Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


Usage information for the operation SalesOrderLines.rsd.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String True

The ID column for the table SalesOrderlines.

AmountDC Double False

The AmountDC column for the table SalesOrderlines.

AmountFC Double False

The AmountFC column for the table SalesOrderlines.

CostCenter String False

The CostCenter column for the table SalesOrderlines.

CostCenterDescription String False

The CostCenterDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

CostPriceFC Double False

The CostPriceFC column for the table SalesOrderlines.

CostUnit String False

The CostUnit column for the table SalesOrderlines.

CostUnitDescription String False

The CostUnitDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

DeliveryDate Datetime False

The DeliveryDate column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Description String False

The Description column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Discount Double False

The Discount column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Division Int False

The Division column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Item String False

The Item column for the table SalesOrderlines.

ItemCode String False

The ItemCode column for the table SalesOrderlines.

ItemDescription String False

The ItemDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

ItemVersion String False

The ItemVersion column for the table SalesOrderlines.

ItemVersionDescription String False

The ItemVersionDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

LineNumber Int False

The LineNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Margin Double False

The Margin column for the table SalesOrderlines.

NetPrice Double False

The NetPrice column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Notes String False

The Notes column for the table SalesOrderlines.

OrderID String False

The OrderID column for the table SalesOrderlines.

OrderNumber Int False

The OrderNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Pricelist String False

The Pricelist column for the table SalesOrderlines.

PricelistDescription String False

The PricelistDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Project String False

The Project column for the table SalesOrderlines.

ProjectDescription String False

The ProjectDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

PurchaseOrder String False

The PurchaseOrder column for the table SalesOrderlines.

PurchaseOrderLine String False

The PurchaseOrderLine column for the table SalesOrderlines.

PurchaseOrderLineNumber Int False

The PurchaseOrderLineNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines.

PurchaseOrderNumber Int False

The PurchaseOrderNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Quantity Double False

The Quantity column for the table SalesOrderlines.

QuantityDelivered Double False

The QuantityDelivered column for the table SalesOrderlines.

QuantityInvoiced Double False

The QuantityInvoiced column for the table SalesOrderlines.

ShopOrder String False

The ShopOrder column for the table SalesOrderlines.

TaxSchedule String False

The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesOrderlines.

TaxScheduleCode String False

The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesOrderlines.

TaxScheduleDescription String False

The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

UnitCode String False

The UnitCode column for the table SalesOrderlines.

UnitDescription String False

The UnitDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

UnitPrice Double False

The UnitPrice column for the table SalesOrderlines.

UseDropShipment Int False

The UseDropShipment column for the table SalesOrderlines.

VATAmount Double False

The VATAmount column for the table SalesOrderlines.

VATCode String False

The VATCode column for the table SalesOrderlines.

VATCodeDescription String False

The VATCodeDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines.

VATPercentage Double False

The VATPercentage column for the table SalesOrderlines.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111