An account-level budget proposal. All fields prefixed with 'proposed' may not necessarily be applied directly. For example, proposed spending limits may be adjusted before their application. This is true if the 'proposed' field has an 'approved' counterpart, for example, spending limits. Note that the proposal type (proposal_type) changes which fields are required and which must remain empty.
Name | Type | Behavior | Description |
AccountBudgetProposalAccountBudget | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The resource name of the account-level budget associated with this proposal. |
AccountBudgetProposalApprovalDateTime | Date | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The date time when this account-level budget was approved, if applicable. |
AccountBudgetProposalApprovedEndDateTime | Datetime | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The approved end date time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
AccountBudgetProposalApprovedEndTimeType | String | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The approved end date time as a well-defined type, for example, FOREVER.
The allowed values are FOREVER, NOW, UNKNOWN, UNSPECIFIED. |
AccountBudgetProposalApprovedSpendingLimitMicros | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The approved spending limit in micros. One million is equivalent to one unit. |
AccountBudgetProposalApprovedSpendingLimitType | String | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The approved spending limit as a well-defined type, for example, INFINITE.
The allowed values are INFINITE, UNKNOWN, UNSPECIFIED. |
AccountBudgetProposalApprovedStartDateTime | Datetime | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The approved start date time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
AccountBudgetProposalBillingSetup | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The resource name of the billing setup associated with this proposal. |
AccountBudgetProposalCreationDateTime | Date | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The date time when this account-level budget proposal was created, which is not the same as its approval date time, if applicable. |
AccountBudgetProposalId | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The ID of the proposal. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposalType | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The type of this proposal, for example, END to end the budget associated with this proposal.
AccountBudgetProposalProposedEndDateTime | Datetime | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The proposed end date time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedEndTimeType | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The proposed end date time as a well-defined type, for example, FOREVER.
The allowed values are FOREVER, NOW, UNKNOWN, UNSPECIFIED. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedName | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The name to assign to the account-level budget. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedNotes | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. Notes associated with this budget. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedPurchaseOrderNumber | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. A purchase order number is a value that enables the user to help them reference this budget in their monthly invoices. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedSpendingLimitMicros | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The proposed spending limit in micros. One million is equivalent to one unit. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedSpendingLimitType | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The proposed spending limit as a well-defined type, for example, INFINITE.
The allowed values are INFINITE, UNKNOWN, UNSPECIFIED. |
AccountBudgetProposalProposedStartDateTime | Datetime | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The proposed start date time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. |
AccountBudgetProposalResourceName | String | ATTRIBUTE | Immutable. The resource name of the proposal. AccountBudgetProposal resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/accountBudgetProposals/{account_budget_proposal_id} |
AccountBudgetProposalStatus | String | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The status of this proposal. When a new proposal is created, the status defaults to PENDING.
CustomerId | Long | ATTRIBUTE | Output only. The ID of the customer. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ManagerId | Long | Id of the manager account on behalf of which you are requesting customer data. |