filter will be all the accounts that belong to the user.


Name Type Description
Company String Pivot value which groups the result by advertiser's company.
Account String Pivot value which groups the result by account.
Share String Pivot value which groups the result by sponsored share.
Campaign String Pivot value which groups the result by campaign.
Creative String Pivot value which groups the result by creative.
CampaignGroup String Pivot value which groups the result by campaign group.
Conversion String Pivot value which groups the result by conversion.
ServingLocation String Pivot value which groups the result by serving location.
CardIndex String Pivot value which groups the result by card index.
MemberCompanySize String Pivot value which groups the result by member company size.
MemberIndustry String Pivot value which groups the result by member industry.
MemberSeniority String Pivot value which groups the result by member seniority.
MemberJobTitle String Pivot value which groups the result by member job title.
MemberJobFunction String Pivot value which groups the result by member job function.
MemberCountry String Pivot value which groups the result by member country.
MemberRegion String Pivot value which groups the result by member region.
MemberCounty String Pivot value which groups the result by member county.
MemberCompany String Pivot value which groups the result by member company.
PlacementName String Pivot value which groups the result by member company.
ImpressionDeviceType String Pivot value which groups the result by member company.
CampaignType String Match result by campaign type.
Granularity String Time granularity of results.


FinderMethod String Designates the query finder. The only allowed values are


ReportStartTime String The start time of the period.
ReportEndTime String The end time of the period.
ActionClicks Long The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored InMail.
AdUnitClicks Long The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored InMail.
CardClicks Long The number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad.
CardImpressions Long The number of impressions shown for each card of a carousel ad.
Clicks Long The count of chargeable clicks.
CommentLikes Long The count of likes of a comment.
Comments Long The count of comments. Sponsored
CompanyPageClicks Long The count of clicks to view the company page.
ConversionValueInLocalCurrency Decimal Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser.
CostInLocalCurrency Decimal Cost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity.
CostInUsd Decimal Cost in USD based on the pivot and timeGranularity.
UsageStartTime String Date start covered by the report data point.
UsageEndTime String Date end covered by the report data point.
ExternalWebsiteConversions Long The count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.
ExternalWebsitePostClickConversions Long The count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.
ExternalWebsitePostViewConversions Long The count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.
Follows Long The count of follows. Sponsored
FullScreenPlays Long A user taps on the video, going into video view mode.
Impressions Long This is the count of 'impressions' for Direct Ads and Sponsored Updates and 'sends' for InMails.
LandingPageClicks Long The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.
LeadGenerationMailContactInfoShares Long The number of times a user shared contact info through the One Click Leadgen for Sponsored InMail.
LeadGenerationMailInterestedClicks Long The count of InMail recipients showing interest.
Likes Long The count of likes.
OneClickLeadFormOpens Long The count of times a user opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.
OneClickLeads Long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.
Opens Long The count of opens of Sponsored InMail.
OtherEngagements Long The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.
Shares Long The count of shares.
TextUrlClicks Long The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored InMail.
TotalEngagements Long The count of all user interactions with the ad unit.
VideoCompletions Long The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video.
VideoFirstQuartileCompletions Long The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video.
VideoMidpointCompletions Long The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video.
VideoStarts Long The count of video ads that were started by a user.
VideoThirdQuartileCompletions Long The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video.
VideoViews Long A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first.
ViralCardClicks Long The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad.
ViralCardImpressions Long The number of viralImpressions shown for each card of a carousel ad.
ViralClicks Long The count of clicks on viral impressions.
ViralComments Long The count of comments from viral impressions for this activity.
ViralCompanyPageClicks Long The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity.
ViralExternalWebsiteConversions Long The count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral event.
ViralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions Long The count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral click.
ViralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions Long The count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral impression.
ViralFollows Long The count of follows from viral impressions for this activity.
ViralFullScreenPlays Long A user taps on the video, going into video view mode.
ViralImpressions Long The count of viral impressions for this activity.
ViralLandingPageClicks Long The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page.
ViralLikes Long The count of likes from viral impressions for this activity.
ViralOneClickLeadFormOpens Long The count of times a user opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign.
ViralOneClickLeads Long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity.
ViralOtherEngagements Long The count of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category.
ViralShares Long The count of shares from viral impressions for this activity.
ViralTotalEngagements Long The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit.
ViralVideoCompletions Long The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video.
ViralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions Long The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video.
ViralVideoMidpointCompletions Long The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video.
ViralVideoStarts Long The count of viral video ads that were started by a user.
ViralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions Long The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video.
ViralVideoViews Long A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first.
AverageDailyReachMetricsApproximateReach Decimal The average reach, or unique member accounts with at least one impression (daily).
AverageDailyReachMetricsApproximateFrequency Decimal The average of impressions shown to each member account that received at least one impression (daily).
AverageDailyReachMetricsApproximateCost Decimal The average of spend on your ads, divided by member accounts reached, multiplied by 1,000 (daily).
AveragePreviousSevenDayReachMetricsApproximateReach Decimal The average reach, or unique member accounts with at least one impression (last 7 days).
AveragePreviousSevenDayReachMetricsApproximateFrequency Decimal The average of impressions shown to each member account that received at least one impression (last 7 days).
AveragePreviousSevenDayReachMetricsApproximateCost Decimal The average of spend on your ads, divided by member accounts reached, multiplied by 1,000 (last 7 days).
AveragePreviousThirtyDayReachMetricsApproximateReach Decimal The average reach, or unique member accounts with at least one impression (last 30 days).
AveragePreviousThirtyDayReachMetricsApproximateFrequency Decimal The average of impressions shown to each member account that received at least one impression (last 30 days).
AveragePreviousThirtyDayReachMetricsApproximateCost Decimal The average of spend on your ads, divided by member accounts reached, multiplied by 1,000 (last 30 days).
ApproximateMemberReach Long The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days. It will be returned only if the following pivots/columns are specified in the query: Creative, Campaign, CampaignGroup, CampaignType and/or ServingLocation. Additionally, it will not be available for the current UTC day. The expected delay for current UTC day will be 24-48 hours. If the present day is specified in ReportEndTime, the date range will only return reach for days where data exists.
ValidWorkEmailLeads Long The count of leads with a valid work email that does not use an established free or personal email domain.

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