CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるExact Online へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してExact Online に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Exact Online への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのExact Online への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのExact Online への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してExact Online からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Exact Online に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
接続すると、Cloud はデフォルトブラウザでExact Online OAuth エンドポイントを開きます。ログインして、Cloud にアクセス許可を与えます。Cloud がOAuth プロセスを完了します。
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの標準的な認証フローでのExact Online への認証について詳しく説明します。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成方法と、組み込みOAuth 認証情報を持つ認証フローでもカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成したほうがよい場合の説明については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
Exact Online で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
アクセストークンの期限が切れたときは、Cloud は自動でアクセストークンをリフレッシュします。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Cloud がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
(OAuthAccessToken およびその他の設定パラメータを取得および設定する方法についての情報は、「Exact Online への接続」のデスクトップ認証セクションを参照してください。)
ただし、Web 経由で接続するには、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成が必要です。 また、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションは、一般的に使用される3つの認証フローをすべてシームレスにサポートするため、これらの認証フロー用にカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成(独自のOAuth アプリケーションクレデンシャルを使用)することもできます。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションは、次のような場合に有用です。
デスクトップ、Web、またはヘッドレスマシンの認証フローで使用するカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成し、適切な接続プロパティを取得するには以下を行います。
接続する前に、これらのOAuth クレデンシャル、およびDivision とRegion を設定してください。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud は、Exact Online API のエンティティをリレーショナルテーブルおよびストアドプロシージャにモデル化します。CData Cloud は、テーブル定義を動的に取得します。接続時にCloud は、適切なWeb サービスを呼び出してテーブルのリストとテーブルのメタデータを取得します。
Cloud はExact Online のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
AcceptQuotation | Usage information for the operation AcceptQuotation.rsd. |
AccountInvolvedAccounts | Usage information for the operation AccountInvolvedAccounts.rsd. |
AccountOwners | Usage information for the operation AccountOwners.rsd. |
Accounts | Usage information for the operation Accounts.rsd. |
Addresses | Usage information for the operation Addresses.rsd. |
BankAccounts | Usage information for the operation BankAccounts.rsd. |
BankEntries | Usage information for the operation BankEntries.rsd. |
BankEntryLines | Usage information for the operation BankEntryLines.rsd. |
BillOfMaterialRoutings | Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete routings in a bill of material version linked to a make item. |
ByProductReceipts | Usage information for the operation ByProductReceipts.rsd. |
ByProductReversals | Usage information for the operation ByProductReversals.rsd. |
CashEntries | Usage information for the operation CashEntries.rsd. |
CashEntryLines | Usage information for the operation CashEntryLines.rsd. |
CommunicationNotes | Usage information for the operation CommunicationNotes.rsd. |
Complaints | Usage information for the operation Complaints.rsd. |
Contacts | Usage information for the operation Contacts.rsd. |
Costcenters | Usage information for the operation Costcenters.rsd. |
CostTransactions | Usage information for the operation CostTransactions.rsd. |
Costunits | Usage information for the operation Costunits.rsd. |
DepreciationMethods | Usage information for the operation DepreciationMethods.rsd. |
DirectDebitMandates | Usage information for the operation DirectDebitMandates.rsd. |
DocumentAttachments | Usage information for the operation DocumentAttachments.rsd. |
DocumentFolders | Usage information for the operation DocumentFolders.rsd. |
Documents | Usage information for the operation Documents.rsd. |
DocumentTypeFolders | Usage information for the operation DocumentTypeFolders.rsd. |
DropShipmentLines | To List, Create and Update DropShipmentLines. |
DropShipments | To List, Create and Update DropShipments. |
Events | Usage information for the operation Events.rsd. |
ExchangeRates | Usage information for the operation ExchangeRates.rsd. |
GeneralJournalEntries | Usage information for the operation GeneralJournalEntries.rsd. |
GeneralJournalEntryLines | Usage information for the operation GeneralJournalEntryLines.rsd. |
GLAccounts | Usage information for the operation GLAccounts.rsd. |
GoodsDeliveries | Usage information for the operation GoodsDeliveries.rsd. |
GoodsDeliveryLines | Usage information for the operation GoodsDeliveryLines.rsd. |
GoodsReceiptLines | Usage information for the operation GoodsReceiptLines.rsd. |
GoodsReceipts | Usage information for the operation GoodsReceipts.rsd. |
InvoiceSalesOrders | Usage information for the operation InvoiceSalesOrders.rsd. |
InvoiceTerms | Usage information for the operation InvoiceTerms.rsd. |
InvolvedUserRoles | Usage information for the operation InvolvedUserRoles.rsd. |
InvolvedUsers | Usage information for the operation InvolvedUsers.rsd. |
Items | Usage information for the operation Items.rsd. |
ItemWarehouses | Usage information for the operation ItemWarehouses.rsd. |
Journals | Usage information for the operation Journals.rsd. |
Mailboxes | Usage information for the operation Mailboxes.rsd. |
MailMessageAttachments | Usage information for the operation MailMessageAttachments.rsd. |
MailMessages | Usage information for the operation MailMessages.rsd. |
MailMessagesSent | Usage information for the operation MailMessagesSent.rsd. |
MaterialIssues | Usage information for the operation MaterialIssues.rsd. |
MaterialReversals | Usage information for the operation MaterialReversals.rsd. |
OperationResources | Usage information for the operation OperationResources.rsd. |
Operations | Usage information for the operation Operations.rsd. |
Opportunities | Usage information for the operation Opportunities.rsd. |
PaymentConditions | Usage information for the operation PaymentConditions.rsd. |
PrintedSalesInvoices | Usage information for the operation PrintedSalesInvoices.rsd. |
PrintedSalesOrders | Usage information for the operation PrintedSalesOrders.rsd. |
PrintQuotation | Usage information for the operation PrintQuotation.rsd. |
ProcessPayments | Usage information for the operation ProcessPayments.rsd. |
ProcessStockCount | Usage information for the operation ProcessStockCount.rsd. |
ProductionAreas | Usage information for the operation ProductionAreas.rsd. |
ProjectClassifications | ProjectClassifications |
ProjectHourBudgets | Usage information for the operation ProjectHourBudgets.rsd. |
ProjectPlanning | Usage information for the operation ProjectPlanning.rsd. |
ProjectPlanningRecurring | Usage information for the operation ProjectPlanningRecurring.rsd. |
ProjectRestrictionEmployees | Usage information for the operation ProjectRestrictionEmployees.rsd. |
ProjectRestrictionItems | Usage information for the operation ProjectRestrictionItems.rsd. |
ProjectRestrictionRebillings | Usage information for the operation ProjectRestrictionRebillings.rsd. |
Projects | Usage information for the operation Projects.rsd. |
ProjectTimeTransactions | Usage information for the operation ProjectTimeTransactions.rsd. |
PurchaseEntries | Usage information for the operation PurchaseEntries.rsd. |
PurchaseEntryLines | Usage information for the operation PurchaseEntryLines.rsd. |
PurchaseInvoiceLines | Usage information for the operation PurchaseInvoiceLines.rsd. |
PurchaseInvoices | Usage information for the operation PurchaseInvoices.rsd. |
PurchaseReturnLines | Use this endpoint to create a new purchase return line, retrieve an existing purchase return line and update an existing purchase return line |
QuotationLines | Usage information for the operation QuotationLines.rsd. |
QuotationOrderChargeLines | Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete quotation's order charge lines. |
Quotations | Usage information for the operation Quotations.rsd. |
RejectQuotation | Usage information for the operation RejectQuotation.rsd. |
ReopenQuotation | Usage information for the operation ReopenQuotation.rsd. |
ReviewQuotation | Usage information for the operation ReviewQuotation.rsd. |
SalesEntries | Usage information for the operation SalesEntries.rsd. |
SalesEntryLines | Usage information for the operation SalesEntryLines.rsd. |
SalesInvoiceLines | Usage information for the operation SalesInvoiceLines.rsd. |
SalesInvoiceOrderChargeLines | Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete sales invoice shipping cost and order charge lines. |
SalesInvoices | Usage information for the operation SalesInvoices.rsd. |
SalesItemPrices | Usage information for the operation SalesItemPrices.rsd. |
SalesOrderHeaders | Usage information for the operation SalesOrderHeaders.rsd. |
SalesOrderID | Usage information for the operation SalesOrderID.rsd. |
SalesOrderLines | Usage information for the operation SalesOrderLines.rsd. |
SalesOrderOrderChargeLines | Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete sales order shipping cost and order charge lines. |
SalesOrders | Usage information for the operation SalesOrders.rsd. |
ServiceRequests | Usage information for the operation ServiceRequests.rsd. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlans | Usage information for the operation ShopOrderMaterialPlans.rsd. |
ShopOrderReceipts | Usage information for the operation ShopOrderReceipts.rsd. |
ShopOrderReversals | Usage information for the operation ShopOrderReversals.rsd. |
ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans | Usage information for the operation ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans.rsd. |
ShopOrders | Usage information for the operation ShopOrders.rsd. |
SolutionLinks | Usage information for the operation SolutionLinks.rsd. |
StockCountLines | Usage information for the operation StockCountLines.rsd. |
StockCounts | Usage information for the operation StockCounts.rsd. |
SubOrderReceipts | Usage information for the operation SubOrderReceipts.rsd. |
SubOrderReversals | Usage information for the operation SubOrderReversals.rsd. |
SubscriptionLines | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionLines.rsd. |
SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees.rsd. |
SubscriptionRestrictionItems | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionRestrictionItems.rsd. |
Subscriptions | Usage information for the operation Subscriptions.rsd. |
SupplierItem | Usage information for the operation SupplierItem.rsd. |
Tasks | Usage information for the operation Tasks.rsd. |
TaskTypes | Usage information for the operation TaskTypes.rsd. |
TimeCorrections | Usage information for the operation TimeCorrections.rsd. |
TimeTransactions | Usage information for the operation TimeTransactions.rsd. |
VATCodes | Usage information for the operation VATCodes.rsd. |
Warehouses | Usage information for the operation Warehouses.rsd. |
Workcenters | Usage information for the operation Workcenters.rsd. |
Usage information for the operation AcceptQuotation.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
QuotationID [KEY] | String | True |
The QuotationID column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
Action | Int | False |
The Action column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
CreateProjectWBS | Bool | False |
The CreateProjectWBS column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ErrorMessage | String | False |
The ErrorMessage column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
InvoiceJournal | Int | False |
The InvoiceJournal column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectBudgetType | Int | False |
The ProjectBudgetType column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectInvoiceDate | Datetime | False |
The ProjectInvoiceDate column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectInvoicingAction | Int | False |
The ProjectInvoicingAction column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectPrepaindTypes | Int | False |
The ProjectPrepaindTypes column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectPriceAgreement | Double | False |
The ProjectPriceAgreement column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectSuccess | String | False |
The ProjectSuccess column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ProjectType | Int | False |
The ProjectType column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
ReasonCode | String | False |
The ReasonCode column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
SalesInvoiceSuccess | String | False |
The SalesInvoiceSuccess column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
SalesOrderSuccess | String | False |
The SalesOrderSuccess column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
SuccessMessage | String | False |
The SuccessMessage column for the table AcceptQuotation. |
Usage information for the operation AccountInvolvedAccounts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
InvolvedAccount | String | False |
The InvolvedAccount column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
InvolvedAccountRelationTypeDescription | String | False |
The InvolvedAccountRelationTypeDescription column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
InvolvedAccountRelationTypeDescriptionTermId | Int | False |
The InvolvedAccountRelationTypeDescriptionTermId column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
InvolvedAccountRelationTypeId | Int | False |
The InvolvedAccountRelationTypeId column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table AccountInvolvedAccounts. |
Usage information for the operation AccountOwners.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table AccountOwners. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table AccountOwners. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table AccountOwners. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table AccountOwners. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table AccountOwners. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table AccountOwners. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table AccountOwners. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table AccountOwners. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table AccountOwners. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table AccountOwners. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table AccountOwners. |
OwnerAccount | String | False |
The OwnerAccount column for the table AccountOwners. |
OwnerAccountCode | String | False |
The OwnerAccountCode column for the table AccountOwners. |
OwnerAccountName | String | False |
The OwnerAccountName column for the table AccountOwners. |
Shares | Double | False |
The Shares column for the table AccountOwners. |
Usage information for the operation Accounts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Accounts. |
Accountant | String | False |
The Accountant column for the table Accounts. |
AccountManager | String | False |
The AccountManager column for the table Accounts. |
AccountManagerFullName | String | False |
The AccountManagerFullName column for the table Accounts. |
AccountManagerHID | Int | False |
The AccountManagerHID column for the table Accounts. |
ActivitySector | String | False |
The ActivitySector column for the table Accounts. |
ActivitySubSector | String | False |
The ActivitySubSector column for the table Accounts. |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
The AddressLine1 column for the table Accounts. |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
The AddressLine2 column for the table Accounts. |
AddressLine3 | String | False |
The AddressLine3 column for the table Accounts. |
Blocked | Bool | False |
The Blocked column for the table Accounts. |
BRIN | String | False |
The BRIN column for the table Accounts. |
BusinessType | String | False |
The BusinessType column for the table Accounts. |
CanDropShip | Bool | False |
The CanDropShip column for the table Accounts. |
ChamberOfCommerce | String | False |
The ChamberOfCommerce column for the table Accounts. |
City | String | False |
The City column for the table Accounts. |
Classification | String | False |
The Classification column for the table Accounts. |
Classification1 | String | False |
The Classification1 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification2 | String | False |
The Classification2 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification3 | String | False |
The Classification3 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification4 | String | False |
The Classification4 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification5 | String | False |
The Classification5 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification6 | String | False |
The Classification6 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification7 | String | False |
The Classification7 column for the table Accounts. |
Classification8 | String | False |
The Classification8 column for the table Accounts. |
ClassificationDescription | String | False |
The ClassificationDescription column for the table Accounts. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Accounts. |
CodeAtSupplier | String | False |
The CodeAtSupplier column for the table Accounts. |
CompanySize | String | False |
The CompanySize column for the table Accounts. |
ConsolidationScenario | Int | False |
The ConsolidationScenario column for the table Accounts. |
ControlledDate | Datetime | False |
The ControlledDate column for the table Accounts. |
Costcenter | String | False |
The Costcenter column for the table Accounts. |
CostcenterDescription | String | False |
The CostcenterDescription column for the table Accounts. |
CostPaid | Int | False |
The CostPaid column for the table Accounts. |
Country | String | False |
The Country column for the table Accounts. |
CountryName | String | False |
The CountryName column for the table Accounts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Accounts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Accounts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Accounts. |
CreditLinePurchase | Double | False |
The CreditLinePurchase column for the table Accounts. |
CreditLineSales | Double | False |
The CreditLineSales column for the table Accounts. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table Accounts. |
CustomerSince | Datetime | False |
The CustomerSince column for the table Accounts. |
DatevCreditorCode | String | False |
The DatevCreditorCode column for the table Accounts. |
DatevDebtorCode | String | False |
The DatevDebtorCode column for the table Accounts. |
DiscountPurchase | Double | False |
The DiscountPurchase column for the table Accounts. |
