Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


Usage information for the operation OperationResources.rsd.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String True

The ID column for the table OperationResources.

Account String False

The Account column for the table OperationResources.

AttendedPercentage Double False

The AttendedPercentage column for the table OperationResources.

Created Datetime False

The Created column for the table OperationResources.

Creator String False

The Creator column for the table OperationResources.

CreatorFullName String False

The CreatorFullName column for the table OperationResources.

Currency String False

The Currency column for the table OperationResources.

Division Int False

The Division column for the table OperationResources.

EfficiencyPercentage Double False

The EfficiencyPercentage column for the table OperationResources.

IsPrimary Int False

The IsPrimary column for the table OperationResources.

Modified Datetime False

The Modified column for the table OperationResources.

Modifier String False

The Modifier column for the table OperationResources.

ModifierFullName String False

The ModifierFullName column for the table OperationResources.

Operation String False

The Operation column for the table OperationResources.

OperationDescription String False

The OperationDescription column for the table OperationResources.

PurchaseLeadDays Int False

The PurchaseLeadDays column for the table OperationResources.

PurchaseUnit String False

The PurchaseUnit column for the table OperationResources.

PurchaseVATCode String False

The PurchaseVATCode column for the table OperationResources.

Run Double False

The Run column for the table OperationResources.

RunMethod Int False

The RunMethod column for the table OperationResources.

Setup Double False

The Setup column for the table OperationResources.

SetupUnit String False

The SetupUnit column for the table OperationResources.

Type Int False

The Type column for the table OperationResources.

Workcenter String False

The Workcenter column for the table OperationResources.

WorkcenterDescription String False

The WorkcenterDescription column for the table OperationResources.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111