Usage information for the operation SalesOrderLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostPriceFC | Double | False |
The CostPriceFC column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemVersion | String | False |
The ItemVersion column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemVersionDescription | String | False |
The ItemVersionDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Margin | Double | False |
The Margin column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
NetPrice | Double | False |
The NetPrice column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
OrderID | String | False |
The OrderID column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Pricelist | String | False |
The Pricelist column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PricelistDescription | String | False |
The PricelistDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrder | String | False |
The PurchaseOrder column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrderLine | String | False |
The PurchaseOrderLine column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrderLineNumber | Int | False |
The PurchaseOrderLineNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Int | False |
The PurchaseOrderNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
QuantityDelivered | Double | False |
The QuantityDelivered column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
QuantityInvoiced | Double | False |
The QuantityInvoiced column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
TaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
TaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UnitCode | String | False |
The UnitCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The UnitPrice column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UseDropShipment | Int | False |
The UseDropShipment column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATAmount | Double | False |
The VATAmount column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table SalesOrderlines. |