| |
Date | Build Number | Change Type | Description |
10/14/2024 | 9053 | Google Ads | Added
- Added a new view, ShoppingProduct.
- In the AdGroup, Campaign, Custom, and KeywordView views, removed 6 columns:
- AuctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage
- AuctionInsightSearchImpressionShare
- AuctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare
- AuctionInsightSearchOverlapRate
- AuctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate
- AuctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage
08/20/2024 | 8998 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for V17 of the Google Ads API. This is now the default value for the APIVersion connection property.
- Added the Ad, CampaignAggregateAssetView, ChannelAggregateAssetView, OfflineConversionUploadConversionActionSummary, and UserListCustomerType views.
- For all views with a ClickType column, the value AD_IMAGE has been added to them.
- In the AdGroup view, added the AdGroupFixedCpmMicros, AdGroupTargetCpvMicros, and AdFormatType columns.
- In the AdGroupAd view, added the column AdFormatType.
- In the AdGroupAdAssetView view, added the AdFormatType column.
- In the AdGroupCriterion view, added the AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus and AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatusReasons columns.
- In the BiddingDataExclusion view's BiddingDataExclusionAdvertisingChannelTypes column, added the value DEMAND_GEN.
- In the BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment view's BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentAdvertisingChannelTypes column, added the value DEMAND_GEN.
- In the Campaign view, added the CampaignFixedCpmGoal, CampaignFixedCpmTargetFrequencyInfoTargetCount, CampaignFixedCpmTargetFrequencyInfoTimeUnit, CampaignKeywordMatchType, CampaignTargetCpv, CampaignVideoCampaignSettingsVideoAdInventoryControlAllowInFeed, CampaignVideoCampaignSettingsVideoAdInventoryControlAllowInStream, CampaignVideoCampaignSettingsVideoAdInventoryControlAllowShorts, AdFormatType, SkAdNetworkRedistributedFineConversionValue and SkAdNetworkVersion columns.
- In the Campaign view's CampaignAdvertisingChannelType column, added the value DEMAND_GEN.
- In the ChangeStatus view, added the ChangeStatusAssetGroup column.
- In the Customer view, added the AdFormatType, SkAdNetworkRedistributedFineConversionValue, and SkAdNetworkVersion columns.
- In the CustomerClientLink view, added the CustomerId column.
- In the GenderView view, added the SearchImpressionShare column.
- In the KeywordView view, added the PhoneCalls column.
- In the LocalServicesLeadConversation view's LocalServicesLeadConversationConversationChannel column, added the WHATSAPP value.
- In the LocalServicesVerificationArtifact view, added the LocalServicesVerificationArtifactLicenseVerificationArtifactExpirationDateTime and LocalServicesVerificationArtifactInsuranceVerificationArtifactExpirationDateTime columns.
- In the OfflineConversionUploadClientSummary view, added the OfflineConversionUploadClientSummaryPendingEventCount and OfflineConversionUploadClientSummaryPendingRate columns.
- In the PerStoreView view, added the Date and Period columns.
- In the Video view, added the AdFormatType column.
- In the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdType column, removed the DISCOVERY_CAROUSEL_AD value.
- In the BiddingDataExclusion view's BiddingDataExclusionAdvertisingChannelTypes column, removed the value DISCOVERY.
- In the BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment view's BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentAdvertisingChannelTypes column, removed the value DISCOVERY.
- In the Campaign view's CampaignAdvertisingChannelType column, removed the value DISCOVERY.
- Removed the CustomerClientLink view's LinkedManagerId column and CustomerId pseudocolumn.
- Removed the CustomerLifecycleGoal's CustomerLifecycleGoalLifecycleGoalCustomerDefinitionSettingsExistingUserLists and CustomerLifecycleGoalLifecycleGoalCustomerDefinitionSettingsHighLifetimeValueUserLists columns.
- In the AdGroup view's AdGroupExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes column, renamed the value DISCOVERY_CAROUSEL_CARD to DEMAND_GEN_CAROUSEL_CARD.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdBusinessName column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenCarouselAdBusinessName.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdCallToActionText column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenCarouselAdCallToActionText.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdCarouselCards column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenCarouselAdCarouselCards.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdDescription column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenCarouselAdDescription.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdHeadline column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenCarouselAdHeadline.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdLogoImage column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenCarouselAdLogoImage.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdBusinessName column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdBusinessName.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdCallToActionText column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdCallToActionText.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdDescriptions column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdDescriptions.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdHeadlines column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdHeadlines.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdLeadFormOnly column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdLeadFormOnly.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdLogoImages column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdLogoImages.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdMarketingImages column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdMarketingImages.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdPortraitMarketingImages column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdPortraitMarketingImages.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdSquareMarketingImages column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenMultiAssetAdSquareMarketingImages.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb1 column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb1.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb2 column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb2.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdBusinessName column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdBusinessName.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdCallToActions column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdCallToActions.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdDescriptions column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdDescriptions.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdHeadlines column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdHeadlines.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdLogoImages column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdLogoImages.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdLongHeadlines column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdLongHeadlines.
