A Keyword Plan ad group keyword. Max number of keyword plan keywords per plan: 10000.
Name | Type | Behavior | Description |
CustomerId | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The ID of the customer. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordCpcBidMicros | Long | ATTRIBUTE | A keyword level max cpc bid in micros (for example, $1 = 1mm). The currency is the same as the account currency code. This will override any CPC bid set at the keyword plan ad group level. Not applicable for negative keywords. (negative = true) This field is Optional. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordId | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The ID of the Keyword Plan keyword. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordKeywordPlanAdGroup | String | ATTRIBUTE | The Keyword Plan ad group to which this keyword belongs. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordMatchType | String | ATTRIBUTE | The keyword match type.
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordNegative | Bool | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. If true, the keyword is negative. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordResourceName | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The resource name of the Keyword Plan ad group keyword. KeywordPlanAdGroupKeyword resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/keywordPlanAdGroupKeywords/{kp_ad_group_keyword_id} |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordText | String | ATTRIBUTE | The keyword text. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ManagerId | Long | Id of the manager account on behalf of which you are requesting customer data. |