TDV Adapter for Google Ads

Build 23.0.8839


The client customer Ids of the Google Ads account.

Data Type


Default Value



Together with DeveloperToken, this field is used to authenticate against the Google Ads servers and is required for use with Google Ads.

You can find this value in your Google Ads account. This value is not the same as the Id of the MCC account. You need to provide the lowest-level Ids to retrieve data.

A common use for the driver is retrieving data from multiple customer IDs. This is useful when you have a Google Ads MCC account that includes numerous accounts/ClientCustomerIds. You can specify multiple IDs by separating them with a comma or you can get all IDs by setting the value to 'All'. Ex: ClientCustomerId=2055114546,3055114546; or ClientCustomerId=All; Note that not all client customer IDs may be enabled. You can also query and get data from the accounts you want by specifying CustomerId in the WHERE clause, for example:

SELECT * FROM AdGroupAd WHERE CustomerId='3333333333'
SELECT * FROM AdGroupAd WHERE CustomerId IN ('1111111111', '2222222222')
The driver ignores the ClientCustomerId connection property when you specify the CustomerId in the WHERE clauses.

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Build 23.0.8839