DiscountSales | Double | False |
The DiscountSales column for the table Accounts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Accounts. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table Accounts. |
DunsNumber | String | False |
The DunsNumber column for the table Accounts. |
String | False |
The Email column for the table Accounts. | |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Accounts. |
EstablishedDate | Datetime | False |
The EstablishedDate column for the table Accounts. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax column for the table Accounts. |
GLAccountPurchase | String | False |
The GLAccountPurchase column for the table Accounts. |
GLAccountSales | String | False |
The GLAccountSales column for the table Accounts. |
GLAP | String | False |
The GLAP column for the table Accounts. |
GLAR | String | False |
The GLAR column for the table Accounts. |
HasWithholdingTaxSales | Bool | False |
The HasWithholdingTaxSales column for the table Accounts. |
IgnoreDatevWarningMessage | Bool | False |
The IgnoreDatevWarningMessage column for the table Accounts. |
IntraStatArea | String | False |
The IntraStatArea column for the table Accounts. |
IntraStatDeliveryTerm | String | False |
The IntraStatDeliveryTerm column for the table Accounts. |
IntraStatSystem | String | False |
The IntraStatSystem column for the table Accounts. |
IntraStatTransactionA | String | False |
The IntraStatTransactionA column for the table Accounts. |
IntraStatTransactionB | String | False |
The IntraStatTransactionB column for the table Accounts. |
IntraStatTransportMethod | String | False |
The IntraStatTransportMethod column for the table Accounts. |
InvoiceAccount | String | False |
The InvoiceAccount column for the table Accounts. |
InvoiceAccountCode | String | False |
The InvoiceAccountCode column for the table Accounts. |
InvoiceAccountName | String | False |
The InvoiceAccountName column for the table Accounts. |
InvoiceAttachmentType | Int | False |
The InvoiceAttachmentType column for the table Accounts. |
InvoicingMethod | Int | False |
The InvoicingMethod column for the table Accounts. |
IsAccountant | Int | False |
The IsAccountant column for the table Accounts. |
IsAgency | Int | False |
The IsAgency column for the table Accounts. |
IsBank | Bool | False |
The IsBank column for the table Accounts. |
IsCompetitor | Int | False |
The IsCompetitor column for the table Accounts. |
IsExtraDuty | Bool | False |
The IsExtraDuty column for the table Accounts. |
IsMailing | Int | False |
The IsMailing column for the table Accounts. |
IsMember | Bool | False |
The IsMember column for the table Accounts. |
IsPilot | Bool | False |
The IsPilot column for the table Accounts. |
IsPurchase | Bool | False |
The IsPurchase column for the table Accounts. |
IsReseller | Bool | False |
The IsReseller column for the table Accounts. |
IsSales | Bool | False |
The IsSales column for the table Accounts. |
IsSupplier | Bool | False |
The IsSupplier column for the table Accounts. |
Language | String | False |
The Language column for the table Accounts. |
LanguageDescription | String | False |
The LanguageDescription column for the table Accounts. |
Latitude | Double | False |
The Latitude column for the table Accounts. |
LeadPurpose | String | False |
The LeadPurpose column for the table Accounts. |
LeadSource | String | False |
The LeadSource column for the table Accounts. |
Logo | Binary | False |
The Logo column for the table Accounts. |
LogoFileName | String | False |
The LogoFileName column for the table Accounts. |
LogoThumbnailUrl | String | False |
The LogoThumbnailUrl column for the table Accounts. |
LogoUrl | String | False |
The LogoUrl column for the table Accounts. |
Longitude | Double | False |
The Longitude column for the table Accounts. |
MainContact | String | False |
The MainContact column for the table Accounts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Accounts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Accounts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Accounts. |
Name | String | False |
The Name column for the table Accounts. |
OINNumber | String | False |
The OINNumber column for the table Accounts. |
Parent | String | False |
The Parent column for the table Accounts. |
PayAsYouEarn | String | False |
The PayAsYouEarn column for the table Accounts. |
PaymentConditionPurchase | String | False |
The PaymentConditionPurchase column for the table Accounts. |
PaymentConditionPurchaseDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionPurchaseDescription column for the table Accounts. |
PaymentConditionSales | String | False |
The PaymentConditionSales column for the table Accounts. |
PaymentConditionSalesDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionSalesDescription column for the table Accounts. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone column for the table Accounts. |
PhoneExtension | String | False |
The PhoneExtension column for the table Accounts. |
Postcode | String | False |
The Postcode column for the table Accounts. |
PriceList | String | False |
The PriceList column for the table Accounts. |
PurchaseCurrency | String | False |
The PurchaseCurrency column for the table Accounts. |
PurchaseCurrencyDescription | String | False |
The PurchaseCurrencyDescription column for the table Accounts. |
PurchaseLeadDays | Int | False |
The PurchaseLeadDays column for the table Accounts. |
PurchaseVATCode | String | False |
The PurchaseVATCode column for the table Accounts. |
PurchaseVATCodeDescription | String | False |
The PurchaseVATCodeDescription column for the table Accounts. |
RecepientOfCommissions | Bool | False |
The RecepientOfCommissions column for the table Accounts. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table Accounts. |
Reseller | String | False |
The Reseller column for the table Accounts. |
ResellerCode | String | False |
The ResellerCode column for the table Accounts. |
ResellerName | String | False |
The ResellerName column for the table Accounts. |
RSIN | String | False |
The RSIN column for the table Accounts. |
SalesCurrency | String | False |
The SalesCurrency column for the table Accounts. |
SalesCurrencyDescription | String | False |
The SalesCurrencyDescription column for the table Accounts. |
SalesTaxSchedule | String | False |
The SalesTaxSchedule column for the table Accounts. |
SalesTaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The SalesTaxScheduleCode column for the table Accounts. |
SalesTaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The SalesTaxScheduleDescription column for the table Accounts. |
SalesVATCode | String | False |
The SalesVATCode column for the table Accounts. |
SalesVATCodeDescription | String | False |
The SalesVATCodeDescription column for the table Accounts. |
SearchCode | String | False |
The SearchCode column for the table Accounts. |
SecurityLevel | Int | False |
The SecurityLevel column for the table Accounts. |
SeparateInvPerProject | Int | False |
The SeparateInvPerProject column for the table Accounts. |
SeparateInvPerSubscription | Int | False |
The SeparateInvPerSubscription column for the table Accounts. |
ShippingLeadDays | Int | False |
The ShippingLeadDays column for the table Accounts. |
ShippingMethod | String | False |
The ShippingMethod column for the table Accounts. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table Accounts. |
State | String | False |
The State column for the table Accounts. |
StateName | String | False |
The StateName column for the table Accounts. |
Status | String | False |
The Status column for the table Accounts. |
StatusSince | Datetime | False |
The StatusSince column for the table Accounts. |
TradeName | String | False |
The TradeName column for the table Accounts. |
Type | String | False |
The Type column for the table Accounts. |
UniqueTaxpayerReference | String | False |
The UniqueTaxpayerReference column for the table Accounts. |
VATLiability | String | False |
The VATLiability column for the table Accounts. |
VATNumber | String | False |
The VATNumber column for the table Accounts. |
Website | String | False |
The Website column for the table Accounts. |
LinkedBankAccounts | String | False |
The LinkedBankAccounts column for the table Accounts. |
Usage information for the operation Addresses.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Addresses. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Addresses. |
AccountIsSupplier | Bool | False |
The AccountIsSupplier column for the table Addresses. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Addresses. |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
The AddressLine1 column for the table Addresses. |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
The AddressLine2 column for the table Addresses. |
AddressLine3 | String | False |
The AddressLine3 column for the table Addresses. |
City | String | False |
The City column for the table Addresses. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table Addresses. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName column for the table Addresses. |
Country | String | False |
The Country column for the table Addresses. |
CountryName | String | False |
The CountryName column for the table Addresses. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Addresses. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Addresses. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Addresses. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Addresses. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax column for the table Addresses. |
FreeBoolField_01 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_01 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeBoolField_02 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_02 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeBoolField_03 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_03 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeBoolField_04 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_04 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeBoolField_05 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_05 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeDateField_01 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_01 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeDateField_02 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_02 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeDateField_03 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_03 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeDateField_04 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_04 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeDateField_05 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_05 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeNumberField_01 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_01 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeNumberField_02 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_02 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeNumberField_03 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_03 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeNumberField_04 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_04 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeNumberField_05 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_05 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeTextField_01 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_01 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeTextField_02 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_02 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeTextField_03 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_03 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeTextField_04 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_04 column for the table Addresses. |
FreeTextField_05 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_05 column for the table Addresses. |
Mailbox | String | False |
The Mailbox column for the table Addresses. |
Main | Bool | False |
The Main column for the table Addresses. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Addresses. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Addresses. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Addresses. |
NicNumber | String | False |
The NicNumber column for the table Addresses. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Addresses. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone column for the table Addresses. |
PhoneExtension | String | False |
The PhoneExtension column for the table Addresses. |
Postcode | String | False |
The Postcode column for the table Addresses. |
State | String | False |
The State column for the table Addresses. |
StateDescription | String | False |
The StateDescription column for the table Addresses. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table Addresses. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table Addresses. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table Addresses. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table Addresses. |
Usage information for the operation BankAccounts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table BankAccounts. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table BankAccounts. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table BankAccounts. |
Bank | String | False |
The Bank column for the table BankAccounts. |
BankAccount | String | False |
The BankAccount column for the table BankAccounts. |
BankAccountHolderName | String | False |
The BankAccountHolderName column for the table BankAccounts. |
BankDescription | String | False |
The BankDescription column for the table BankAccounts. |
BankName | String | False |
The BankName column for the table BankAccounts. |
BICCode | String | False |
The BICCode column for the table BankAccounts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table BankAccounts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table BankAccounts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table BankAccounts. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table BankAccounts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table BankAccounts. |
Format | String | False |
The Format column for the table BankAccounts. |
IBAN | String | False |
The IBAN column for the table BankAccounts. |
Main | Bool | False |
The Main column for the table BankAccounts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table BankAccounts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table BankAccounts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table BankAccounts. |
PaymentServiceAccount | String | False |
The PaymentServiceAccount column for the table BankAccounts. |
Type | String | False |
The Type column for the table BankAccounts. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table BankAccounts. |
Usage information for the operation BankEntries.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table BankEntries. |
ClosingBalanceFC | Double | False |
The ClosingBalanceFC column for the table BankEntries. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table BankEntries. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table BankEntries. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table BankEntries. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table BankEntries. |
FinancialPeriod | Int | False |
The FinancialPeriod column for the table BankEntries. |
FinancialYear | Int | False |
The FinancialYear column for the table BankEntries. |
JournalCode | String | False |
The JournalCode column for the table BankEntries. |
JournalDescription | String | False |
The JournalDescription column for the table BankEntries. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table BankEntries. |
OpeningBalanceFC | Double | False |
The OpeningBalanceFC column for the table BankEntries. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table BankEntries. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table BankEntries. |
BankStatementDocument | String | False |
The BankStatementDocument column for the table BankEntries. |
BankStatementDocumentNumber | Int | False |
The BankStatementDocumentNumber column for the table BankEntries. |
BankStatementDocumentSubject | String | False |
The BankStatementDocumentSubject column for the table BankEntries. |
LinkedBankEntryLines | String | False |
The LinkedBankEntryLines column for the table BankEntries. |
Usage information for the operation BankEntryLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AmountVATFC | Double | False |
The AmountVATFC column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Asset | String | False |
The Asset column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AssetCode | String | False |
The AssetCode column for the table BankEntryLines. |
AssetDescription | String | False |
The AssetDescription column for the table BankEntryLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table BankEntryLines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table BankEntryLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table BankEntryLines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table BankEntryLines. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table BankEntryLines. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table BankEntryLines. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table BankEntryLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table BankEntryLines. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table BankEntryLines. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
The ExchangeRate column for the table BankEntryLines. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table BankEntryLines. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
The GLAccountCode column for the table BankEntryLines. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table BankEntryLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table BankEntryLines. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table BankEntryLines. |
OffsetID | String | False |
The OffsetID column for the table BankEntryLines. |
OurRef | Int | False |
The OurRef column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table BankEntryLines. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table BankEntryLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table BankEntryLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table BankEntryLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table BankEntryLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table BankEntryLines. |
VATType | String | False |
The VATType column for the table BankEntryLines. |
Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete routings in a bill of material version linked to a make item.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
Id for BillOfMaterialRoutings |
Account | String | False |
Reference to Account providing the Outsourced item |
AttendedPercentage | Double | False |
Attended Percentage |
Backflush | Int | False |
Indicates if this is a backflush step |
CostPerItem | Double | False |
Total cost / Batch quantity |
CreatedBy | String | False |
User ID of creator |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
Creation date |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
Name of creator |
Currency | String | False |
Name of creator |
Division | Int | False |
Division code |
EfficiencyPercentage | Double | False |
Efficiency Percentage |
FactorType | Int | False |
Conversion factor type between produced item and Subcontract purchase Unit |
GeneralBurden | Double | False |
General Burden |
Item | String | False |
Reference to Items |
ItemVersion | String | False |
Reference to Item versions |
LineNumber | Int | False |
Sequential order of the operation |
MachineBurden | Double | False |
Machine Burden |
ModifiedBy | String | False |
User ID of modifier |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | False |
Modification date |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
Modification date |
Notes | String | False |
Notes |
Operation | String | False |
Reference to Operations |
OperationDescription | String | False |
Description of the operation step |
OperationResource | String | False |
Reference to OperationResources |
PurchaseUnit | String | False |
Reference to Units |
PurchaseUnitFactor | Double | False |
Purchase Unit Factor |
PurchaseUnitPriceFC | Double | False |
Purchase Unit Price in the currency of the transaction |
PurchaseUnitQuantity | Double | False |
Purchase unit quantity of the plan |
RateFC | Double | False |
Rate FC |
ResourceDescription | String | False |
Resource Description |
RoutingStepType | Int | False |
Reference to RoutingStepTypes |
Run | Double | False |
Used in conjunction with RunMethod, and EfficiencyPercentage to determine PlannedRunHours |
RunLabor | Double | False |
Run Labor |
RunLaborBurden | Double | False |
Run Labor Burden |
RunMethod | Int | False |
Reference to OperationMethod |
Setup | Double | False |
Used in conjunction with SetupCount and Setup Unit to determine PlannedSetupHours |
SetupLabor | Double | False |
Setup Labor |
SetupLaborBurden | Double | False |
Setup Labor Burden |
SetupUnit | String | False |
Reference to TimeUnits |
SubcontractedLeadDays | Int | False |
Subcontracted lead days |
TotalCostDC | Double | False |
Total cost of the routing line |
Workcenter | String | False |
Reference to Workcenters |
Usage information for the operation ByProductReceipts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
StockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The StockTransactionId column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
DraftStockTransactionID | String | False |
The DraftStockTransactionID column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
HasReversibleQuantity | Bool | False |
The HasReversibleQuantity column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
IsBackflush | Bool | False |
The IsBackflush column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlan | String | False |
The ShopOrderMaterialPlan column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table ByProductReceipts. |
Usage information for the operation ByProductReversals.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ReversalStockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The ReversalStockTransactionId column for the table ByProductReversals. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table ByProductReversals. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table ByProductReversals. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table ByProductReversals. |
IsBackflush | Bool | False |
The IsBackflush column for the table ByProductReversals. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table ByProductReversals. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table ByProductReversals. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table ByProductReversals. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ByProductReversals. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ByProductReversals. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ByProductReversals. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table ByProductReversals. |
Note | String | False |
The Note column for the table ByProductReversals. |
OriginalStockTransactionId | String | False |
The OriginalStockTransactionId column for the table ByProductReversals. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table ByProductReversals. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table ByProductReversals. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlan | String | False |
The ShopOrderMaterialPlan column for the table ByProductReversals. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table ByProductReversals. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table ByProductReversals. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table ByProductReversals. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table ByProductReversals. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table ByProductReversals. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table ByProductReversals. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table ByProductReversals. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table ByProductReversals. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table ByProductReversals. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table ByProductReversals. |
Usage information for the operation CashEntries.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table CashEntries. |
ClosingBalanceFC | Double | False |
The ClosingBalanceFC column for the table CashEntries. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table CashEntries. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table CashEntries. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table CashEntries. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table CashEntries. |
FinancialPeriod | Int | False |
The FinancialPeriod column for the table CashEntries. |
FinancialYear | Int | False |
The FinancialYear column for the table CashEntries. |
JournalCode | String | False |
The JournalCode column for the table CashEntries. |
JournalDescription | String | False |
The JournalDescription column for the table CashEntries. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table CashEntries. |
OpeningBalanceFC | Double | False |
The OpeningBalanceFC column for the table CashEntries. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table CashEntries. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table CashEntries. |
LinkedCashEntryLines | String | False |
The LinkedCashEntryLines column for the table CashEntries. |
Usage information for the operation CashEntryLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AmountVATFC | Double | False |
The AmountVATFC column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Asset | String | False |
The Asset column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AssetCode | String | False |
The AssetCode column for the table CashEntryLines. |
AssetDescription | String | False |
The AssetDescription column for the table CashEntryLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table CashEntryLines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table CashEntryLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table CashEntryLines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table CashEntryLines. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table CashEntryLines. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table CashEntryLines. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table CashEntryLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table CashEntryLines. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table CashEntryLines. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
The ExchangeRate column for the table CashEntryLines. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table CashEntryLines. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
The GLAccountCode column for the table CashEntryLines. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table CashEntryLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table CashEntryLines. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table CashEntryLines. |
OffsetID | String | False |
The OffsetID column for the table CashEntryLines. |
OurRef | Int | False |
The OurRef column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table CashEntryLines. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table CashEntryLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table CashEntryLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table CashEntryLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table CashEntryLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table CashEntryLines. |
VATType | String | False |
The VATType column for the table CashEntryLines. |
Usage information for the operation CommunicationNotes.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Campaign | String | False |
The Campaign column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
CampaignDescription | String | False |
The CampaignDescription column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
ContactFullName | String | False |
The ContactFullName column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Opportunity | String | False |
The Opportunity column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
OpportunityName | String | False |
The OpportunityName column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
User | String | False |
The User column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
UserFullName | String | False |
The UserFullName column for the table CommunicationNotes. |
Usage information for the operation Complaints.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Complaints. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Complaints. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Complaints. |
AssignedTo | String | False |
The AssignedTo column for the table Complaints. |
AssignedToFullName | String | False |
The AssignedToFullName column for the table Complaints. |
Complaint | String | False |
The Complaint column for the table Complaints. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table Complaints. |
ContactFullName | String | False |
The ContactFullName column for the table Complaints. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Complaints. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Complaints. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Complaints. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Complaints. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table Complaints. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table Complaints. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table Complaints. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Complaints. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Complaints. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Complaints. |
NextAction | Datetime | False |
The NextAction column for the table Complaints. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Complaints. |
ReceiptDate | Datetime | False |
The ReceiptDate column for the table Complaints. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table Complaints. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table Complaints. |
Usage information for the operation Contacts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Contacts. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Contacts. |
AccountIsCustomer | Bool | False |
The AccountIsCustomer column for the table Contacts. |
AccountIsSupplier | Bool | False |
The AccountIsSupplier column for the table Contacts. |
AccountMainContact | String | False |
The AccountMainContact column for the table Contacts. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Contacts. |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
The AddressLine2 column for the table Contacts. |
AddressStreet | String | False |
The AddressStreet column for the table Contacts. |
AddressStreetNumber | String | False |
The AddressStreetNumber column for the table Contacts. |
AddressStreetNumberSuffix | String | False |
The AddressStreetNumberSuffix column for the table Contacts. |
AllowMailing | Int | False |
The AllowMailing column for the table Contacts. |
BirthDate | Datetime | False |
The BirthDate column for the table Contacts. |
BirthName | String | False |
The BirthName column for the table Contacts. |
BirthNamePrefix | String | False |
The BirthNamePrefix column for the table Contacts. |
BirthPlace | String | False |
The BirthPlace column for the table Contacts. |
BusinessEmail | String | False |
The BusinessEmail column for the table Contacts. |
BusinessFax | String | False |
The BusinessFax column for the table Contacts. |
BusinessMobile | String | False |
The BusinessMobile column for the table Contacts. |
BusinessPhone | String | False |
The BusinessPhone column for the table Contacts. |
BusinessPhoneExtension | String | False |
The BusinessPhoneExtension column for the table Contacts. |
City | String | False |
The City column for the table Contacts. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Contacts. |
Country | String | False |
The Country column for the table Contacts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Contacts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Contacts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Contacts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Contacts. |
String | False |
The Email column for the table Contacts. | |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Contacts. |
FirstName | String | False |
The FirstName column for the table Contacts. |
FullName | String | False |
The FullName column for the table Contacts. |
Gender | String | False |
The Gender column for the table Contacts. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table Contacts. |
IdentificationDate | Datetime | False |
The IdentificationDate column for the table Contacts. |
IdentificationDocument | String | False |
The IdentificationDocument column for the table Contacts. |
IdentificationUser | String | False |
The IdentificationUser column for the table Contacts. |
Initials | String | False |
The Initials column for the table Contacts. |
IsMailingExcluded | Bool | False |
The IsMailingExcluded column for the table Contacts. |
IsMainContact | Bool | False |
The IsMainContact column for the table Contacts. |
JobTitleDescription | String | False |
The JobTitleDescription column for the table Contacts. |
Language | String | False |
The Language column for the table Contacts. |
LastName | String | False |
The LastName column for the table Contacts. |
MarketingNotes | String | False |
The MarketingNotes column for the table Contacts. |
MiddleName | String | False |
The MiddleName column for the table Contacts. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile column for the table Contacts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Contacts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Contacts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Contacts. |
Nationality | String | False |
The Nationality column for the table Contacts. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Contacts. |
PartnerName | String | False |
The PartnerName column for the table Contacts. |
PartnerNamePrefix | String | False |
The PartnerNamePrefix column for the table Contacts. |
Person | String | False |
The Person column for the table Contacts. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone column for the table Contacts. |
PhoneExtension | String | False |
The PhoneExtension column for the table Contacts. |
Picture | Binary | False |
The Picture column for the table Contacts. |
PictureName | String | False |
The PictureName column for the table Contacts. |
PictureThumbnailUrl | String | False |
The PictureThumbnailUrl column for the table Contacts. |
PictureUrl | String | False |
The PictureUrl column for the table Contacts. |
Postcode | String | False |
The Postcode column for the table Contacts. |
SocialSecurityNumber | String | False |
The SocialSecurityNumber column for the table Contacts. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table Contacts. |
State | String | False |
The State column for the table Contacts. |
Title | String | False |
The Title column for the table Contacts. |
LeadPurpose | String | False |
The LeadPurpose column for the table Contacts. |
LeadSource | String | False |
The LeadSource column for the table Contacts. |
Usage information for the operation Costcenters.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Costcenters. |
Active | Bool | False |
The Active column for the table Costcenters. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Costcenters. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Costcenters. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Costcenters. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Costcenters. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Costcenters. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Costcenters. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Costcenters. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Costcenters. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Costcenters. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Costcenters. |
Usage information for the operation CostTransactions.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table CostTransactions. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table CostTransactions. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table CostTransactions. |
Amount | Double | False |
The Amount column for the table CostTransactions. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table CostTransactions. |
Attachment | String | False |
The Attachment column for the table CostTransactions. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table CostTransactions. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table CostTransactions. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table CostTransactions. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table CostTransactions. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table CostTransactions. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table CostTransactions. |
