Usage information for the operation PaymentTerms.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
TimeStamp | Datetime | TimeStamp. |
Account | String | The supplier to which the payment has to be done. |
AccountBankAccountID | String | The bank account of the supplier, to which the payment has to be done. |
AccountBankAccountNumber | String | The bank account number of the supplier, to which the payment has to be done. |
AccountCode | String | The code of the supplier to which the payment has to be done. |
AccountContact | String | Contact person copied from the purchase invoice linked to the related purchase entry. Used as prefered contact when sending reminders. |
AccountContactName | String | Name of the contact person of the supplier. |
AccountCountry | String | Country |
AccountName | String | Name of the supplier. |
AmountDC | Double | The amount in default currency (division currency). Payments are matched on this amount. |
AmountDiscountDC | Double | The amount of the discount in the default currency. |
AmountDiscountFC | Double | The amount of the discount. This is in the amount of the selected currency. |
AmountFC | Double | The amount of the payment. This is in the amount of the selected currency. |
ApprovalStatus | Int | Shows the approval status of the payment. |
BankAccountID | String | Own bank account from which the payment must be done. |
BankAccountNumber | String | Own bank account number from which the payment must be done. |
CashflowTransactionBatchCode | String | When processing payments, all payments with the same processing data are put in a batch. This field contains the code of that batch. |
Created | Datetime | Creation date. |
Creator | String | User ID of the creator. |
CreatorFullName | String | Name of the creator. |
Currency | String | The currency of the payment. This currency can only deviate from the division currency if the module Currency is in the license. |
Description | String | Extra description for the payment that may be included in the bank export file. |
DirectDebitMandate | String | Direct Debit Mandate used to collect the PaymentTerms. |
DirectDebitMandateDescription | String | Description of the mandate. |
DirectDebitMandatePaymentType | Int | Payment type of the mandate. other:parententityset= |
DirectDebitMandateReference | String | Unique mandate reference. |
DirectDebitMandateType | Int | Type of the mandate. |
DiscountDueDate | Datetime | Date before which the payment must be done to be eligible for discount. |
Division | Int | Division code. |
Document | String | Document that is created when processing payments. |
DocumentNumber | Int | Number of the document. |
DocumentSubject | String | Subject of the document. |
DueDate | Datetime | Date before which the payment must be done. |
EndDate | Datetime | Date since when the payment is no longer an outstanding item. |
EndPeriod | Int | Period since when the payment is no longer an outstanding item. |
EndToEndID | String | The value of the tag 'EndToEndID' when generating a SEPA file. |
EndYear | Int | Year (of period) since when the payment is no longer an outstanding item. |
EntryDate | Datetime | Processing date of the payment. |
EntryID | String | The unique identifier for a set of payments. |
EntryNumber | Int | Entry number of the linked transaction. |
GLAccount | String | G/L account of the payment. Must be of type 22. |
GLAccountCode | String | Code of the G/L account. |
GLAccountDescription | String | Description of the G/L account. |
ID | String | Identifier of the PaymentTerms. |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Invoice date of the linked transaction. |
InvoiceNumber | Int | Invoice number of the linked transaction. |
IsBatchBooking | Int | Boolean indicating whether the payment is part of a batch booking. |
IsFullyPaid | Bool | Boolean indicating whether the receivable was fully paid by the customer. |
Journal | String | Journal of the linked transaction. |
JournalDescription | String | Description of the journal. |
LastPaymentDate | Datetime | Last payment date. |
LineType | Int | Determines if the record is a payment or receipt. In case of payment the value is 22, in case of receipt the value is 20 |
Modified | Datetime | Last modified date. |
Modifier | String | User |
ModifierFullName | String | Name of modifier. |
PaymentBatchNumber | Int | Number assigned during the of processing payments. |
PaymentCondition | String | Payment condition of the linked transaction. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | Description of the payment condition. |
PaymentDays | Int | Number of days between invoice date and due date. |
PaymentDaysDiscount | Int | Number of days between invoice date and due date of the discount. |
PaymentDiscountPercentage | Double | Payment discount percentage. |
PaymentInformationID | String | PaymentInformationID tag from the SEPA xml file. |
PaymentMethod | String | Method of payment. |
PaymentReference | String | Payment reference for the payment that may be included in the bank export file. |
PaymentSelected | Datetime | Date and time since when the payment is selected to be paid. |
PaymentSelector | String | User who selected the payment to be paid. |
PaymentSelectorFullName | String | Name of the payment selector. |
RateFC | Double | Exchange rate from payment currency to division currency. AmountFC * RateFC = AmountDC. |
ReceivableBatchNumber | Int | Number assigned during the processing of receivables. |
ReceivableSelected | Datetime | Date and time since when the receivable is selected to be collected. |
ReceivableSelector | String | User who selected the receivable to be collected. |
ReceivableSelectorFullName | String | Name of the receivable selector. |
Source | Int | The source of the payment. |
Status | Int | The status of the payment. |
TransactionAmountDC | Double | Total amount of the linked transaction in default currency. |
TransactionAmountFC | Double | Total amount of the linked transaction in the selected currency. |
TransactionDueDate | Datetime | Due date of the linked transaction. |
TransactionEntryID | String | Linked transaction. Use this as reference to PurchaseEntries. |
TransactionID | String | Linked transaction line. Use this as reference to PurchaseEntryLines. |
TransactionIsReversal | Bool | Indicates if the linked transaction is a reversal entry. |
TransactionReportingPeriod | Int | Period of the linked transaction. |
TransactionReportingYear | Int | Year of the linked transaction. |
TransactionStatus | Int | Status of the linked transaction. |
TransactionType | Int | Type of the linked transaction. |
YourRef | String | Invoice number of the supplier. In case the payment belongs to a bank entry line and is matched with one invoice, YourRef is filled with the YourRef of this invoice. |