Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


Usage information for the operation EmploymentSalaries.rsd.


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String The ID column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
AverageDaysPerWeek Double The AverageDaysPerWeek column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
AverageHoursPerWeek Double The AverageHoursPerWeek column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Created Datetime The Created column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Creator String The Creator column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
CreatorFullName String The CreatorFullName column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Division Int The Division column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Employee String The Employee column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
EmployeeFullName String The EmployeeFullName column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
EmployeeHID Int The EmployeeHID column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Employment String The Employment column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
EmploymentHID Int The EmploymentHID column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
EmploymentSalaryType Int The EmploymentSalaryType column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
EmploymentSalaryTypeDescription String The EmploymentSalaryTypeDescription column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
EndDate Datetime The EndDate column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
FulltimeAmount Double The FulltimeAmount column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
HourlyWage Double The HourlyWage column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
InternalRate Double The InternalRate column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
JobLevel Int The JobLevel column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Modified Datetime The Modified column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Modifier String The Modifier column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
ModifierFullName String The ModifierFullName column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
ParttimeAmount Double The ParttimeAmount column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
ParttimeFactor Double The ParttimeFactor column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Scale String The Scale column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
Schedule String The Schedule column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
ScheduleCode String The ScheduleCode column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
ScheduleDescription String The ScheduleDescription column for the table EmploymentSalaries.
StartDate Datetime The StartDate column for the table EmploymentSalaries.

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Build 24.0.9111