DivisionDescription | String | False |
The DivisionDescription column for the table CostTransactions. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table CostTransactions. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table CostTransactions. |
ErrorText | String | False |
The ErrorText column for the table CostTransactions. |
Expense | String | False |
The Expense column for the table CostTransactions. |
ExpenseDescription | String | False |
The ExpenseDescription column for the table CostTransactions. |
HourStatus | Int | False |
The HourStatus column for the table CostTransactions. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table CostTransactions. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table CostTransactions. |
ItemDivisable | Bool | False |
The ItemDivisable column for the table CostTransactions. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table CostTransactions. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table CostTransactions. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table CostTransactions. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table CostTransactions. |
Price | Double | False |
The Price column for the table CostTransactions. |
PriceFC | Double | False |
The PriceFC column for the table CostTransactions. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table CostTransactions. |
ProjectAccount | String | False |
The ProjectAccount column for the table CostTransactions. |
ProjectAccountCode | String | False |
The ProjectAccountCode column for the table CostTransactions. |
ProjectAccountName | String | False |
The ProjectAccountName column for the table CostTransactions. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table CostTransactions. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table CostTransactions. |
SkipValidation | Bool | False |
The SkipValidation column for the table CostTransactions. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table CostTransactions. |
SubscriptionAccount | String | False |
The SubscriptionAccount column for the table CostTransactions. |
SubscriptionAccountCode | String | False |
The SubscriptionAccountCode column for the table CostTransactions. |
SubscriptionAccountName | String | False |
The SubscriptionAccountName column for the table CostTransactions. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table CostTransactions. |
SubscriptionNumber | Int | False |
The SubscriptionNumber column for the table CostTransactions. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table CostTransactions. |
Usage information for the operation Costunits.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Costunits. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Costunits. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Costunits. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Costunits. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Costunits. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Costunits. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Costunits. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Costunits. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Costunits. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Costunits. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Costunits. |
Usage information for the operation DepreciationMethods.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Amount | Double | False |
The Amount column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
DepreciationInterval | String | False |
The DepreciationInterval column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
MaxPercentage | Double | False |
The MaxPercentage column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Percentage | Double | False |
The Percentage column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Percentage2 | Double | False |
The Percentage2 column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Periods | Int | False |
The Periods column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Years | Int | False |
The Years column for the table DepreciationMethods. |
Usage information for the operation DirectDebitMandates.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
BankAccount | String | False |
The BankAccount column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
CancellationDate | Datetime | False |
The CancellationDate column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
FirstSend | Int | False |
The FirstSend column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Main | Int | False |
The Main column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
PaymentType | Int | False |
The PaymentType column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Reference | String | False |
The Reference column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
SignatureDate | Datetime | False |
The SignatureDate column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table DirectDebitMandates. |
Usage information for the operation DocumentAttachments.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table DocumentAttachments. |
Attachment | Binary | False |
The Attachment column for the table DocumentAttachments. This is only used for inserting attachments. To download an attachment, navigate to the Url provided via the Url field. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table DocumentAttachments. |
FileName | String | False |
The FileName column for the table DocumentAttachments. |
FileSize | Double | False |
The FileSize column for the table DocumentAttachments. |
Url | String | False |
The Url column for the table DocumentAttachments. Used for downloading the attachment. |
Usage information for the operation DocumentFolders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table DocumentFolders. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table DocumentFolders. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table DocumentFolders. |
ParentFolder | String | False |
The ParentFolder column for the table DocumentFolders. |
Usage information for the operation Documents.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Documents. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Documents. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table Documents. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Documents. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table Documents. |
Body | String | False |
The Body column for the table Documents. |
Category | String | False |
The Category column for the table Documents. |
CategoryDescription | String | False |
The CategoryDescription column for the table Documents. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table Documents. |
ContactFullName | String | False |
The ContactFullName column for the table Documents. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Documents. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Documents. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Documents. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table Documents. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Documents. |
DocumentDate | Datetime | False |
The DocumentDate column for the table Documents. |
DocumentFolder | String | False |
The DocumentFolder column for the table Documents. |
DocumentFolderCode | String | False |
The DocumentFolderCode column for the table Documents. |
DocumentFolderDescription | String | False |
The DocumentFolderDescription column for the table Documents. |
DocumentViewUrl | String | False |
The DocumentViewUrl column for the table Documents. |
FinancialTransactionEntryID | String | False |
The FinancialTransactionEntryID column for the table Documents. |
HasEmptyBody | Bool | False |
The HasEmptyBody column for the table Documents. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table Documents. |
Language | String | False |
The Language column for the table Documents. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Documents. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Documents. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Documents. |
Opportunity | String | False |
The Opportunity column for the table Documents. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table Documents. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table Documents. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table Documents. |
SalesInvoiceNumber | Int | False |
The SalesInvoiceNumber column for the table Documents. |
SalesOrderNumber | Int | False |
The SalesOrderNumber column for the table Documents. |
SendMethod | Int | False |
The SendMethod column for the table Documents. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table Documents. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject column for the table Documents. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table Documents. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table Documents. |
Usage information for the operation DocumentTypeFolders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
DocumentFolder | String | False |
The DocumentFolder column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
DocumentType | Int | False |
The DocumentType column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table DocumentTypeFolders. |
To List, Create and Update DropShipmentLines.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True | |
Created | Datetime | False | |
Creator | String | False | |
CreatorFullName | String | False | |
CustomerItemCode | String | False | |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Division | Int | False | |
EntryID | String | False | |
Item | String | False | |
ItemCode | String | False | |
ItemDescription | String | False | |
LineNumber | Int | False | |
Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modifier | String | False | |
ModifierFullName | String | False | |
Notes | String | False | |
PurchaseOrderLineID | String | False | |
QuantityDelivered | Double | False | |
QuantityOrdered | Double | False | |
SalesOrderLineID | String | False | |
SalesOrderLineNumber | Int | False | |
SalesOrderNumber | Int | False | |
TrackingNumber | String | False | |
Unitcode | String | False |
To List, Create and Update DropShipments.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True | |
Created | Datetime | False | |
Creator | String | False | |
CreatorFullName | String | False | |
DeliveryAccount | String | False | |
DeliveryAccountCode | String | False | |
DeliveryAccountName | String | False | |
DeliveryAddress | String | False | |
DeliveryContact | String | False | |
DeliveryContactPersonFullName | String | False | |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False | |
DeliveryNumber | Int | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Division | Int | False | |
Document | String | False | |
DocumentSubject | String | False | |
EntryNumber | Int | False | |
Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modifier | String | False | |
ModifierFullName | String | False | |
Remarks | String | False | |
ShippingMethod | String | False | |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | |
ShippingMethodDescription | String | False | |
TrackingNumber | String | False | |
LinkedDropShipmentLines | String | False |
Usage information for the operation Events.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Events. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Events. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Events. |
Campaign | String | False |
The Campaign column for the table Events. |
CampaignDescription | String | False |
The CampaignDescription column for the table Events. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table Events. |
ContactFullName | String | False |
The ContactFullName column for the table Events. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Events. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Events. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Events. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Events. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Events. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table Events. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table Events. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Events. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table Events. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Events. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Events. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Events. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Events. |
Opportunity | String | False |
The Opportunity column for the table Events. |
OpportunityName | String | False |
The OpportunityName column for the table Events. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table Events. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table Events. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table Events. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table Events. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table Events. |
User | String | False |
The User column for the table Events. |
UserFullName | String | False |
The UserFullName column for the table Events. |
Usage information for the operation ExchangeRates.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ExchangeRates. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ExchangeRates. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Rate | Double | False |
The Rate column for the table ExchangeRates. |
SourceCurrency | String | False |
The SourceCurrency column for the table ExchangeRates. |
SourceCurrencyDescription | String | False |
The SourceCurrencyDescription column for the table ExchangeRates. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table ExchangeRates. |
TargetCurrency | String | False |
The TargetCurrency column for the table ExchangeRates. |
TargetCurrencyDescription | String | False |
The TargetCurrencyDescription column for the table ExchangeRates. |
Usage information for the operation GeneralJournalEntries.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
The ExchangeRate column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
FinancialPeriod | Int | False |
The FinancialPeriod column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
FinancialYear | Int | False |
The FinancialYear column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
JournalCode | String | False |
The JournalCode column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
JournalDescription | String | False |
The JournalDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Reversal | Bool | False |
The Reversal column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
LinkedGeneralJournalEntryLines | String | False |
The LinkedGeneralJournalEntryLines column for the table GeneralJournalEntries. |
Usage information for the operation GeneralJournalEntryLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AmountVATDC | Double | False |
The AmountVATDC column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AmountVATFC | Double | False |
The AmountVATFC column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Asset | String | False |
The Asset column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AssetCode | String | False |
The AssetCode column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
AssetDescription | String | False |
The AssetDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
The GLAccountCode column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
OffsetID | String | False |
The OffsetID column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
OurRef | Int | False |
The OurRef column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
VATBaseAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATBaseAmountDC column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
VATBaseAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATBaseAmountFC column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
VATType | String | False |
The VATType column for the table GeneralJournalEntryLines. |
Usage information for the operation GLAccounts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table GLAccounts. |
AssimilatedVATBox | Int | False |
The AssimilatedVATBox column for the table GLAccounts. |
BalanceSide | String | False |
The BalanceSide column for the table GLAccounts. |
BalanceType | String | False |
The BalanceType column for the table GLAccounts. |
BelcotaxType | Int | False |
The BelcotaxType column for the table GLAccounts. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table GLAccounts. |
Compress | Bool | False |
The Compress column for the table GLAccounts. |
Costcenter | String | False |
The Costcenter column for the table GLAccounts. |
CostcenterDescription | String | False |
The CostcenterDescription column for the table GLAccounts. |
Costunit | String | False |
The Costunit column for the table GLAccounts. |
CostunitDescription | String | False |
The CostunitDescription column for the table GLAccounts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GLAccounts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table GLAccounts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table GLAccounts. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table GLAccounts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GLAccounts. |
ExcludeVATListing | Int | False |
The ExcludeVATListing column for the table GLAccounts. |
ExpenseNonDeductiblePercentage | Double | False |
The ExpenseNonDeductiblePercentage column for the table GLAccounts. |
IsBlocked | Bool | False |
The IsBlocked column for the table GLAccounts. |
Matching | Bool | False |
The Matching column for the table GLAccounts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GLAccounts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table GLAccounts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table GLAccounts. |
PrivateGLAccount | String | False |
The PrivateGLAccount column for the table GLAccounts. |
PrivatePercentage | Double | False |
The PrivatePercentage column for the table GLAccounts. |
ReportingCode | String | False |
The ReportingCode column for the table GLAccounts. |
RevalueCurrency | Bool | False |
The RevalueCurrency column for the table GLAccounts. |
SearchCode | String | False |
The SearchCode column for the table GLAccounts. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table GLAccounts. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table GLAccounts. |
UseCostcenter | Int | False |
The UseCostcenter column for the table GLAccounts. |
UseCostunit | Int | False |
The UseCostunit column for the table GLAccounts. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table GLAccounts. |
VATDescription | String | False |
