Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


Usage information for the operation Assets.rsd.


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String The ID column for the table Assets.
AlreadyDepreciated Int The AlreadyDepreciated column for the table Assets.
AssetFrom String The AssetFrom column for the table Assets.
AssetFromDescription String The AssetFromDescription column for the table Assets.
AssetGroup String The AssetGroup column for the table Assets.
AssetGroupCode String The AssetGroupCode column for the table Assets.
AssetGroupDescription String The AssetGroupDescription column for the table Assets.
CatalogueValue Double The CatalogueValue column for the table Assets.
Code String The Code column for the table Assets.
Costcenter String The Costcenter column for the table Assets.
CostcenterDescription String The CostcenterDescription column for the table Assets.
Costunit String The Costunit column for the table Assets.
CostunitDescription String The CostunitDescription column for the table Assets.
Created Datetime The Created column for the table Assets.
Creator String The Creator column for the table Assets.
CreatorFullName String The CreatorFullName column for the table Assets.
DeductionPercentage Double The DeductionPercentage column for the table Assets.
DepreciatedAmount Double The DepreciatedAmount column for the table Assets.
DepreciatedPeriods Int The DepreciatedPeriods column for the table Assets.
DepreciatedStartDate Datetime The DepreciatedStartDate column for the table Assets.
Description String The Description column for the table Assets.
Division Int The Division column for the table Assets.
EndDate Datetime The EndDate column for the table Assets.
EngineEmission Int The EngineEmission column for the table Assets.
EngineType Int The EngineType column for the table Assets.
GLTransactionLine String The GLTransactionLine column for the table Assets.
GLTransactionLineDescription String The GLTransactionLineDescription column for the table Assets.
InvestmentAccount String The InvestmentAccount column for the table Assets.
InvestmentAccountCode String The InvestmentAccountCode column for the table Assets.
InvestmentAccountName String The InvestmentAccountName column for the table Assets.
InvestmentAmountDC Double The InvestmentAmountDC column for the table Assets.
InvestmentAmountFC Double The InvestmentAmountFC column for the table Assets.
InvestmentCurrency String The InvestmentCurrency column for the table Assets.
InvestmentCurrencyDescription String The InvestmentCurrencyDescription column for the table Assets.
InvestmentDate Datetime The InvestmentDate column for the table Assets.
InvestmentDeduction Int The InvestmentDeduction column for the table Assets.
Modified Datetime The Modified column for the table Assets.
Modifier String The Modifier column for the table Assets.
ModifierFullName String The ModifierFullName column for the table Assets.
Notes String The Notes column for the table Assets.
Parent String The Parent column for the table Assets.
ParentCode String The ParentCode column for the table Assets.
ParentDescription String The ParentDescription column for the table Assets.
Picture Binary The Picture column for the table Assets.
PictureFileName String The PictureFileName column for the table Assets.
PrimaryMethod String The PrimaryMethod column for the table Assets.
PrimaryMethodCode String The PrimaryMethodCode column for the table Assets.
PrimaryMethodDescription String The PrimaryMethodDescription column for the table Assets.
ResidualValue Double The ResidualValue column for the table Assets.
StartDate Datetime The StartDate column for the table Assets.
Status Int The Status column for the table Assets.
TransactionEntryID String The TransactionEntryID column for the table Assets.
TransactionEntryNo Int The TransactionEntryNo column for the table Assets.

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Build 24.0.9111