Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData ODBC Driver for Exact Online Views
Name | Description |
AbsenceRegistrations | Usage information for the operation AbsenceRegistrations.rsd. |
AbsenceRegistrationTransactions | Usage information for the operation AbsenceRegistrationTransactions.rsd. |
AccountantInfo | Usage information for the operation AccountantInfo.rsd. |
AccountClasses | Usage information for the operation AccountClasses.rsd. |
AccountClassificationNames | Usage information for the operation AccountClassificationNames.rsd. |
AccountClassifications | Usage information for the operation AccountClassifications.rsd. |
ActiveEmployments | Usage information for the operation ActiveEmployments.rsd. |
AddressStates | Usage information for the operation AddressStates.rsd. |
AgingOverview | Usage information for the operation AgingOverview.rsd. |
AgingPayablesList | Usage information for the operation AgingPayablesList.rsd. |
AgingReceivablesList | Usage information for the operation AgingReceivablesList.rsd. |
AssetGroups | Usage information for the operation AssetGroups.rsd. |
Assets | Usage information for the operation Assets.rsd. |
AvailableFeatures | Usage information for the operation AvailableFeatures.rsd. |
Banks | Usage information for the operation Banks.rsd. |
BatchNumbers | Usage information for the operation BatchNumbers.rsd. |
Budgets | Usage information for the operation Budgets.rsd. |
CRMDocuments | Usage information for the operation CRMDocuments.rsd. |
Currencies | Usage information for the operation Currencies.rsd. |
CurrentYear_AfterEntry | Usage information for the operation CurrentYear_AfterEntry.rsd. |
CurrentYear_Processed | Usage information for the operation CurrentYear_Processed.rsd. |
DefaultMailbox | Usage information for the operation DefaultMailbox.rsd. |
Departments | Usage information for the operation Departments.rsd. |
Divisions | Usage information for the operation Divisions.rsd. |
DocumentCategories | Usage information for the operation DocumentCategories.rsd. |
DocumentsAttachments | Usage information for the operation DocumentsAttachments.rsd. |
DocumentTypeCategories | Usage information for the operation DocumentTypeCategories.rsd. |
DocumentTypes | Usage information for the operation DocumentTypes.rsd. |
Employees | Usage information for the operation Employees.rsd. |
EmploymentCLAs | Usage information for the operation EmploymentCLAs.rsd. |
EmploymentContractFlexPhases | Usage information for the operation EmploymentContractFlexPhases.rsd. |
EmploymentContracts | Usage information for the operation EmploymentContracts.rsd. |
EmploymentEndReasons | Usage information for the operation EmploymentEndReasons.rsd. |
EmploymentOrganizations | Usage information for the operation EmploymentOrganizations.rsd. |
Employments | Usage information for the operation Employments.rsd. |
EmploymentSalaries | Usage information for the operation EmploymentSalaries.rsd. |
EmploymentTaxAuthoritiesGeneral | Usage information for the operation EmploymentTaxAuthoritiesGeneral.rsd. |
FinancialPeriods | Usage information for the operation FinancialPeriods.rsd. |
GLClassifications | Usage information for the operation GLClassifications.rsd. |
GLSchemes | Usage information for the operation GLSchemes.rsd. |
GLTransactionTypes | Usage information for the operation GLTransactionTypes.rsd. |
HourCostTypes | Usage information for the operation HourCostTypes.rsd. |
ItemChargeRelation | Usage information for the operation ItemChargeRelation.rsd. |
ItemGroups | Usage information for the operation ItemGroups.rsd. |
ItemsExtraFields | Get the values of extra fields (custom fields) for Items. |
ItemVersions | Usage information for the operation ItemVersions.rsd. |
ItemWarehousePlanningDetails | Usage information for the operation ItemWarehousePlanningDetails.rsd. |
ItemWarehouseStorageLocations | Usage information for the operation ItemWarehouseStorageLocations.rsd. |
JobGroups | Usage information for the operation JobGroups.rsd. |
JobTitles | Usage information for the operation JobTitles.rsd. |
JournalStatusList | Usage information for the operation JournalStatusList.rsd. |
Layouts | Usage information for the operation Layouts.rsd. |
LeadSources | Usage information for the operation LeadSources.rsd. |
LeaveAbsenceHoursByDay | Use this endpoint to read employee's leave and absence hours by day. |
LeaveBuildUpRegistrations | Usage information for the operation LeaveBuildUpRegistrations.rsd. |
LeaveRegistrations | Usage information for the operation LeaveRegistrations.rsd. |
MailMessagesReceived | Usage information for the operation MailMessagesReceived.rsd. |
Me | Usage information for the operation Me.rsd. |
OpportunityContacts | Usage information for the operation OpportunityContacts.rsd. |
OutstandingInvoicesOverview | Usage information for the operation OutstandingInvoicesOverview.rsd. |
PayablesList | Usage information for the operation PayablesList.rsd. |
Payments | Usage information for the operation Payments.rsd. |
PaymentTerms | Usage information for the operation PaymentTerms.rsd. |
