Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


To create, read, update and delete item bill of material's header


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String True

Primary key, it is an item ID.

AssembledLeadDays Int False

Main item assembly lead days.

BatchQuantity Double False

Quantity of the material needed to produce the batch.

Code String False

Item code.

CostPrice Double False

Cost price of the item.

Created Datetime False

Creation date.

Creator String False

User ID of creator.

CreatorFullName String False

Name of creator.

Description String False

Description of the item.

Division Int False


Modified Datetime False

Last modified date.

Modifier String False

User ID of modifier.

ModifierFullName String False

Name of modifier.

Notes String False


UpdateCostPrice Bool False

Indicates if cost price is updated.

UseExplosion Int False

Indicates if main item assemble at delivery is used.

LinkedAssemblyBillOfMaterialMaterials String False


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Build 24.0.9111