Usage information for the operation SalesOrders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
OrderID [KEY] | String | True |
The OrderID column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountDiscount | Double | False |
The AmountDiscount column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountDiscountExclVat | Double | False |
The AmountDiscountExclVat column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountFCExclVat | Double | False |
The AmountFCExclVat column for the table SalesOrders. |
ApprovalStatus | Int | False |
The ApprovalStatus column for the table SalesOrders. |
ApprovalStatusDescription | String | False |
The ApprovalStatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
Approved | Datetime | False |
The Approved column for the table SalesOrders. |
Approver | String | False |
The Approver column for the table SalesOrders. |
ApproverFullName | String | False |
The ApproverFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SalesOrders. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SalesOrders. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverTo | String | False |
The DeliverTo column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverToContactPerson | String | False |
The DeliverToContactPerson column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The DeliverToContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverToName | String | False |
The DeliverToName column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryAddress | String | False |
The DeliveryAddress column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryStatus | Int | False |
The DeliveryStatus column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryStatusDescription | String | False |
The DeliveryStatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesOrders. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SalesOrders. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesOrders. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table SalesOrders. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table SalesOrders. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceStatus | Int | False |
The InvoiceStatus column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceStatusDescription | String | False |
The InvoiceStatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceTo | String | False |
The InvoiceTo column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceToContactPerson | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPerson column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceToName | String | False |
The InvoiceToName column for the table SalesOrders. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SalesOrders. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SalesOrders. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderDate | Datetime | False |
The OrderDate column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedBy | String | False |
The OrderedBy column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedByContactPerson | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPerson column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedByContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedByName | String | False |
The OrderedByName column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table SalesOrders. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table SalesOrders. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
PaymentReference | String | False |
The PaymentReference column for the table SalesOrders. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table SalesOrders. |
Salesperson | String | False |
The Salesperson column for the table SalesOrders. |
SalespersonFullName | String | False |
The SalespersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
ShippingMethod | String | False |
The ShippingMethod column for the table SalesOrders. |
ShippingMethodDescription | String | False |
The ShippingMethodDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table SalesOrders. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesOrders. |
TaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesOrders. |
TaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table SalesOrders. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
WarehouseID | String | False |
The WarehouseID column for the table SalesOrders. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table SalesOrders. |
LinkedSalesOrderLines | String | False |
The LinkedSalesOrderLines column for the table SalesOrders. |