The VATDescription column for the table GLAccounts. |
VATGLAccountType | String | False |
The VATGLAccountType column for the table GLAccounts. |
VATNonDeductibleGLAccount | String | False |
The VATNonDeductibleGLAccount column for the table GLAccounts. |
VATNonDeductiblePercentage | Double | False |
The VATNonDeductiblePercentage column for the table GLAccounts. |
VATSystem | String | False |
The VATSystem column for the table GLAccounts. |
YearEndCostGLAccount | String | False |
The YearEndCostGLAccount column for the table GLAccounts. |
YearEndReflectionGLAccount | String | False |
The YearEndReflectionGLAccount column for the table GLAccounts. |
Usage information for the operation GoodsDeliveries.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryAccount | String | False |
The DeliveryAccount column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryAccountCode | String | False |
The DeliveryAccountCode column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryAccountName | String | False |
The DeliveryAccountName column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryAddress | String | False |
The DeliveryAddress column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryContact | String | False |
The DeliveryContact column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The DeliveryContactPersonFullName column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DeliveryNumber | Int | False |
The DeliveryNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
ShippingMethod | String | False |
The ShippingMethod column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False |
The ShippingMethodCode column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
ShippingMethodDescription | String | False |
The ShippingMethodDescription column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
TrackingNumber | String | False |
The TrackingNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
LinkedGoodsDeliveryLines | String | False |
The LinkedGoodsDeliveryLines column for the table GoodsDeliveries. |
Usage information for the operation GoodsDeliveryLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
QuantityDelivered | Double | False |
The QuantityDelivered column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
QuantityOrdered | Double | False |
The QuantityOrdered column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
SalesOrderLineID | String | False |
The SalesOrderLineID column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
SalesOrderLineNumber | Int | False |
The SalesOrderLineNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
SalesOrderNumber | Int | False |
The SalesOrderNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
TrackingNumber | String | False |
The TrackingNumber column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Unitcode | String | False |
The Unitcode column for the table GoodsDeliveryLines. |
Usage information for the operation GoodsReceiptLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
GoodsReceiptID | String | False |
The GoodsReceiptID column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
ItemUnitCode | String | False |
The ItemUnitCode column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Location | String | False |
The Location column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
LocationCode | String | False |
The LocationCode column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
LocationDescription | String | False |
The LocationDescription column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
PurchaseOrderID | String | False |
The PurchaseOrderID column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
PurchaseOrderLineID | String | False |
The PurchaseOrderLineID column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Int | False |
The PurchaseOrderNumber column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
QuantityOrdered | Double | False |
The QuantityOrdered column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
QuantityReceived | Double | False |
The QuantityReceived column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
SupplierItemCode | String | False |
The SupplierItemCode column for the table GoodsReceiptLines. |
Usage information for the operation GoodsReceipts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
ReceiptDate | Datetime | False |
The ReceiptDate column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
ReceiptNumber | Int | False |
The ReceiptNumber column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Supplier | String | False |
The Supplier column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
SupplierCode | String | False |
The SupplierCode column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
SupplierContact | String | False |
The SupplierContact column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
SupplierContactFullName | String | False |
The SupplierContactFullName column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
SupplierName | String | False |
The SupplierName column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
LinkedGoodsReceiptLines | String | False |
The LinkedGoodsReceiptLines column for the table GoodsReceipts. |
Usage information for the operation InvoiceSalesOrders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
CreateMode | Int | False |
The CreateMode column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
DeliveryNumber | Int | False |
The DeliveryNumber column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
Errors | String | False |
The Errors column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
InvoiceMode | Int | False |
The InvoiceMode column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
JournalCode | String | False |
The JournalCode column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
NumberOfCreatedInvoices | Int | False |
The NumberOfCreatedInvoices column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
NumberOfFailedInvoices | Int | False |
The NumberOfFailedInvoices column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
UserInvoiceDate | Datetime | False |
The UserInvoiceDate column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
LinkedSalesOrderIDs | String | False |
The LinkedSalesOrderIDs column for the table InvoiceSalesOrders. |
Usage information for the operation InvoiceTerms.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Amount | Double | False |
The Amount column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Deliverable | String | False |
The Deliverable column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
ExecutionFromDate | Datetime | False |
The ExecutionFromDate column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
ExecutionToDate | Datetime | False |
The ExecutionToDate column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | False |
The InvoiceDate column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Percentage | Double | False |
The Percentage column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table InvoiceTerms. |
Usage information for the operation InvolvedUserRoles.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
DescriptionTermID | Int | False |
The DescriptionTermID column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table InvolvedUserRoles. |
Usage information for the operation InvolvedUsers.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
AccountCity | String | False |
The AccountCity column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
AccountIsSupplier | Bool | False |
The AccountIsSupplier column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
AccountLogoThumbnailUrl | String | False |
The AccountLogoThumbnailUrl column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
AccountStatus | String | False |
The AccountStatus column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
InvolvedUserRole | String | False |
The InvolvedUserRole column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
InvolvedUserRoleDescription | String | False |
The InvolvedUserRoleDescription column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
IsMainContact | Bool | False |
The IsMainContact column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
PersonEmail | String | False |
The PersonEmail column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
PersonPhone | String | False |
The PersonPhone column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
PersonPhoneExtension | String | False |
The PersonPhoneExtension column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
PersonPictureThumbnailUrl | String | False |
The PersonPictureThumbnailUrl column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
User | String | False |
The User column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
UserFullName | String | False |
The UserFullName column for the table InvolvedUsers. |
Usage information for the operation Items.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Items. |
Barcode | String | False |
The Barcode column for the table Items. |
Class_01 | String | False |
The Class_01 column for the table Items. |
Class_02 | String | False |
The Class_02 column for the table Items. |
Class_03 | String | False |
The Class_03 column for the table Items. |
Class_04 | String | False |
The Class_04 column for the table Items. |
Class_05 | String | False |
The Class_05 column for the table Items. |
Class_06 | String | False |
The Class_06 column for the table Items. |
Class_07 | String | False |
The Class_07 column for the table Items. |
Class_08 | String | False |
The Class_08 column for the table Items. |
Class_09 | String | False |
The Class_09 column for the table Items. |
Class_10 | String | False |
The Class_10 column for the table Items. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Items. |
CopyRemarks | Int | False |
The CopyRemarks column for the table Items. |
CostPriceCurrency | String | False |
The CostPriceCurrency column for the table Items. |
CostPriceNew | Double | False |
The CostPriceNew column for the table Items. |
CostPriceStandard | Double | False |
The CostPriceStandard column for the table Items. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Items. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Items. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Items. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Items. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Items. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Items. |
ExtraDescription | String | False |
The ExtraDescription column for the table Items. |
FreeBoolField_01 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_01 column for the table Items. |
FreeBoolField_02 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_02 column for the table Items. |
FreeBoolField_03 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_03 column for the table Items. |
FreeBoolField_04 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_04 column for the table Items. |
FreeBoolField_05 | Bool | False |
The FreeBoolField_05 column for the table Items. |
FreeDateField_01 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_01 column for the table Items. |
FreeDateField_02 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_02 column for the table Items. |
FreeDateField_03 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_03 column for the table Items. |
FreeDateField_04 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_04 column for the table Items. |
FreeDateField_05 | Datetime | False |
The FreeDateField_05 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_01 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_01 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_02 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_02 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_03 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_03 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_04 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_04 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_05 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_05 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_06 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_06 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_07 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_07 column for the table Items. |
FreeNumberField_08 | Double | False |
The FreeNumberField_08 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_01 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_01 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_02 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_02 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_03 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_03 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_04 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_04 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_05 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_05 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_06 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_06 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_07 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_07 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_08 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_08 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_09 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_09 column for the table Items. |
FreeTextField_10 | String | False |
The FreeTextField_10 column for the table Items. |
GLCosts | String | False |
The GLCosts column for the table Items. |
GLCostsCode | String | False |
The GLCostsCode column for the table Items. |
GLCostsDescription | String | False |
The GLCostsDescription column for the table Items. |
GLRevenue | String | False |
The GLRevenue column for the table Items. |
GLRevenueCode | String | False |
The GLRevenueCode column for the table Items. |
GLRevenueDescription | String | False |
The GLRevenueDescription column for the table Items. |
GLStock | String | False |
The GLStock column for the table Items. |
GLStockCode | String | False |
The GLStockCode column for the table Items. |
GLStockDescription | String | False |
The GLStockDescription column for the table Items. |
GrossWeight | Double | False |
The GrossWeight column for the table Items. |
IsBatchItem | Int | False |
The IsBatchItem column for the table Items. |
IsBatchNumberItem | Int | False |
The IsBatchNumberItem column for the table Items. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Bool | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table Items. |
IsMakeItem | Int | False |
The IsMakeItem column for the table Items. |
IsNewContract | Int | False |
The IsNewContract column for the table Items. |
IsOnDemandItem | Int | False |
The IsOnDemandItem column for the table Items. |
IsPackageItem | Bool | False |
The IsPackageItem column for the table Items. |
IsPurchaseItem | Bool | False |
The IsPurchaseItem column for the table Items. |
IsRegistrationCodeItem | Int | False |
The IsRegistrationCodeItem column for the table Items. |
IsSalesItem | Bool | False |
The IsSalesItem column for the table Items. |
IsSerialItem | Bool | False |
The IsSerialItem column for the table Items. |
IsSerialNumberItem | Bool | False |
The IsSerialNumberItem column for the table Items. |
IsStockItem | Bool | False |
The IsStockItem column for the table Items. |
IsSubcontractedItem | Bool | False |
The IsSubcontractedItem column for the table Items. |
IsTaxableItem | Int | False |
The IsTaxableItem column for the table Items. |
IsTime | Int | False |
The IsTime column for the table Items. |
IsWebshopItem | Int | False |
The IsWebshopItem column for the table Items. |
ItemGroup | String | False |
The ItemGroup column for the table Items. |
ItemGroupCode | String | False |
The ItemGroupCode column for the table Items. |
ItemGroupDescription | String | False |
The ItemGroupDescription column for the table Items. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Items. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Items. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Items. |
NetWeight | Double | False |
The NetWeight column for the table Items. |
NetWeightUnit | String | False |
The NetWeightUnit column for the table Items. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Items. |
PictureName | String | False |
The PictureName column for the table Items. |
PictureThumbnailUrl | String | False |
The PictureThumbnailUrl column for the table Items. |
PictureUrl | String | False |
The PictureUrl column for the table Items. |
SalesVatCode | String | False |
The SalesVatCode column for the table Items. |
SalesVatCodeDescription | String | False |
The SalesVatCodeDescription column for the table Items. |
SearchCode | String | False |
The SearchCode column for the table Items. |
SecurityLevel | Int | False |
The SecurityLevel column for the table Items. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table Items. |
Stock | Double | False |
The Stock column for the table Items. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table Items. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table Items. |
UnitType | String | False |
The UnitType column for the table Items. |
Usage information for the operation ItemWarehouses.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
CurrentStock | Double | False |
The CurrentStock column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
DefaultStorageLocation | String | False |
The DefaultStorageLocation column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
DefaultStorageLocationCode | String | False |
The DefaultStorageLocationCode column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
DefaultStorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The DefaultStorageLocationDescription column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ItemIsFractionAllowedItem | Bool | False |
The ItemIsFractionAllowedItem column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ItemUnit | String | False |
The ItemUnit column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ItemUnitDescription | String | False |
The ItemUnitDescription column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
MaximumStock | Double | False |
The MaximumStock column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
PlannedStockIn | Double | False |
The PlannedStockIn column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
PlannedStockOut | Double | False |
The PlannedStockOut column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
PlanningDetailsUrl | String | False |
The PlanningDetailsUrl column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ProjectedStock | Double | False |
