Tableau Connector for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9032


Usage information for the operation PurchaseOrderLines.rsd.


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String The ID column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
AmountDC Double The AmountDC column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
AmountFC Double The AmountFC column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
CostCenter String The CostCenter column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
CostCenterDescription String The CostCenterDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
CostUnit String The CostUnit column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
CostUnitDescription String The CostUnitDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Created Datetime The Created column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Creator String The Creator column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
CreatorFullName String The CreatorFullName column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Description String The Description column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Discount Double The Discount column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Division Int The Division column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Expense String The Expense column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ExpenseDescription String The ExpenseDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
InStock Double The InStock column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
InvoicedQuantity Double The InvoicedQuantity column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Item String The Item column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ItemCode String The ItemCode column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ItemDescription String The ItemDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ItemDivisable Bool The ItemDivisable column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
LineNumber Int The LineNumber column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Modified Datetime The Modified column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Modifier String The Modifier column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ModifierFullName String The ModifierFullName column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
NetPrice Double The NetPrice column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Notes String The Notes column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Project String The Project column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ProjectCode String The ProjectCode column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ProjectDescription String The ProjectDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ProjectedStock Double The ProjectedStock column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
PurchaseOrderID String The PurchaseOrderID column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Quantity Double The Quantity column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
QuantityInPurchaseUnits Double The QuantityInPurchaseUnits column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Rebill Bool The Rebill column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ReceiptDate Datetime The ReceiptDate column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
ReceivedQuantity Double The ReceivedQuantity column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
SalesOrder String The SalesOrder column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
SalesOrderLine String The SalesOrderLine column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
SalesOrderLineNumber Int The SalesOrderLineNumber column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
SalesOrderNumber Int The SalesOrderNumber column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
SupplierItemCode String The SupplierItemCode column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
SupplierItemCopyRemarks Int The SupplierItemCopyRemarks column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
Unit String The Unit column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
UnitDescription String The UnitDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
UnitPrice Double The UnitPrice column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
VATAmount Double The VATAmount column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
VATCode String The VATCode column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
VATDescription String The VATDescription column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.
VATPercentage Double The VATPercentage column for the table PurchaseOrderLines.

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Build 24.0.9032