ODBC Driver for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9111


Usage information for the operation SalesEntries.rsd.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
EntryID [KEY] String True

The EntryID column for the table SalesEntries.

AmountDC Double False

The AmountDC column for the table SalesEntries.

AmountFC Double False

The AmountFC column for the table SalesEntries.

BatchNumber Int False

The BatchNumber column for the table SalesEntries.

Created Datetime False

The Created column for the table SalesEntries.

Creator String False

The Creator column for the table SalesEntries.

CreatorFullName String False

The CreatorFullName column for the table SalesEntries.

Currency String False

The Currency column for the table SalesEntries.

Customer String False

The Customer column for the table SalesEntries.

CustomerName String False

The CustomerName column for the table SalesEntries.

Description String False

The Description column for the table SalesEntries.

Division Int False

The Division column for the table SalesEntries.

Document String False

The Document column for the table SalesEntries.

DocumentNumber Int False

The DocumentNumber column for the table SalesEntries.

DocumentSubject String False

The DocumentSubject column for the table SalesEntries.

DueDate Datetime False

The DueDate column for the table SalesEntries.

EntryDate Datetime False

The EntryDate column for the table SalesEntries.

EntryNumber Int False

The EntryNumber column for the table SalesEntries.

ExternalLinkDescription String False

The ExternalLinkDescription column for the table SalesEntries.

ExternalLinkReference String False

The ExternalLinkReference column for the table SalesEntries.

GAccountAmountFC Double False

The GAccountAmountFC column for the table SalesEntries.

InvoiceNumber Int False

The InvoiceNumber column for the table SalesEntries.

IsExtraDuty Bool False

The IsExtraDuty column for the table SalesEntries.

Journal String False

The Journal column for the table SalesEntries.

JournalDescription String False

The JournalDescription column for the table SalesEntries.

Modified Datetime False

The Modified column for the table SalesEntries.

Modifier String False

The Modifier column for the table SalesEntries.

ModifierFullName String False

The ModifierFullName column for the table SalesEntries.

OrderNumber Int False

The OrderNumber column for the table SalesEntries.

PaymentCondition String False

The PaymentCondition column for the table SalesEntries.

PaymentConditionDescription String False

The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table SalesEntries.

PaymentReference String False

The PaymentReference column for the table SalesEntries.

ProcessNumber Int False

The ProcessNumber column for the table SalesEntries.

Rate Double False

The Rate column for the table SalesEntries.

ReportingPeriod Int False

The ReportingPeriod column for the table SalesEntries.

ReportingYear Int False

The ReportingYear column for the table SalesEntries.

Reversal Bool False

The Reversal column for the table SalesEntries.

Status Int False

The Status column for the table SalesEntries.

StatusDescription String False

The StatusDescription column for the table SalesEntries.

Type Int False

The Type column for the table SalesEntries.

TypeDescription String False

The TypeDescription column for the table SalesEntries.

VATAmountDC Double False

The VATAmountDC column for the table SalesEntries.

VATAmountFC Double False

The VATAmountFC column for the table SalesEntries.

WithholdingTaxAmountDC Double False

The WithholdingTaxAmountDC column for the table SalesEntries.

WithholdingTaxBaseAmount Double False

The WithholdingTaxBaseAmount column for the table SalesEntries.

WithholdingTaxPercentage Double False

The WithholdingTaxPercentage column for the table SalesEntries.

YourRef String False

The YourRef column for the table SalesEntries.

LinkedSalesEntryLines String False

The LinkedSalesEntryLines column for the table SalesEntries.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111