- Renamed the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdVideos column to AdGroupAdAdDemandGenVideoResponsiveAdVideos.
- In the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdType column, renamed the value DISCOVERY_MULTI_ASSET_AD to DEMAND_GEN_MULTI_ASSET_AD.
- In the AdGroupAd view's AdGroupAdAdType column, renamed the value DISCOVERY_VIDEO_RESPONSIVE_AD to DEMAND_GEN_VIDEO_RESPONSIVE_AD.
- Renamed the Asset view's AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetCallToActionText column to AssetDemandGenCarouselCardAssetCallToActionText.
- Renamed the Asset view's AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetHeadline column to AssetDemandGenCarouselCardAssetHeadline.
- Renamed the Asset view's AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetMarketingImageAsset column to AssetDemandGenCarouselCardAssetMarketingImageAsset.
- Renamed the Asset view's AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetPortraitMarketingImageAsset column to AssetDemandGenCarouselCardAssetPortraitMarketingImageAsset.
- Renamed the Asset view's AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetSquareMarketingImageAsset column to AssetDemandGenCarouselCardAssetSquareMarketingImageAsset.
- In the AssetGroupAsset view's AssetGroupAssetFieldType column, renamed the value DISCOVERY_CAROUSEL_CARD to DEMAND_GEN_CAROUSEL_CARD.
- Renamed the Campaign view's CampaignDiscoveryCampaignSettingsUpgradedTargeting column to CampaignDemandGenCampaignSettingsUpgradedTargeting.
- Renamed the Campaign view's SkAdNetworkConversionValue column to SkAdNetworkFineConversionValue.
- In the Campaign view's CampaignExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes column, renamed the value DISCOVERY_CAROUSEL_CARD to DEMAND_GEN_CAROUSEL_CARD.
- Renamed the Customer view's SkAdNetworkConversionValue column to SkAdNetworkFineConversionValue.
- Renamed the CustomerClientLink view's ClientCustomerId column to CustomerClientLinkClientCustomer.
- Renamed the CustomerClientLink view's Hidden column to CustomerClientLinkHidden.
- Renamed the CustomerClientLink view's ManagerLinkId column to CustomerClientLinkManagerLinkId.
- Renamed the CustomerClientLink view's ResourceName column to CustomerClientLinkResourceName.
- Renamed the CustomerClientLink view's Status column to CustomerClientLinkStatus.
07/12/2024 | 8959 | Google Ads | Added
- Added a new "ServerTimeZone" connection property. When you set a timezone in this property, the driver assumes that datetime values from the server are in the specified timezone.
07/04/2024 | 8951 | Google Ads | Removed
- Removed the ProductBiddingCategoryConstant view since it has been deprecated from the API.
06/14/2024 | 8931 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for V16 of the Google Ads API. This is now the default value for the APIVersion connection property.
- Added LocalServicesEmployee view.
- Added columns to various views.
- Removed columns from various views.
05/09/2024 | 8895 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function previously did not accept negative precision values. That feature has now been restored.
03/15/2024 | 8840 | General | Added
- Created a new SQL function called STRING_COMPARE that provides java's String.compare() ability to SQL queries. Returns a number representative of the compared value of two strings
12/31/2023 | 8765 | Excel | Added
- Added support for dialect SELECT queries in UI, VBA, and UDF =CDATAQUERY function.
12/11/2023 | 8745 | Google Ads | Changed
- Updated the GoogleAds schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v15.
11/29/2023 | 8733 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function doesn't accept the negative precision values anymore.
- The returning types of the FDMonth, FDQuarter, FDWeek, LDMonth, LDQuarter, LDWeek functions are changed from Timestamp to Date.
- The return type of the ABS function will be consistent with the parameter value type.
11/28/2023 | 8732 | General | Added
- Added the HMACSHA256 formatter to allow for secrets to be decoded if it is in base64 format
10/20/2023 | 8693 | Google Ads | Added
- Added all missing metrics and the following column for Customer view: CustomerCustomerAgreementSettingAcceptedLeadFormTerms.
- Added columns AllNewCustomerLifetimeValue, NewCustomerLifetimeValue, NewVersusReturningCustomers to AdGroup, AdGroupAd, Campaign views.
- Added column NewVersusReturningCustomers to KeywordView, LocationView views.
- Added columns RecommendationImprovePerformanceMaxAdStrengthRecommendation, RecommendationMigrateDynamicSearchAdsCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation, RecommendationPerformanceMaxOptInRecommendation to Recommendation view.
- Added columns AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb1, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb2, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdBusinessName, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdCallToActions, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdDescriptions, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdHeadlines, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdLogoImages, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdLongHeadlines, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryVideoResponsiveAdVideos to AdGroupAd view.
- Added columns AdGroupCriterionLanguageLanguageConstant, AdGroupCriterionListingGroupPath, AdGroupCriterionLocationGeoTargetConstant to AdGroupCriterion view.
