JDBC Driver for Google Ads

Build 22.0.8479


Audience is an effective targeting option that lets you intersect different segment attributes, such as detailed demographics and affinities, to create audiences that represent sections of your target segments.


Name Type Behavior Description
AudienceDescription String ATTRIBUTE Description of this audience.
AudienceDimensions String ATTRIBUTE Positive dimensions specifying the audience composition.
AudienceExclusionDimension String ATTRIBUTE Negative dimension specifying the audience composition.
AudienceId Long ATTRIBUTE Output only. ID of the audience.
AudienceName String ATTRIBUTE Required. Name of the audience. It should be unique across all audiences. It must have a minimum length of 1 and maximum length of 255.
AudienceResourceName String ATTRIBUTE Immutable. The resource name of the audience. Audience names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/audiences/{audience_id}
AudienceStatus String ATTRIBUTE Output only. Status of this audience. Indicates whether the audience is enabled or removed.


CustomerId Long ATTRIBUTE Output only. The ID of the customer.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ManagerId Long Id of the manager account on behalf of which you are requesting customer data.

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Build 22.0.8479