Campaign level customer lifecycle goal settings.
Name | Type | Behavior | Description |
CampaignLifecycleGoalCampaign | String | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The campaign where the goal is attached. |
CampaignLifecycleGoalCustomerAcquisitionGoalSettingsOptimizationMode | String | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. Customer acquisition optimization mode of this campaign.
CampaignLifecycleGoalCustomerAcquisitionGoalSettingsValueSettingsHighLifetimeValue | Double | ATTRIBUTE | High lifetime value of the lifecycle goal. For example, for customer acquisition goal, high lifetime value is the incremental conversion value for new customers who are of high value. High lifetime value should be greater than value, if set. In current stage, high lifetime value feature is in beta and this field is read-only. |
CampaignLifecycleGoalCustomerAcquisitionGoalSettingsValueSettingsValue | Double | ATTRIBUTE | Value of the lifecycle goal. For example, for customer acquisition goal, value is the incremental conversion value for new customers who are not of high value. |
CampaignLifecycleGoalResourceName | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The resource name of the customer lifecycle goal of a campaign. customers/{customer_id}/campaignLifecycleGoal/{campaign_id} |
CustomerId | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The ID of the customer. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ManagerId | Long | Id of the manager account on behalf of which you are requesting customer data. |