- Added columns AssetGroupPrimaryStatus, AssetGroupPrimaryStatusReasons to AssetGroup view.
- Added columns AssetGroupAssetPrimaryStatus, AssetGroupAssetPrimaryStatusDetails, AssetGroupAssetPrimaryStatusReasons to AssetGroupAsset view.
- Added column AssetGroupListingGroupFilterPath to AssetGroupListingGroupFilter view.
- Added columns CampaignDiscoveryCampaignSettingsUpgradedTargeting, CampaignShoppingSettingAdvertisingPartnerIds to Campaign view.
- Added the following value to AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdType: DISCOVERY_VIDEO_RESPONSIVE_AD
- Added the following values to Asset.AssetCallToActionAssetCallToAction: BUY_NOW, DONATE_NOW, ORDER_NOW, PLAY_NOW, SEE_MORE, START_NOW, VISIT_SITE, WATCH_NOW.
- Added views CampaignSearchTermInsight, CustomerSearchTermInsight.
08/03/2023 | 8615 | Google Ads | Changed
- Renamed the following pre-defined views, AccountStats to AccountStatsReport, AccountHourlyStats to AccountHourlyStatsReport, AdGroupStats to AdGroupStatsReport, AdGroupHourlyStats to AdGroupHourlyStatsReport, AdStats to AdStatsReport, AudienceStats to AudienceStatsReport, CampaignStats to CampaignStatsReport, CampaignHourlyStats to CampaignHourlyStatsReport, KeywordStats to KeywordStats Report.
08/02/2023 | 8614 | Google Ads | Changed
- Updated the GoogleAds schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v14.
06/23/2023 | 8574 | Google Ads | Added
- Added ClickViewFiltredReport view. Using this view, filtered operator in DATE column for getting data in multiple days are supported.
06/20/2023 | 8571 | General | Added
- Added the new sys_lastresultinfo system table.
05/10/2023 | 8530 | Excel | Added
- Added the ability to cancel an in-progress test connection in the Connection Dialog Box.
04/25/2023 | 8515 | General | Removed
- Removed support for the SELECT INTO CSV statement. The core code doesn't support it anymore.
03/23/2023 | 8482 | Google Ads | Added
- Added the following pre-defined views, AccountStats, AccountHourlyStats, AdGroupStats, AdGroupHourlyStats, AdStats, AudienceStats, CampaignStats, CampaignHourlyStats, KeywordStats.
01/25/2023 | 8425 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for PKCE using the OAuthPKCE auth scheme
01/16/2023 | 8416 | Google Ads | Changed
- Changed FeedItemSet.FeedItemSetDynamicAffiliateLocationSetFilterChainIds's xs:type attribute from 'long' to 'string'.
- Changed Feed.FeedAffiliateLocationFeedDataChainIds's xs:type attribute from 'long' to 'string'.
- Changed AssetSet.AssetSetLocationSetBusinessProfileLocationSetListingIdFilters's xs:type attribute from 'long' to 'string'.
12/14/2022 | 8383 | General | Changed
- Added the Default column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
12/06/2022 | 8375 | Google Ads | Added
- Added WriteToFile as an input for CreateReportSchema. If set to True, the schema file will be written to the directory specified by the Location connection property. If set to False, the schema data will either be written to the FileStream or be output as BASE64 encoded data. Defaults to True.
- Removed OutputFolder from the CreateReportSchema stored procedure. If WriteToFile is set to true, all schema files will be written to the directory specified by the Location connection property.
11/11/2022 | 8350 | Google Ads | Added
- Updated the driver to be compliant with the v12 release of GoogleAds.
- Added the following tables PerStoreView, CustomerAssetSet, AssetSetTypeView and AdGroupAssetSet.
- Added the following column to the AccountLink table, AccountLinkAdvertisingPartnerCustomer.
- Added the following column to the BiddingStrategy table, BiddingStrategyAlignedCampaignBudgetId.
- Added the following column to the CampaignBudget table, CampaignBudgetAlignedBiddingStrategyId.
- Added the following column to the CampaignCriterion table, CampaignCriterionLocationGroupEnableCustomerLevelLocationAssetSet.
- Added the following column to the LeadFormSubmissionData table, LeadFormSubmissionDataCustomLeadFormSubmissionFields.
- Added the following column to the AdGroup table, AdGroupExcludedParentAssetSetTypes.
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupAdAssetView table, AdGroupAdAssetViewPinnedField, ConversionAction.
- Added the following columns to the Asset table, AssetLocationAssetBusinessProfileLocations, AssetLocationAssetLocationOwnershipType, AssetLocationAssetPlaceId.
- Added the following columns to the AssetSet table, AssetSetBusinessProfileLocationGroupDynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilterBusinessNameFilterBusinessName, AssetSetBusinessProfileLocationGroupDynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilterBusinessNameFilterFilterType, AssetSetBusinessProfileLocationGroupDynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilterLabelFilters, AssetSetLocationSetBusinessProfileLocationSetBusinessNameFilter, AssetSetLocationSetBusinessProfileLocationSetLabelFilters, AssetSetLocationSetBusinessProfileLocationSetListingIdFilters, AssetSetLocationSetChainLocationSetRelationshipType, AssetSetLocationSetLocationOwnershipType.
