ADO.NET Provider for Exact Online

Build 24.0.9032


Usage information for the operation PaymentTerms.rsd.


Name Type Description
TimeStamp Datetime TimeStamp.
Account String The supplier to which the payment has to be done.
AccountBankAccountID String The bank account of the supplier, to which the payment has to be done.
AccountBankAccountNumber String The bank account number of the supplier, to which the payment has to be done.
AccountCode String The code of the supplier to which the payment has to be done.
AccountContact String Contact person copied from the purchase invoice linked to the related purchase entry. Used as prefered contact when sending reminders.
AccountContactName String Name of the contact person of the supplier.
AccountCountry String Country
AccountName String Name of the supplier.
AmountDC Double The amount in default currency (division currency). Payments are matched on this amount.
AmountDiscountDC Double The amount of the discount in the default currency.
AmountDiscountFC Double The amount of the discount. This is in the amount of the selected currency.
AmountFC Double The amount of the payment. This is in the amount of the selected currency.
ApprovalStatus Int Shows the approval status of the payment.
BankAccountID String Own bank account from which the payment must be done.
BankAccountNumber String Own bank account number from which the payment must be done.
CashflowTransactionBatchCode String When processing payments, all payments with the same processing data are put in a batch. This field contains the code of that batch.
Created Datetime Creation date.
Creator String User ID of the creator.
CreatorFullName String Name of the creator.
Currency String The currency of the payment. This currency can only deviate from the division currency if the module Currency is in the license.
Description String Extra description for the payment that may be included in the bank export file.
DirectDebitMandate String Direct Debit Mandate used to collect the PaymentTerms.
DirectDebitMandateDescription String Description of the mandate.
DirectDebitMandatePaymentType Int Payment type of the mandate. other:parententityset=
DirectDebitMandateReference String Unique mandate reference.
DirectDebitMandateType Int Type of the mandate.
DiscountDueDate Datetime Date before which the payment must be done to be eligible for discount.
Division Int Division code.
Document String Document that is created when processing payments.
DocumentNumber Int Number of the document.
DocumentSubject String Subject of the document.
DueDate Datetime Date before which the payment must be done.
EndDate Datetime Date since when the payment is no longer an outstanding item.
EndPeriod Int Period since when the payment is no longer an outstanding item.
EndToEndID String The value of the tag 'EndToEndID' when generating a SEPA file.
EndYear Int Year (of period) since when the payment is no longer an outstanding item.
EntryDate Datetime Processing date of the payment.
EntryID String The unique identifier for a set of payments.
EntryNumber Int Entry number of the linked transaction.
GLAccount String G/L account of the payment. Must be of type 22.
GLAccountCode String Code of the G/L account.
GLAccountDescription String Description of the G/L account.
ID String Identifier of the PaymentTerms.
InvoiceDate Datetime Invoice date of the linked transaction.
InvoiceNumber Int Invoice number of the linked transaction.
IsBatchBooking Int Boolean indicating whether the payment is part of a batch booking.
IsFullyPaid Bool Boolean indicating whether the receivable was fully paid by the customer.
Journal String Journal of the linked transaction.
JournalDescription String Description of the journal.
LastPaymentDate Datetime Last payment date.
LineType Int Determines if the record is a payment or receipt. In case of payment the value is 22, in case of receipt the value is 20
Modified Datetime Last modified date.
Modifier String User
ModifierFullName String Name of modifier.
PaymentBatchNumber Int Number assigned during the of processing payments.
PaymentCondition String Payment condition of the linked transaction.
PaymentConditionDescription String Description of the payment condition.
PaymentDays Int Number of days between invoice date and due date.
PaymentDaysDiscount Int Number of days between invoice date and due date of the discount.
PaymentDiscountPercentage Double Payment discount percentage.
PaymentInformationID String PaymentInformationID tag from the SEPA xml file.
PaymentMethod String Method of payment.
PaymentReference String Payment reference for the payment that may be included in the bank export file.
PaymentSelected Datetime Date and time since when the payment is selected to be paid.
PaymentSelector String User who selected the payment to be paid.
PaymentSelectorFullName String Name of the payment selector.
RateFC Double Exchange rate from payment currency to division currency. AmountFC * RateFC = AmountDC.
ReceivableBatchNumber Int Number assigned during the processing of receivables.
ReceivableSelected Datetime Date and time since when the receivable is selected to be collected.
ReceivableSelector String User who selected the receivable to be collected.
ReceivableSelectorFullName String Name of the receivable selector.
Source Int The source of the payment.
Status Int The status of the payment.
TransactionAmountDC Double Total amount of the linked transaction in default currency.
TransactionAmountFC Double Total amount of the linked transaction in the selected currency.
TransactionDueDate Datetime Due date of the linked transaction.
TransactionEntryID String Linked transaction. Use this as reference to PurchaseEntries.
TransactionID String Linked transaction line. Use this as reference to PurchaseEntryLines.
TransactionIsReversal Bool Indicates if the linked transaction is a reversal entry.
TransactionReportingPeriod Int Period of the linked transaction.
TransactionReportingYear Int Year of the linked transaction.
TransactionStatus Int Status of the linked transaction.
TransactionType Int Type of the linked transaction.
YourRef String Invoice number of the supplier. In case the payment belongs to a bank entry line and is matched with one invoice, YourRef is filled with the YourRef of this invoice.

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Build 24.0.9032