JDBC Driver for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9032


Usage information for the operation TimeTransactions.rsd.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String True

The ID column for the table TimeTransactions.

Activity Int False

The Activity column for the table TimeTransactions.

Created Datetime False

The Created column for the table TimeTransactions.

Creator String False

The Creator column for the table TimeTransactions.

CreatorFullName String False

The CreatorFullName column for the table TimeTransactions.

Date Datetime False

The Date column for the table TimeTransactions.

Division Int False

The Division column for the table TimeTransactions.

Employee String False

The Employee column for the table TimeTransactions.

Hours Double False

The Hours column for the table TimeTransactions.

IsOperationFinished Int False

The IsOperationFinished column for the table TimeTransactions.

LaborHours Double False

The LaborHours column for the table TimeTransactions.

Modified Datetime False

The Modified column for the table TimeTransactions.

Modifier String False

The Modifier column for the table TimeTransactions.

ModifierFullName String False

The ModifierFullName column for the table TimeTransactions.

Notes String False

The Notes column for the table TimeTransactions.

PercentComplete Double False

The PercentComplete column for the table TimeTransactions.

Quantity Double False

The Quantity column for the table TimeTransactions.

RoutingStepPlan String False

The RoutingStepPlan column for the table TimeTransactions.

ShopOrder String False

The ShopOrder column for the table TimeTransactions.

Status Int False

The Status column for the table TimeTransactions.

TimedTimeTransaction String False

The TimedTimeTransaction column for the table TimeTransactions.

WorkCenter String False

The WorkCenter column for the table TimeTransactions.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032