- Added the following columns to the AssetSetAsset table, AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage, AllConversions, AllConversionsFromInteractionsRate, AllConversionsValue, AverageCost, AverageCpc, AverageCpm, Clicks, Conversions, ConversionsFromInteractionsRate, ConversionsValue, CostMicros, CostPerAllConversions, CostPerConversion, CrossDeviceConversions, Ctr, EngagementRate, Engagements, Impressions, InteractionEventTypes, InteractionRate, Interactions, PhoneCalls, PhoneImpressions, PhoneThroughRate, TopImpressionPercentage, ValuePerAllConversions, ValuePerConversion, AdNetworkType, AssetInteractionTargetAsset, AssetInteractionTargetInteractionOnThisAsset, ClickType, ConversionAction, ConversionActionCategory, ConversionActionName, Date, DayOfWeek, Device, ExternalConversionSource, Month, MonthOfYear, Period, Quarter, Slot, Week, Year.
- Added the following columns to the Campaign table, CampaignExcludedParentAssetSetTypes, CampaignPrimaryStatus, CampaignPrimaryStatusReasons, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits, AllConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite, EligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach, PublisherOrganicClicks, PublisherPurchasedClicks, PublisherUnknownClicks, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits, ViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite.
- Added the following value to AccountLink.AccountLinkType: ADVERTISING_PARTNER.
- Added the following value to AdGroup.AdGroupExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to AdGroupAdAssetView.AdGroupAdAssetViewFieldType: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to AdGroupAsset.AdGroupAssetFieldType: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to Asset.AssetType: LOCATION.
- Added the following value to AssetFieldTypeView.AssetFieldTypeViewFieldType: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to AssetGroupAsset.AssetGroupAssetFieldType: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to Campaign.CampaignExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to Campaign.RecommendationType: FORECASTING_SET_TARGET_ROAS, RAISE_TARGET_CPA_BID_TOO_LOW.
- Added the following value to CampaignAsset.CampaignAssetFieldType: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to CustomerAsset.CustomerAssetFieldType: AD_IMAGE.
- Added the following value to Recommendation.RecommendationType: FORECASTING_SET_TARGET_ROAS, RAISE_TARGET_CPA_BID_TOO_LOW.
- Updated the schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v12. The default APIVersion is now v12. Google has sunset V9. v10 will sunset on January 2023. v11 will sunset on March/April 2023.
- Renamed ExperimentArm.ExperimentArmTrial to ExperimentArm.ExperimentArmExperiment.
- Removed the following columns from the AdGroupAd table, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdHeaderImage, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdMarketingImage, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdMarketingImageDescription,AdGroupAdAdGmailAdMarketingImageDisplayCallToActionText, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdMarketingImageDisplayCallToActionTextColor, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdMarketingImageDisplayCallToActionUrlCollectionId,AdGroupAdAdGmailAdMarketingImageHeadline, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdProductImages, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdProductVideos, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdTeaserBusinessName, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdTeaserDescription,AdGroupAdAdGmailAdTeaserHeadline, AdGroupAdAdGmailAdTeaserLogoImage.
- Removed the following value from AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdType: GMAIL_AD.
- Deprecated CampaignExperiment. This table can only be used with APIVersion v11 or older.
10/13/2022 | 8321 | Google Ads | Deprecated
- The ClientCustomerId field now has support for multiple ids in addition to All, which will use all currently active ids.
- SELECT CustomerID FROM Customer can now be used to retrieve all the client's ids.
09/30/2022 | 8308 | General | Changed
- Added the IsPath column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
09/28/2022 | 8306 | Excel | Added
- Added a config file option STATUSBAR_UPDATE=TRUE. This indicates whether the Excel Add-In will update the Excel Status Bar with progress status on completed tasks. The default value is TRUE. This way, there is the option to NOT update the Status Bar by setting it to FALSE.
09/14/2022 | 8292 | Excel | Changed
- Improved the User Experience of the Connection Editor by introducing a Basic tab for the most imporant connection properties.
09/01/2022 | 8279 | Google Ads | Added
- Updated the driver to be compliant with the v11 release of GoogleAds.
- Added the following tables, LeadFormSubmissionData and CampaignGroup.
- Added the following columns to the AccountLink table, AccountLinkHotelCenterHotelCenterId.
- Added the following columns to the AdGroup table, AssetInteractionTargetAsset, AssetInteractionTargetInteractionOnThisAsset, AuctionInsightDomain.
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupAd table, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdBusinessName, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdCallToActionText, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdCarouselCards, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdDescription, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdHeadline, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryCarouselAdLogoImage, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdBusinessName, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdCallToActionText, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdDescriptions, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdHeadlines, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdLeadFormOnly, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdLogoImages, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdMarketingImages, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdPortraitMarketingImages, AdGroupAdAdDiscoveryMultiAssetAdSquareMarketingImages, AdGroupAdAdVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb1, AdGroupAdAdVideoResponsiveAdBreadcrumb2.