The ProjectedStock column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ReorderPoint | Double | False |
The ReorderPoint column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
ReservedStock | Double | False |
The ReservedStock column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
SafetyStock | Double | False |
The SafetyStock column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
StorageLocationUrl | String | False |
The StorageLocationUrl column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table ItemWarehouses. |
Usage information for the operation Journals.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Journals. |
AllowVariableCurrency | Bool | False |
The AllowVariableCurrency column for the table Journals. |
AllowVariableExchangeRate | Bool | False |
The AllowVariableExchangeRate column for the table Journals. |
AllowVAT | Bool | False |
The AllowVAT column for the table Journals. |
AutoSave | Bool | False |
The AutoSave column for the table Journals. |
Bank | String | False |
The Bank column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountBICCode | String | False |
The BankAccountBICCode column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountCountry | String | False |
The BankAccountCountry column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountDescription | String | False |
The BankAccountDescription column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountIBAN | String | False |
The BankAccountIBAN column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountID | String | False |
The BankAccountID column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountIncludingMask | String | False |
The BankAccountIncludingMask column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountUseSEPA | Bool | False |
The BankAccountUseSEPA column for the table Journals. |
BankAccountUseSepaDirectDebit | Bool | False |
The BankAccountUseSepaDirectDebit column for the table Journals. |
BankName | String | False |
The BankName column for the table Journals. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Journals. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Journals. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Journals. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Journals. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table Journals. |
CurrencyDescription | String | False |
The CurrencyDescription column for the table Journals. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Journals. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Journals. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table Journals. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
The GLAccountCode column for the table Journals. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table Journals. |
GLAccountType | Int | False |
The GLAccountType column for the table Journals. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Journals. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Journals. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Journals. |
PaymentInTransitAccount | String | False |
The PaymentInTransitAccount column for the table Journals. |
PaymentServiceAccountIdentifier | String | False |
The PaymentServiceAccountIdentifier column for the table Journals. |
PaymentServiceProvider | Int | False |
The PaymentServiceProvider column for the table Journals. |
PaymentServiceProviderName | String | False |
The PaymentServiceProviderName column for the table Journals. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table Journals. |
Usage information for the operation Mailboxes.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Mailboxes. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Mailboxes. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Mailboxes. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Mailboxes. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Mailboxes. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Mailboxes. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Mailboxes. |
ForDivision | Int | False |
The ForDivision column for the table Mailboxes. |
ForDivisionDescription | String | False |
The ForDivisionDescription column for the table Mailboxes. |
Mailbox | String | False |
The Mailbox column for the table Mailboxes. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Mailboxes. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Mailboxes. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Mailboxes. |
Publish | Int | False |
The Publish column for the table Mailboxes. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table Mailboxes. |
ValidFrom | Datetime | False |
The ValidFrom column for the table Mailboxes. |
ValidTo | Datetime | False |
The ValidTo column for the table Mailboxes. |
Usage information for the operation MailMessageAttachments.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
Attachment | Binary | False |
The Attachment column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | False |
The AttachmentFileExtension column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
AttachmentFileName | String | False |
The AttachmentFileName column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
FileSize | Long | False |
The FileSize column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
MailMessageID | String | False |
The MailMessageID column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
RecipientAccount | String | False |
The RecipientAccount column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
SenderAccount | String | False |
The SenderAccount column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
Url | String | False |
The Url column for the table MailMessageAttachments. |
Usage information for the operation MailMessages.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table MailMessages. |
Bank | String | False |
The Bank column for the table MailMessages. |
BankAccount | String | False |
The BankAccount column for the table MailMessages. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table MailMessages. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table MailMessages. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table MailMessages. |
ForDivision | Int | False |
The ForDivision column for the table MailMessages. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table MailMessages. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table MailMessages. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table MailMessages. |
Operation | Int | False |
The Operation column for the table MailMessages. |
OriginalMessage | String | False |
The OriginalMessage column for the table MailMessages. |
OriginalMessageSubject | String | False |
The OriginalMessageSubject column for the table MailMessages. |
PartnerKey | String | False |
The PartnerKey column for the table MailMessages. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientAccount | String | False |
The RecipientAccount column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientDeleted | Int | False |
The RecipientDeleted column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientMailbox | String | False |
The RecipientMailbox column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientMailboxDescription | String | False |
The RecipientMailboxDescription column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientMailboxID | String | False |
The RecipientMailboxID column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientStatus | Int | False |
The RecipientStatus column for the table MailMessages. |
RecipientStatusDescription | String | False |
The RecipientStatusDescription column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderAccount | String | False |
The SenderAccount column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderDateSent | Datetime | False |
The SenderDateSent column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderDeleted | Int | False |
The SenderDeleted column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderIPAddress | String | False |
The SenderIPAddress column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderMailbox | String | False |
The SenderMailbox column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderMailboxDescription | String | False |
The SenderMailboxDescription column for the table MailMessages. |
SenderMailboxID | String | False |
The SenderMailboxID column for the table MailMessages. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject column for the table MailMessages. |
SynchronizationCode | String | False |
The SynchronizationCode column for the table MailMessages. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table MailMessages. |
Usage information for the operation MailMessagesSent.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Bank | String | False |
The Bank column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
BankAccount | String | False |
The BankAccount column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
ForDivision | Int | False |
The ForDivision column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Operation | Int | False |
The Operation column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
OriginalMessage | String | False |
The OriginalMessage column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
OriginalMessageSubject | String | False |
The OriginalMessageSubject column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
PartnerKey | String | False |
The PartnerKey column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientAccount | String | False |
The RecipientAccount column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientDeleted | Int | False |
The RecipientDeleted column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientMailbox | String | False |
The RecipientMailbox column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientMailboxDescription | String | False |
The RecipientMailboxDescription column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientMailboxID | String | False |
The RecipientMailboxID column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientStatus | Int | False |
The RecipientStatus column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
RecipientStatusDescription | String | False |
The RecipientStatusDescription column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderAccount | String | False |
The SenderAccount column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderDateSent | Datetime | False |
The SenderDateSent column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderDeleted | Int | False |
The SenderDeleted column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderIPAddress | String | False |
The SenderIPAddress column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderMailbox | String | False |
The SenderMailbox column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderMailboxDescription | String | False |
The SenderMailboxDescription column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SenderMailboxID | String | False |
The SenderMailboxID column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
SynchronizationCode | String | False |
The SynchronizationCode column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table MailMessagesSent. |
Usage information for the operation MaterialIssues.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
StockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The StockTransactionId column for the table MaterialIssues. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table MaterialIssues. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table MaterialIssues. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table MaterialIssues. |
DraftStockTransactionID | String | False |
The DraftStockTransactionID column for the table MaterialIssues. |
HasReversibleQuantity | Bool | False |
The HasReversibleQuantity column for the table MaterialIssues. |
IsBackflush | Int | False |
The IsBackflush column for the table MaterialIssues. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table MaterialIssues. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table MaterialIssues. |
IsIssueFromChild | Int | False |
The IsIssueFromChild column for the table MaterialIssues. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table MaterialIssues. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table MaterialIssues. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table MaterialIssues. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table MaterialIssues. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table MaterialIssues. |
Note | String | False |
The Note column for the table MaterialIssues. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table MaterialIssues. |
RelatedStockTransaction | String | False |
The RelatedStockTransaction column for the table MaterialIssues. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table MaterialIssues. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlan | String | False |
The ShopOrderMaterialPlan column for the table MaterialIssues. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table MaterialIssues. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table MaterialIssues. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table MaterialIssues. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table MaterialIssues. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table MaterialIssues. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table MaterialIssues. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table MaterialIssues. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table MaterialIssues. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table MaterialIssues. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table MaterialIssues. |
Usage information for the operation MaterialReversals.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ReversalStockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The ReversalStockTransactionId column for the table MaterialReversals. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table MaterialReversals. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table MaterialReversals. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table MaterialReversals. |
IsBackflush | Bool | False |
The IsBackflush column for the table MaterialReversals. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table MaterialReversals. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table MaterialReversals. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table MaterialReversals. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table MaterialReversals. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table MaterialReversals. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table MaterialReversals. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table MaterialReversals. |
Note | String | False |
The Note column for the table MaterialReversals. |
OriginalStockTransactionId | String | False |
The OriginalStockTransactionId column for the table MaterialReversals. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table MaterialReversals. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table MaterialReversals. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlan | String | False |
The ShopOrderMaterialPlan column for the table MaterialReversals. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table MaterialReversals. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table MaterialReversals. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table MaterialReversals. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table MaterialReversals. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table MaterialReversals. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table MaterialReversals. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table MaterialReversals. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table MaterialReversals. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table MaterialReversals. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table MaterialReversals. |
Usage information for the operation OperationResources.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table OperationResources. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table OperationResources. |
AttendedPercentage | Double | False |
The AttendedPercentage column for the table OperationResources. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table OperationResources. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table OperationResources. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table OperationResources. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table OperationResources. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table OperationResources. |
EfficiencyPercentage | Double | False |
The EfficiencyPercentage column for the table OperationResources. |
IsPrimary | Int | False |
The IsPrimary column for the table OperationResources. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table OperationResources. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table OperationResources. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table OperationResources. |
Operation | String | False |
The Operation column for the table OperationResources. |
OperationDescription | String | False |
The OperationDescription column for the table OperationResources. |
PurchaseLeadDays | Int | False |
The PurchaseLeadDays column for the table OperationResources. |
PurchaseUnit | String | False |
The PurchaseUnit column for the table OperationResources. |
PurchaseVATCode | String | False |
The PurchaseVATCode column for the table OperationResources. |
Run | Double | False |
The Run column for the table OperationResources. |
RunMethod | Int | False |
The RunMethod column for the table OperationResources. |
Setup | Double | False |
The Setup column for the table OperationResources. |
SetupUnit | String | False |
The SetupUnit column for the table OperationResources. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table OperationResources. |
Workcenter | String | False |
The Workcenter column for the table OperationResources. |
WorkcenterDescription | String | False |
The WorkcenterDescription column for the table OperationResources. |
Usage information for the operation Operations.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Operations. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Operations. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Operations. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Operations. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Operations. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Operations. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Operations. |
