The response data for leads that filled out a form within the last 90 days. Older responses are not included.
Note: This view is unavailable when authenticating with the embedded OAuth app. Create a custom app with the required r_ads_leadgen_automation scope (see Creating a Custom OAuth Application) to access it.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | URN identifying the ad form response. |
Account | String | The URN which describes which account the response is generated under. |
Campaign | String | URN identifying the campaign to which the form response is responding. |
Creative | String | URN identifying the creative to which the form response is responding. |
Form | String | URN identifying which form this response responds to. |
SubmitedAt | Datetime | The time when the form response was submitted. |
LeadType | String | Type of the lead. This field indicates whether the lead is collected from sponsored content or viral share. Defaults to SPONSORED. |
TestLead | Boolean | Whether the lead is a test lead |
ConsentResponses | String | A JSON object containing all the consent responses. |
Answers | String | A JSON object containing all the answers and the respective questions. |