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView table, AdGroupAdAssetCombinationViewEnabled.
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupAsset table, AdGroupAssetSource.
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupAudienceView table, AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage, TopImpressionPercentage.
- Added the following columns to the Asset table, AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetCallToActionText, AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetHeadline, AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetMarketingImageAsset, AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetPortraitMarketingImageAsset, AssetDiscoveryCarouselCardAssetSquareMarketingImageAsset, AssetDynamicCustomAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicCustomAssetContextualKeywords, AssetDynamicCustomAssetFormattedPrice, AssetDynamicCustomAssetFormattedSalePrice, AssetDynamicCustomAssetId, AssetDynamicCustomAssetId2, AssetDynamicCustomAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicCustomAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicCustomAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicCustomAssetItemAddress, AssetDynamicCustomAssetItemCategory, AssetDynamicCustomAssetItemDescription, AssetDynamicCustomAssetItemSubtitle, AssetDynamicCustomAssetItemTitle, AssetDynamicCustomAssetPrice, AssetDynamicCustomAssetSalePrice, AssetDynamicCustomAssetSimilarIds, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetCustomMapping, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetDestinationId, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetDestinationName, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetFlightDescription, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetFlightPrice, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetFlightSalePrice, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetFormattedPrice, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetFormattedSalePrice, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetOriginId, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetOriginName, AssetDynamicFlightsAssetSimilarDestinationIds, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetAddress, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetCategory, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetContextualKeywords, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetDescription, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetDestinationName, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetFormattedPrice, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetFormattedSalePrice, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetPrice, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetPropertyId, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetPropertyName, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetSalePrice, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetSimilarPropertyIds, AssetDynamicHotelsAndRentalsAssetStarRating, AssetDynamicJobsAssetAddress, AssetDynamicJobsAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicJobsAssetContextualKeywords, AssetDynamicJobsAssetDescription, AssetDynamicJobsAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicJobsAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicJobsAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicJobsAssetJobCategory, AssetDynamicJobsAssetJobId, AssetDynamicJobsAssetJobSubtitle, AssetDynamicJobsAssetJobTitle, AssetDynamicJobsAssetLocationId, AssetDynamicJobsAssetSalary, AssetDynamicJobsAssetSimilarJobIds, AssetDynamicLocalAssetAddress, AssetDynamicLocalAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicLocalAssetCategory, AssetDynamicLocalAssetContextualKeywords, AssetDynamicLocalAssetDealId, AssetDynamicLocalAssetDealName, AssetDynamicLocalAssetDescription, AssetDynamicLocalAssetFormattedPrice, AssetDynamicLocalAssetFormattedSalePrice, AssetDynamicLocalAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicLocalAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicLocalAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicLocalAssetPrice, AssetDynamicLocalAssetSalePrice, AssetDynamicLocalAssetSimilarDealIds, AssetDynamicLocalAssetSubtitle, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetAddress, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetCityName, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetContextualKeywords, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetDescription, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetFormattedPrice, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetListingId, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetListingName, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetListingType, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetPrice, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetPropertyType, AssetDynamicRealEstateAssetSimilarListingIds, AssetDynamicTravelAssetAndroidAppLink, AssetDynamicTravelAssetCategory, AssetDynamicTravelAssetContextualKeywords, AssetDynamicTravelAssetDestinationAddress, AssetDynamicTravelAssetDestinationId, AssetDynamicTravelAssetDestinationName, AssetDynamicTravelAssetFormattedPrice, AssetDynamicTravelAssetFormattedSalePrice, AssetDynamicTravelAssetImageUrl, AssetDynamicTravelAssetIosAppLink, AssetDynamicTravelAssetIosAppStoreId, AssetDynamicTravelAssetOriginId, AssetDynamicTravelAssetOriginName, AssetDynamicTravelAssetPrice, AssetDynamicTravelAssetSalePrice, AssetDynamicTravelAssetSimilarDestinationIds, AssetDynamicTravelAssetTitle, AssetLeadFormAssetCustomQuestionFields, AssetSource.
- Added the following columns to the AssetGroup table, AssetGroupAdStrength.
- Added the following columns to the AssetSet table, AssetSetId.
- Added the following columns to the Campaign table, CampaignBiddingStrategySystemStatus, CampaignCampaignGroup, CampaignLocalServicesCampaignSettingsCategoryBids, CampaignManualCpa, CampaignPerformanceMaxUpgradePerformanceMaxCampaign, CampaignPerformanceMaxUpgradePreUpgradeCampaign, CampaignPerformanceMaxUpgradeStatus, CampaignShoppingSettingFeedLabel, AllConversionsFromClickToCall, AllConversionsFromDirections, AllConversionsFromMenu, AllConversionsFromOrder, AllConversionsFromOtherEngagement, AllConversionsFromStoreVisit, AllConversionsFromStoreWebsite, AssetInteractionTargetAsset, AssetInteractionTargetInteractionOnThisAsset, AuctionInsightDomain, SkAdNetworkAttributionCredit.