HasSuppliers | Int | False |
The HasSuppliers column for the table Operations. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table Operations. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table Operations. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Operations. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Operations. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Operations. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Operations. |
Searchcode | String | False |
The Searchcode column for the table Operations. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table Operations. |
Usage information for the operation Opportunities.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Opportunities. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Opportunities. |
Accountant | String | False |
The Accountant column for the table Opportunities. |
AccountantCode | String | False |
The AccountantCode column for the table Opportunities. |
AccountantName | String | False |
The AccountantName column for the table Opportunities. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table Opportunities. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Opportunities. |
ActionDate | Datetime | False |
The ActionDate column for the table Opportunities. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table Opportunities. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table Opportunities. |
Campaign | String | False |
The Campaign column for the table Opportunities. |
CampaignDescription | String | False |
The CampaignDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
Channel | Int | False |
The Channel column for the table Opportunities. |
ChannelDescription | String | False |
The ChannelDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
CloseDate | Datetime | False |
The CloseDate column for the table Opportunities. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Opportunities. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Opportunities. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Opportunities. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table Opportunities. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Opportunities. |
LeadSource | String | False |
The LeadSource column for the table Opportunities. |
LeadSourceDescription | String | False |
The LeadSourceDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Opportunities. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Opportunities. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Opportunities. |
Name | String | False |
The Name column for the table Opportunities. |
NextAction | String | False |
The NextAction column for the table Opportunities. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityDepartmentCode | Int | False |
The OpportunityDepartmentCode column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityDepartmentDescription | String | False |
The OpportunityDepartmentDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityStage | String | False |
The OpportunityStage column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityStageDescription | String | False |
The OpportunityStageDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityStatus | Int | False |
The OpportunityStatus column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityType | Int | False |
The OpportunityType column for the table Opportunities. |
OpportunityTypeDescription | String | False |
The OpportunityTypeDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
Owner | String | False |
The Owner column for the table Opportunities. |
OwnerFullName | String | False |
The OwnerFullName column for the table Opportunities. |
Probability | Double | False |
The Probability column for the table Opportunities. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table Opportunities. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table Opportunities. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
RateFC | Double | False |
The RateFC column for the table Opportunities. |
ReasonCode | String | False |
The ReasonCode column for the table Opportunities. |
ReasonCodeDescription | String | False |
The ReasonCodeDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
Reseller | String | False |
The Reseller column for the table Opportunities. |
ResellerCode | String | False |
The ResellerCode column for the table Opportunities. |
ResellerName | String | False |
The ResellerName column for the table Opportunities. |
SalesType | String | False |
The SalesType column for the table Opportunities. |
SalesTypeDescription | String | False |
The SalesTypeDescription column for the table Opportunities. |
Usage information for the operation PaymentConditions.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table PaymentConditions. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table PaymentConditions. |
CreditManagementScenario | String | False |
The CreditManagementScenario column for the table PaymentConditions. |
CreditManagementScenarioCode | String | False |
The CreditManagementScenarioCode column for the table PaymentConditions. |
CreditManagementScenarioDescription | String | False |
The CreditManagementScenarioDescription column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table PaymentConditions. |
DiscountCalculation | String | False |
The DiscountCalculation column for the table PaymentConditions. |
DiscountPaymentDays | Int | False |
The DiscountPaymentDays column for the table PaymentConditions. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False |
The DiscountPercentage column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table PaymentConditions. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table PaymentConditions. |
PaymentDays | Int | False |
The PaymentDays column for the table PaymentConditions. |
PaymentDiscountType | String | False |
The PaymentDiscountType column for the table PaymentConditions. |
PaymentEndOfMonths | Int | False |
The PaymentEndOfMonths column for the table PaymentConditions. |
PaymentMethod | String | False |
The PaymentMethod column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Percentage | Double | False |
The Percentage column for the table PaymentConditions. |
VATCalculation | String | False |
The VATCalculation column for the table PaymentConditions. |
Usage information for the operation PrintedSalesInvoices.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InvoiceID [KEY] | String | True |
The InvoiceID column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
DocumentCreationError | String | False |
The DocumentCreationError column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
DocumentCreationSuccess | String | False |
The DocumentCreationSuccess column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
DocumentLayout | String | False |
The DocumentLayout column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
EmailCreationError | String | False |
The EmailCreationError column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
EmailCreationSuccess | String | False |
The EmailCreationSuccess column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
EmailLayout | String | False |
The EmailLayout column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
ExtraText | String | False |
The ExtraText column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | False |
The InvoiceDate column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
PostboxMessageCreationError | String | False |
The PostboxMessageCreationError column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
PostboxMessageCreationSuccess | String | False |
The PostboxMessageCreationSuccess column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
PostboxSender | String | False |
The PostboxSender column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
ReportingPeriod | Int | False |
The ReportingPeriod column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
ReportingYear | Int | False |
The ReportingYear column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
SendEmailToCustomer | Bool | False |
The SendEmailToCustomer column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
SenderEmailAddress | String | False |
The SenderEmailAddress column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
SendInvoiceToCustomerPostbox | Bool | False |
The SendInvoiceToCustomerPostbox column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
SendOutputBasedOnAccount | Bool | False |
The SendOutputBasedOnAccount column for the table PrintedSalesInvoices. |
Usage information for the operation PrintedSalesOrders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
OrderId [KEY] | String | True |
The OrderId column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
DocumentCreationError | String | False |
The DocumentCreationError column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
DocumentCreationSuccess | String | False |
The DocumentCreationSuccess column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
DocumentLayout | String | False |
The DocumentLayout column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
EmailCreationError | String | False |
The EmailCreationError column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
EmailCreationSuccess | String | False |
The EmailCreationSuccess column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
EmailLayout | String | False |
The EmailLayout column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
ExtraText | String | False |
The ExtraText column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
SendEmailToCustomer | Bool | False |
The SendEmailToCustomer column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
SenderEmailAddress | String | False |
The SenderEmailAddress column for the table PrintedSalesOrders. |
Usage information for the operation PrintQuotation.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
QuotationID [KEY] | String | True |
The QuotationID column for the table PrintQuotation. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table PrintQuotation. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table PrintQuotation. |
DocumentCreationError | String | False |
The DocumentCreationError column for the table PrintQuotation. |
DocumentCreationSuccess | String | False |
The DocumentCreationSuccess column for the table PrintQuotation. |
DocumentLayout | String | False |
The DocumentLayout column for the table PrintQuotation. |
EmailCreationError | String | False |
The EmailCreationError column for the table PrintQuotation. |
EmailLayout | String | False |
The EmailLayout column for the table PrintQuotation. |
ExtraText | String | False |
The ExtraText column for the table PrintQuotation. |
QuotationDate | Datetime | False |
The QuotationDate column for the table PrintQuotation. |
SendEmailToCustomer | Bool | False |
The SendEmailToCustomer column for the table PrintQuotation. |
SenderEmailAddress | String | False |
The SenderEmailAddress column for the table PrintQuotation. |
Usage information for the operation ProcessPayments.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProcessPayments. |
BankExportDocumentsUrl | String | False |
The BankExportDocumentsUrl column for the table ProcessPayments. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProcessPayments. |
ErrorMessage | String | False |
The ErrorMessage column for the table ProcessPayments. |
SuccessMessage | String | False |
The SuccessMessage column for the table ProcessPayments. |
LinkedPaymentIDs | String | False |
The LinkedPaymentIDs column for the table ProcessPayments. |
Usage information for the operation ProcessStockCount.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
StockCountID [KEY] | String | True |
The StockCountID column for the table ProcessStockCount. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProcessStockCount. |
ErrorMessage | String | False |
The ErrorMessage column for the table ProcessStockCount. |
SuccessMessage | String | False |
The SuccessMessage column for the table ProcessStockCount. |
Usage information for the operation ProductionAreas.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Costcenter | String | False |
The Costcenter column for the table ProductionAreas. |
CostcenterDescription | String | False |
The CostcenterDescription column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Costunit | String | False |
The Costunit column for the table ProductionAreas. |
CostunitDescription | String | False |
The CostunitDescription column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProductionAreas. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProductionAreas. |
IsDefault | Int | False |
The IsDefault column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProductionAreas. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ProductionAreas. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
Id |
Code | String | False |
Code |
CostCenter | String | False |
Cost Center linked to the project classification |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
Description of Costcenter |
CostUnit | String | False |
Cost unit linked to the project classification |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
Description of Costunit |
Created | Datetime | False |
Creation date |
Creator | String | False |
User ID of creator |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
Name of creator |
Description | String | False |
Description of the project classification |
Division | Int | False |
Division code |
DivisionName | String | False |
Name of Division |
Modified | Datetime | False |
Last modified date |
Modifier | String | False |
User ID of modifier |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
Name of modifier |
UseEmployeeCostCenter | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to use employee cost center and cost unit |
Usage information for the operation ProjectHourBudgets.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Budget | Double | False |
The Budget column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ProjectHourBudgets. |
Usage information for the operation ProjectPlanning.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
BGTStatus | Int | False |
The BGTStatus column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
CommunicationErrorStatus | Int | False |
The CommunicationErrorStatus column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
EmployeeCode | String | False |
The EmployeeCode column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
EmployeeHID | Int | False |
The EmployeeHID column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Hours | Double | False |
The Hours column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
HourType | String | False |
The HourType column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
HourTypeCode | String | False |
The HourTypeCode column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
HourTypeDescription | String | False |
The HourTypeDescription column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
IsBrokenRecurrence | Bool | False |
The IsBrokenRecurrence column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
OverAllocate | Bool | False |
The OverAllocate column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
ProjectPlanningRecurring | String | False |
The ProjectPlanningRecurring column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
ProjectWBS | String | False |
The ProjectWBS column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
ProjectWBSDescription | String | False |
The ProjectWBSDescription column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table ProjectPlanning. |
Usage information for the operation ProjectPlanningRecurring.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
BGTStatus | Int | False |
The BGTStatus column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
DayOrThe | Int | False |
The DayOrThe column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
EmployeeCode | String | False |
The EmployeeCode column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
EmployeeHID | Int | False |
The EmployeeHID column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
EndDateOrAfter | Int | False |
The EndDateOrAfter column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
The EndTime column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Hours | Double | False |
The Hours column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
HourType | String | False |
The HourType column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
HourTypeCode | String | False |
The HourTypeCode column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
HourTypeDescription | String | False |
The HourTypeDescription column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
MonthPatternDay | Int | False |
The MonthPatternDay column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
MonthPatternOrdinalDay | Int | False |
The MonthPatternOrdinalDay column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
MonthPatternOrdinalWeek | Int | False |
The MonthPatternOrdinalWeek column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
NumberOfRecurrences | Int | False |
The NumberOfRecurrences column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
OverAllocate | Bool | False |
The OverAllocate column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
PatternFrequency | Int | False |
The PatternFrequency column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
ProjectPlanningRecurringType | Int | False |
The ProjectPlanningRecurringType column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
ProjectWBS | String | False |
The ProjectWBS column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
ProjectWBSDescription | String | False |
The ProjectWBSDescription column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The StartTime column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternDay | Int | False |
The WeekPatternDay column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternFriday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternFriday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternMonday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternMonday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternSaturday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternSaturday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternSunday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternSunday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternThursday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternThursday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternTuesday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternTuesday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
