Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


Usage information for the operation MaterialReversals.rsd.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ReversalStockTransactionId [KEY] String True

The ReversalStockTransactionId column for the table MaterialReversals.

CreatedBy String False

The CreatedBy column for the table MaterialReversals.

CreatedByFullName String False

The CreatedByFullName column for the table MaterialReversals.

CreatedDate Datetime False

The CreatedDate column for the table MaterialReversals.

IsBackflush Bool False

The IsBackflush column for the table MaterialReversals.

IsBatch Int False

The IsBatch column for the table MaterialReversals.

IsFractionAllowedItem Int False

The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table MaterialReversals.

IsSerial Int False

The IsSerial column for the table MaterialReversals.

Item String False

The Item column for the table MaterialReversals.

ItemCode String False

The ItemCode column for the table MaterialReversals.

ItemDescription String False

The ItemDescription column for the table MaterialReversals.

ItemPictureUrl String False

The ItemPictureUrl column for the table MaterialReversals.

Note String False

The Note column for the table MaterialReversals.

OriginalStockTransactionId String False

The OriginalStockTransactionId column for the table MaterialReversals.

Quantity Double False

The Quantity column for the table MaterialReversals.

ShopOrder String False

The ShopOrder column for the table MaterialReversals.

ShopOrderMaterialPlan String False

The ShopOrderMaterialPlan column for the table MaterialReversals.

ShopOrderNumber Int False

The ShopOrderNumber column for the table MaterialReversals.

StorageLocation String False

The StorageLocation column for the table MaterialReversals.

StorageLocationCode String False

The StorageLocationCode column for the table MaterialReversals.

StorageLocationDescription String False

The StorageLocationDescription column for the table MaterialReversals.

TransactionDate Datetime False

The TransactionDate column for the table MaterialReversals.

Unit String False

The Unit column for the table MaterialReversals.

UnitDescription String False

The UnitDescription column for the table MaterialReversals.

Warehouse String False

The Warehouse column for the table MaterialReversals.

WarehouseCode String False

The WarehouseCode column for the table MaterialReversals.

WarehouseDescription String False

The WarehouseDescription column for the table MaterialReversals.

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Build 24.0.9111