- Added the following columns to the CampaignAsset table, CampaignAssetSource.
- Added the following columns to the CampaignAudienceView table, AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage, TopImpressionPercentage.
- Added the following columns to the ConversionAction table, ConversionActionFirebaseSettingsPropertyId, ConversionActionFirebaseSettingsPropertyName, AllConversions, AllConversionsValue, Date, Month, Period, Quarter, Week.
- Added the following columns to the Customer table, CustomerConversionTrackingSettingGoogleAdsConversionCustomer.
- Added the following columns to the CustomerAsset table, CustomerAssetSource.
- Added the following columns to the KeywordView table, AuctionInsightDomain.
- Added the following columns to the Recommendation table, RecommendationDisplayExpansionOptInRecommendation, RecommendationResponsiveSearchAdImproveAdStrengthRecommendation, RecommendationUpgradeLocalCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation, RecommendationUpgradeSmartShoppingCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation.
- Added the following columns to the SmartCampaignSetting table, SmartCampaignSettingAdOptimizedBusinessProfileSettingIncludeLeadForm, SmartCampaignSettingBusinessProfileLocation.
- Added the following columns to the UserList table, UserListRuleBasedUserListFlexibleRuleUserListExclusiveOperands, UserListRuleBasedUserListFlexibleRuleUserListInclusiveOperands, UserListRuleBasedUserListFlexibleRuleUserListInclusiveRuleOperator.
- Updated the schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v11. The default APIVersion is now v11. Google has sunset v7 and v8. V9 will sunset on September 2022.
- Renamed AccessibleBiddingStrategy.AccessibleBiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsTargetCpa to AccessibleBiddingStrategy.AccessibleBiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsTargetCpaMicros.
- Renamed BiddingStrategy.BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsTargetCpa to BiddingStrategy.BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsTargetCpaMicros.
- Renamed Campaign.CampaignMaximizeConversionsTargetCpa to Campaign.CampaignMaximizeConversionsTargetCpaMicros.
- Removed SmartCampaignSettings.SmartCampaignSettingBusinessLocationId.
- Removed UserList.UserListRuleBasedUserListDateSpecificRuleUserListEndDate.
- Removed UserList.UserListRuleBasedUserListDateSpecificRuleUserListRuleRuleItemGroups.
- Removed UserList.UserListRuleBasedUserListDateSpecificRuleUserListRuleRuleType.
- Removed UserList.UserListRuleBasedUserListDateSpecificRuleUserListStartDate.
- Removed 'SMART_DISPLAY' value for ExperimentType column (Experiment table).
07/01/2022 | 8217 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for Google Ads Native Queries with Query Passthrough.
06/23/2022 | 8209 | Google Ads | Added
- Added back embedded credentials.
04/22/2022 | 8147 | Google Ads | Removed
- Removed the AdWords schema as it has been sunset.
03/23/2022 | 8117 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for using predefined date ranges by introducing the Period column to many tables.
03/17/2022 | 8111 | Excel | Changed
- Changed the behavior so that auto-refreshing continues even if the worksheet is not active anymore or loses focus.
03/05/2022 | 8099 | Excel | Added
- Added support for inserting rows on tables when no primary key is defined on a given table.
03/04/2022 | 8098 | Google Ads | Added
- Added the tables AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView, AssetGroupSignal, Audience, Experiment, ExperimentArm
- Added the following columns to the AdGroup table: AdGroupAudienceSettingUseAudienceGrouped, AdGroupEffectiveCpcBidMicros
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupAdAssetView table: BiddableAppInstallConversions, BiddableAppPostInstallConversions
- Added the following columns to the AdGroupCriterion table: AdGroupCriterionAudienceAudience
- Added the following columns to the Campaign table: CampaignAudienceSettingUseAudienceGrouped, CampaignShoppingSettingUseVehicleInventory, SkAdNetworkAdEventType, SkAdNetworkSourceAppSkAdNetworkSourceAppId, SkAdNetworkUserType
- Added the following columns to the ConversionValueRuleSet table: ConversionValueRuleSetConversionActionCategories
- Added the following columns to the Customer table: CustomerConversionTrackingSettingAcceptedCustomerDataTerms, CustomerConversionTrackingSettingConversionTrackingStatus, CustomerConversionTrackingSettingEnhancedConversionsForLeadsEnabled, CustomerStatus
- Added the following columns to the CustomerClient table: CustomerClientStatus
- Added the following columns to the GeographicView table: AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage, TopImpressionPercentage
- Added the following columns to the HotelReconciliation table: HotelReconciliationCampaign, HotelCommissionRateMicros, HotelExpectedCommissionCost
- Added the following columns to the Recommendation table: RecommendationResponsiveSearchAdAssetRecommendation, RecommendationUseBroadMatchKeywordRecommendation
- Updated the GoogleAds schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v10.
