Usage information for the operation EmploymentTaxAuthoritiesGeneral.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | Primary key |
Account | String | ID of the account |
Created | Datetime | Creation date |
Creator | String | User ID of creator |
CreatorFullName | String | Name of creator |
Division | Int | Division code |
Employee | String | Employee ID |
EmployeeFullName | String | Name of employee |
EmployeeHID | Int | Employee number |
Employment | String | Employment |
EmploymentHID | Int | EmploymentHID |
EmploymentNumber | Int | Employment number |
EndDate | Datetime | End date of employment agencies |
InfluenceInsuranceObligation | String | Influence insurance obligation |
InfluenceInsuranceObligationDescription | String | Influence insurance obligation description |
Modified | Datetime | Last modified date |
Modifier | String | User ID of modifier |
ModifierFullName | String | Name of modifier |
NatureOfWorkRelationship | String | Nature of work relationship |
NatureOfWorkRelationshipDescription | String | Nature of work relationship description |
PayrollTaxesNumber | String | Payroll taxes number |
StartDate | Datetime | Start date of employment agencies |
TypeOfIncome | String | Type of income |
TypeOfIncomeDescription | String | Type of income description |