PayrollBankAccounts | Usage information for the operation PayrollBankAccounts.rsd. |
PayrollComponents | Usage information for the operation PayrollComponents.rsd. |
PayrollTransactions | Usage information for the operation PayrollTransactions.rsd. |
PreferredMailbox | Usage information for the operation PreferredMailbox.rsd. |
PreviousYear_AfterEntry | Usage information for the operation PreviousYear_AfterEntry.rsd. |
PreviousYear_Processed | Usage information for the operation PreviousYear_Processed.rsd. |
PriceListPeriods | Usage information for the operation PriceListPeriods.rsd. |
PriceLists | Usage information for the operation PriceLists.rsd. |
PriceListsLinkedAccounts | Usage information for the operation PriceListsLinkedAccounts.rsd. |
PriceListVolumeDiscounts | Usage information for the operation PriceListVolumeDiscounts.rsd. |
ProfitLossOverview | Usage information for the operation ProfitLossOverview.rsd. |
ProjectBudgetTypes | Usage information for the operation ProjectBudgetTypes.rsd. |
ProjectWBS | Usage information for the operation ProjectWBS.rsd. |
PurchaseItemPrices | Purchase Item Prices |
PurchaseOrderLines | Usage information for the operation PurchaseOrderLines.rsd. |
PurchaseOrders | Usage information for the operation PurchaseOrders.rsd. |
QuotationHeaders | Usage information for the operation QuotationHeaders.rsd. |
ReasonCodes | Usage information for the operation ReasonCodes.rsd. |
Receivables | Usage information for the operation Receivables.rsd. |
ReceivablesList | Usage information for the operation ReceivablesList.rsd. |
RecentCosts | Usage information for the operation RecentCosts.rsd. |
RecentHours | Usage information for the operation RecentHours.rsd. |
ReportingBalance | Usage information for the operation ReportingBalance.rsd. |
Returns | Usage information for the operation Returns.rsd. |
RevenueList | Usage information for the operation RevenueList.rsd. |
ScheduleEntries | ScheduleEntries |
Schedules | Usage information for the operation Schedules.rsd. |
SerialNumbers | Usage information for the operation SerialNumbers.rsd. |
ShippingMethods | Usage information for the operation ShippingMethods.rsd. |
StockBatchNumbers | Usage information for the operation StockBatchNumbers.rsd. |
StockPositions | Usage information for the operation StockPositions.rsd. |
StockSerialNumbers | Usage information for the operation StockSerialNumbers.rsd. |
StorageLocations | Usage information for the operation StorageLocations.rsd. |
StorageLocationStockPositions | Usage information for the operation StorageLocationStockPositions.rsd. |
SubscriptionLineTypes | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionLineTypes.rsd. |
SubscriptionReasonCodes | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionReasonCodes.rsd. |
SubscriptionTypes | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionTypes.rsd. |
TaxComponentRates | Usage information for the operation TaxComponentRates.rsd. |
TaxEmploymentEndFlexCodes | Usage information for the operation TaxEmploymentEndFlexCodes.rsd. |
TaxScheduleComponents | Usage information for the operation TaxScheduleComponents.rsd. |
TaxSchedules | Usage information for the operation TaxSchedules.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingAccountDetails | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingAccountDetails.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingActivitiesAndExpenses | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingActivitiesAndExpenses.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryAccounts | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryAccounts.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryProjects | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryProjects.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentAccounts | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentAccounts.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentActivitiesAndExpenses | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentActivitiesAndExpenses.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentHourCostTypes | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentHourCostTypes.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentProjects | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentProjects.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingItemDetails | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingItemDetails.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingProjectDetails | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingProjectDetails.rsd. |
TimeCostTransactions | Usage information for the operation TimeCostTransactions.rsd. |
TransactionLines | Usage information for the operation TransactionLines.rsd. |
Units | Usage information for the operation Units.rsd. |
UserRoles | Usage information for the operation UserRoles.rsd. |
UserRolesPerDivision | Usage information for the operation UserRolesPerDivision.rsd. |
Users | Usage information for the operation Users.rsd. |
VatPercentages | Usage information for the operation VatPercentages.rsd. |