- Renamed AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdDiscoveryDescription1 to AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdInFeedDescription1
- Renamed AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdDiscoveryDescription2 to AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdInFeedDescription2
- Renamed AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdDiscoveryHeadline to AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdInFeedHeadline
- Renamed AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdDiscoveryThumbnail to AdGroupAd.AdGroupAdAdVideoAdInFeedThumbnail
02/19/2022 | 8085 | Excel | Added
- The button "Get Data -> From ProviderX" now displays a submenu with existing connections buttons and a separator, with the "New ProviderX Connection" button, if a connection exists. If no connections exist, then clicking "Get Data -> From ProviderX" will prompt the user to create a new connection before selecting the data.
- In the "Table Selection" form, the "Source", "New Connection", "Connection", and "Edit Connection" fields are removed as they are out of the scope of the "Table Selection" form.
02/09/2022 | 8075 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for using CustomerId in a query. For example, let's say you have a lot of accounts from which you want to get data. Instead of opening multiple connections, each with their own ClientCustomerId connection property, you can now specify the customer ids in a list: SELECT * FROM AdGroupAd WHERE CustomerId IN ('1111111111', '2222222222'). You can also specify just one CustomerId: SELECT * FROM AdGroupAd WHERE CustomerId='3333333333'
- ClientCustomerId is no longer a required connection property.
- Removed unsupported columns from the tables: AdGroup, AdGroupAd, BiddingStrategy, Campaign, KeywordView. The unsupported columns can not be selected if the table is specified in the FROM clause of the query.
12/31/2021 | 8035 | Excel | Added
- Added batch support for CDATAINSERT, CDATAUPDATE, and CDATADELETE user-defined functions.
11/12/2021 | 7986 | Google Ads | Added
- Added the tables: AdGroupCriterionCustomizer, AdGroupCustomizer, AssetGroup, AssetGroupAsset, AssetGroupListingGroupFilter, AssetSet, AssetSetAsset, CampaignAssetSet, CampaignConversionGoal, CampaignCustomizer, ConversionGoalCampaignConfig, CustomConversionGoal, CustomerConversionGoal, CustomerCustomizer, CustomizerAttribute, HotelReconciliation.
- The view Resources now shows the resource name, attribute resources and segmenting resources. They are needed when executing the stored procedure CreateReportSchema.
- Removed CustomerId from the following tables where it is not available: CarrierConstant, CurrencyConstant, GeoTargetConstant, KeywordThemeConstant, LanguageConstant, LifeEvent, HotelPerformanceView, MobileAppCategoryConstant, MobileDeviceConstant, OperatingSystemVersionConstant, ProductBiddingCategoryConstant, TopicConstant, UserInterest
11/11/2021 | 7985 | Excel | Added
- Added a config file option called RETRIEVE_DATA_ROWS_PERCOUNT. When getting data, this indicates how many rows will be populated into the sheet at a time. The default value is 1000.
- Improved performance when loading data from Get Data/Refresh and the CDATAQUERY function.
11/04/2021 | 7978 | Google Ads | Added
- Added the following columns to the Asset table: AssetCallAssetAdScheduleTargets, AssetCallAssetCallConversionAction, AssetCallAssetCallConversionReportingState, AssetCallAssetCountryCode, AssetCallAssetPhoneNumber, AssetCallToActionAssetCallToAction, AssetHotelCalloutAssetLanguageCode, AssetHotelCalloutAssetText, AssetMobileAppAssetAppId, AssetMobileAppAssetAppStore, AssetMobileAppAssetEndDate, AssetMobileAppAssetLinkText, AssetMobileAppAssetStartDate, AssetPriceAssetLanguageCode, AssetPriceAssetPriceOfferings, AssetPriceAssetPriceQualifier, AssetPriceAssetType.
- Added the following columns to the BiddingStrategy table: BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionValueCpcBidCeilingMicros, BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionValueCpcBidFloorMicros, BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionValueTargetRoas, BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsCpcBidCeilingMicros, BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsCpcBidFloorMicros, BiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsTargetCpa.
- Updated the GoogleAds schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v9.
11/03/2021 | 7977 | Excel | Added
- Added new VBA functions: GetLastErrorCode and GetLastError.
10/29/2021 | 7972 | Excel | Added
- Added new VBA functions: GetUpSertedRows, UpSertRows, UpSertAll and UpSert.
- The "Update Rows" button will now update changes made to existing rows or insert newly created rows.
- The "Add Rows" button has been removed.
09/28/2021 | 7941 | Excel | Added
- When loading data, table columns are auto-fitted to display all cells' content. In cases when cells have large amounts of text and the table has many rows, this operation might be slow.
- Added a config file option DISABLE_AUTOFIT_COLUMN. Setting DISABLE_AUTOFIT_COLUMN==TRUE will speed up the process in those cases. The default value is FALSE.
- Changed the maximum characters that a cell can retreive from the data source from 8,192 to 32,767.
09/02/2021 | 7915 | General | Added
- Added support for the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function in the CROSS APPLY clause.
08/07/2021 | 7889 | General | Changed
- Added the KeySeq column to the sys_foreignkeys table.
08/06/2021 | 7888 | General | Changed
- Added the new sys_primarykeys system table.
07/26/2021 | 7877 | Excel | Added
- You can sort and reorder columns on the "CData Query" form to alter the sort order.
07/23/2021 | 7874 | General | Changed
- Updated the Literal Function Names for relative date/datetime functions. Previously, relative date/datetime functions resolved to a different value when used in the projection as opposed to the predicate. For example: SELECT LAST_MONTH() AS lm, Col FROM Table WHERE Col > LAST_MONTH(). Formerly, the two LAST_MONTH() methods would resolve to different datetimes. Now, they will match.
- As a replacement for the previous behavior, the relative date/datetime functions in the criteria may have an 'L' appended to them. For example: WHERE col > L_LAST_MONTH(). This will continue to resolve to the same values that were previously calculated in the criteria. Note that the "L_" prefix will only work in the predicate - it not available for the projection.
07/21/2021 | 7872 | Excel | Removed
- Removed support for .NET 3.5. Before upgrade/downgrade, a clean uninstall and then the same product versions install should be performed. So, if you want to downgrade, all the downgrade build versions must support .NET 3.5. If you want to upgrade, all the upgrade build versions will drop .NET 3.5 support.
07/21/2021 | 7872 | Google Ads | Removed
- Removed the embedded credentials since they are no longer working for other Developer Keys.
07/06/2021 | 7857 | Excel | Added
- Added a config file option REPLACE_SYSTEM_LOCALE=TRUE. This indicates whether Office culture replaces system locale. The default value is TRUE. This way, there is the option to disable overriding system locale by setting it to FALSE.
06/26/2021 | 7847 | Excel | Added
- Added the ability to move the columns up and down on the "CData Query" form grid view and change their order via the UI.
06/24/2021 | 7845 | Excel | Added
- Added the default parameter "showPopups" so the user may decide whether to show popups when calling VBA functions.
06/21/2021 | 7842 | Google Ads | Added
- Added the connection property APIVersion, which defaults to v8. This connection property controls the Google Ads API version.
- Updated the GoogleAds schema to be compatible with Google Ads API v8.
- Renamed the v201809 schema to AdWords, and the googleadsv6 schema to GoogleAds.
06/18/2021 | 7839 | Google Ads | Added
- Added support for the GOOGLEJSONBLOB JWT certificate type. This works like the existing GOOGLEJSON certificate type except that the certificate is provided as JSON text instead of as a file path.
05/21/2021 | 7811 | Excel | Added
- A new UI implementation is added for "in" and "not in" filter options on the "CData Query" form. The user is able to select via an interface from a list of distinct column values.
04/23/2021 | 7783 | General | Changed
- Updated how display sizes are determined for varchar primary key and foreign key columns so they will match the reported length of the column.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Reduced the length to 255 for varchar primary key and foreign key columns.
- Updated index naming convention to avoid duplicates.
12/30/2020 | 7669 | Excel | Added
- Implemented user awareness during the upgrade process from 2019 to 2020 or 2021 editions.
12/18/2020 | 7657 | Excel | Added
- Added the "is null" and "is not null" filters on the "CData Query" form.
11/15/2020 | 7624 | Google Ads | Added
- Added schema GoogleAdsV6 which uses the Google Ads API V6 to connect to Google Ads data. Added the corresponding 'Data Model' subsection in the Help Documentation.
- Removed deprecated columns (GoogleAdsV3 and GoogleAdsV6 schemas): HotelPerformanceView.CustomerId and BiddingStrategyTargetOutrankShareCompetitorDomain, BiddingStrategyTargetOutrankShareCpcBidCeilingMicros, BiddingStrategyTargetOutrankShareOnlyRaiseCpcBids, BiddingStrategyTargetOutrankShareRaiseCpcBidWhenQualityScoreIsLow, BiddingStrategyTargetOutrankShareTargetOutrankShareMicros from the BiddingStrategy View.
- The aggregate column AdGroupAdPolicySummary in the AdGroupAd and AdGroupAdAssetView views of the GoogleAdsV6 schema has been expanded to AdGroupAdPolicySummaryApprovalStatus, AdGroupAdPolicySummaryPolicyTopicEntries, AdGroupAdPolicySummaryReviewStatus.
- Added new columns (GoogleAdsV6 schema): Customer.CustomerOptimizationScore, AdGroupCriterion.AdGroupCriterionDisapprovalReasons, HotelGroupView.HotelEligibleImpressions, HotelPerformanceView.HotelEligibleImpressions, BiddingStrategy.BiddingStrategyEffectiveCurrencyCode, ClickView.ClickViewCampaignLocationTarget, ClickView.ClickViewUserList, CampaignCriterion.CampaignCriterionCustomAudience, AdGroupCriterion. AdGroupCriterionCustomAudience, Customer.CustomerOptimizationScoreWeight.