WeekPatternWednesday | Bool | False |
The WeekPatternWednesday column for the table ProjectPlanningRecurring. |
Usage information for the operation ProjectRestrictionEmployees.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
EmployeeFullName | String | False |
The EmployeeFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
EmployeeHID | Int | False |
The EmployeeHID column for the table ProjectRestrictionEmployees. |
Usage information for the operation ProjectRestrictionItems.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
ItemIsTime | Int | False |
The ItemIsTime column for the table ProjectRestrictionItems. |
Usage information for the operation ProjectRestrictionRebillings.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
CostTypeRebill | String | False |
The CostTypeRebill column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
CostTypeRebillCode | String | False |
The CostTypeRebillCode column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
CostTypeRebillDescription | String | False |
The CostTypeRebillDescription column for the table ProjectRestrictionRebillings. |
Usage information for the operation Projects.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Projects. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Projects. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table Projects. |
AccountContact | String | False |
The AccountContact column for the table Projects. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Projects. |
AllowAdditionalInvoicing | Bool | False |
The AllowAdditionalInvoicing column for the table Projects. |
BlockEntry | Bool | False |
The BlockEntry column for the table Projects. |
BlockRebilling | Bool | False |
The BlockRebilling column for the table Projects. |
BudgetedAmount | Double | False |
The BudgetedAmount column for the table Projects. |
BudgetedCosts | Double | False |
The BudgetedCosts column for the table Projects. |
BudgetedRevenue | Double | False |
The BudgetedRevenue column for the table Projects. |
BudgetOverrunHours | Int | False |
The BudgetOverrunHours column for the table Projects. |
BudgetType | Int | False |
The BudgetType column for the table Projects. |
BudgetTypeDescription | String | False |
The BudgetTypeDescription column for the table Projects. |
Classification | String | False |
The Classification column for the table Projects. |
ClassificationDescription | String | False |
The ClassificationDescription column for the table Projects. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Projects. |
CostsAmountFC | Double | False |
The CostsAmountFC column for the table Projects. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Projects. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Projects. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Projects. |
CustomerPOnumber | String | False |
The CustomerPOnumber column for the table Projects. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Projects. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Projects. |
DivisionName | String | False |
The DivisionName column for the table Projects. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Projects. |
FixedPriceItem | String | False |
The FixedPriceItem column for the table Projects. |
FixedPriceItemDescription | String | False |
The FixedPriceItemDescription column for the table Projects. |
InternalNotes | String | False |
The InternalNotes column for the table Projects. |
InvoiceAsQuoted | Bool | False |
The InvoiceAsQuoted column for the table Projects. |
Manager | String | False |
The Manager column for the table Projects. |
ManagerFullname | String | False |
The ManagerFullname column for the table Projects. |
MarkupPercentage | Double | False |
The MarkupPercentage column for the table Projects. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Projects. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Projects. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Projects. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Projects. |
PrepaidItem | String | False |
The PrepaidItem column for the table Projects. |
PrepaidItemDescription | String | False |
The PrepaidItemDescription column for the table Projects. |
PrepaidType | Int | False |
The PrepaidType column for the table Projects. |
PrepaidTypeDescription | String | False |
The PrepaidTypeDescription column for the table Projects. |
SalesTimeQuantity | Double | False |
The SalesTimeQuantity column for the table Projects. |
SourceQuotation | String | False |
The SourceQuotation column for the table Projects. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table Projects. |
TimeQuantityToAlert | Double | False |
The TimeQuantityToAlert column for the table Projects. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table Projects. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table Projects. |
UseBillingMilestones | Bool | False |
The UseBillingMilestones column for the table Projects. |
LinkedBudgetedHoursPerHourType | String | False |
The LinkedBudgetedHoursPerHourType column for the table Projects. |
LinkedInvoiceTerms | String | False |
The LinkedInvoiceTerms column for the table Projects. |
LinkedProjectRestrictionEmployees | String | False |
The LinkedProjectRestrictionEmployees column for the table Projects. |
LinkedProjectRestrictionItems | String | False |
The LinkedProjectRestrictionItems column for the table Projects. |
LinkedProjectRestrictionRebillings | String | False |
The LinkedProjectRestrictionRebillings column for the table Projects. |
Usage information for the operation ProjectTimeTransactions.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table TimeTransactions. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Activity | String | False |
The Activity column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ActivityDescription | String | False |
The ActivityDescription column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Amount | Double | False |
The Amount column for the table TimeTransactions. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Attachment | String | False |
The Attachment column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table TimeTransactions. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table TimeTransactions. |
DivisionDescription | String | False |
The DivisionDescription column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table TimeTransactions. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
The EndTime column for the table TimeTransactions. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ErrorText | String | False |
The ErrorText column for the table TimeTransactions. |
HourStatus | Int | False |
The HourStatus column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ItemDivisable | Bool | False |
The ItemDivisable column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Price | Double | False |
The Price column for the table TimeTransactions. |
PriceFC | Double | False |
The PriceFC column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ProjectAccount | String | False |
The ProjectAccount column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ProjectAccountCode | String | False |
The ProjectAccountCode column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ProjectAccountName | String | False |
The ProjectAccountName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table TimeTransactions. |
SkipValidation | Bool | False |
The SkipValidation column for the table TimeTransactions. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The StartTime column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table TimeTransactions. |
SubscriptionAccount | String | False |
The SubscriptionAccount column for the table TimeTransactions. |
SubscriptionAccountCode | String | False |
The SubscriptionAccountCode column for the table TimeTransactions. |
SubscriptionAccountName | String | False |
The SubscriptionAccountName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table TimeTransactions. |
SubscriptionNumber | Int | False |
The SubscriptionNumber column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Usage information for the operation PurchaseEntries.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
BatchNumber | Int | False |
The BatchNumber column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
DueDate | Datetime | False |
The DueDate column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
EntryDate | Datetime | False |
The EntryDate column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
ExternalLinkDescription | String | False |
The ExternalLinkDescription column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
ExternalLinkReference | String | False |
The ExternalLinkReference column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
GAccountAmountFC | Double | False |
The GAccountAmountFC column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
InvoiceNumber | Int | False |
The InvoiceNumber column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Journal | String | False |
The Journal column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
JournalDescription | String | False |
The JournalDescription column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
PaymentReference | String | False |
The PaymentReference column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
ProcessNumber | Int | False |
The ProcessNumber column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Rate | Double | False |
The Rate column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
ReportingPeriod | Int | False |
The ReportingPeriod column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
ReportingYear | Int | False |
The ReportingYear column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Reversal | Bool | False |
The Reversal column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Supplier | String | False |
The Supplier column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
SupplierName | String | False |
The SupplierName column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
VATAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATAmountDC column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
LinkedPurchaseEntryLines | String | False |
The LinkedPurchaseEntryLines column for the table PurchaseEntries. |
Usage information for the operation PurchaseEntryLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Asset | String | False |
The Asset column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
AssetDescription | String | False |
The AssetDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
From | Datetime | False |
The From column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
The GLAccountCode column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
IntraStatArea | String | False |
The IntraStatArea column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
IntraStatCountry | String | False |
The IntraStatCountry column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
IntraStatDeliveryTerm | String | False |
The IntraStatDeliveryTerm column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
IntraStatTransactionA | String | False |
The IntraStatTransactionA column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
IntraStatTransportMethod | String | False |
The IntraStatTransportMethod column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
PrivateUsePercentage | Double | False |
The PrivateUsePercentage column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
SerialNumber | String | False |
The SerialNumber column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
StatisticalNetWeight | Double | False |
The StatisticalNetWeight column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
StatisticalNumber | String | False |
The StatisticalNumber column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
StatisticalQuantity | Double | False |
The StatisticalQuantity column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
StatisticalValue | Double | False |
The StatisticalValue column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
To | Datetime | False |
The To column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
TrackingNumber | String | False |
The TrackingNumber column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
TrackingNumberDescription | String | False |
The TrackingNumberDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATAmountDC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATBaseAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATBaseAmountDC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATBaseAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATBaseAmountFC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATNonDeductiblePercentage | Double | False |
The VATNonDeductiblePercentage column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
WithholdingAmountDC | Double | False |
The WithholdingAmountDC column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
WithholdingTax | String | False |
The WithholdingTax column for the table PurchaseEntryLines. |
Usage information for the operation PurchaseInvoiceLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Amount | Double | False |
The Amount column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Expense | String | False |
The Expense column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
ExpenseDescription | String | False |
The ExpenseDescription column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
InvoiceID | String | False |
The InvoiceID column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
InvoiceType | Int | False |
The InvoiceType column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
ItemUnit | String | False |
The ItemUnit column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
NetPrice | Double | False |
The NetPrice column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
PurchaseOrderLine | String | False |
The PurchaseOrderLine column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
QuantityInDefaultUnits | Double | False |
The QuantityInDefaultUnits column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Rebill | Bool | False |
The Rebill column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The UnitPrice column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
VATAmount | Double | False |
The VATAmount column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table PurchaseInvoiceLines. |
Usage information for the operation PurchaseInvoices.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Amount | Double | False |
The Amount column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
ContactPerson | String | False |
The ContactPerson column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
DueDate | Datetime | False |
The DueDate column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False |
The ExchangeRate column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
FinancialPeriod | Int | False |
The FinancialPeriod column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
FinancialYear | Int | False |
The FinancialYear column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | False |
The InvoiceDate column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Journal | String | False |
The Journal column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
PaymentReference | String | False |
The PaymentReference column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Source | Int | False |
The Source column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Supplier | String | False |
The Supplier column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
VATAmount | Double | False |
The VATAmount column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
LinkedPurchaseInvoiceLines | String | False |
The LinkedPurchaseInvoiceLines column for the table PurchaseInvoices. |
Use this endpoint to create a new purchase return line, retrieve an existing purchase return line and update an existing purchase return line
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
ID of PurchaseReturnLines |
CreateCredit | Bool | False |
Credit NOte |
Created | Datetime | False |
Creation Date |
Creator | String | False |
User ID of the creator |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
Name of the creator |
Division | Int | False |
Division Code |
EntryID | String | False |
EntryID identifies the purchase return. |
Expense | String | False |
Expense related to the Work Breakdown Structure of the selected project. |
ExpenseDescription | String | False |
Description of expense. |
GoodsReceiptLineID | String | False |
ID of the goods receipts line |
Item | String | False |
The unique identifier of the item being returned |
ItemCode | String | False |
Code of the returned item |
ItemDescription | String | False |
Item Description |
LineNumber | Int | False |
LineNumber |
Location | String | False |
ID of the storage location in the warehouse where the item is returned |
LocationCode | String | False |
Code of the storage location in the warehouse where the item is returned |
LocationDescription | String | False |
Description of the storage location in the warehouse where the item is returned |
Modified | Datetime | False |
Last modified date |
Modifier | String | False |
User ID of the last modifier |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
Name of the last modifier |
Notes | String | False |
Notes related to the return |
Project | String | False |
Reference to project. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
Project Code |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
Description of the project. |
PurchaseOrderLineID | String | False |
ID of the purchase order line that is returned |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Int | False |
Order number of the purchase order that is returned |
Rebill | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the purchase order line needs to be rebilled. |
ReceiptNumber | Int | False |
Receipt number of the return |
ReceivedQuantity | Double | False |
Quantity received |
ReturnQuantity | Double | False |
Quantity returned |
ReturnReasonCodeDescription | String | False |
Description of ReasonCode |
ReturnReasonCodeID | String | False |
Indicates the reason why the purchase was returned |
SupplierItemCode | String | False |
Supplier item code |
UnitCode | String | False |
Unit code of the purchase |
Usage information for the operation QuotationLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table QuotationLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table QuotationLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table QuotationLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table QuotationLines. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table QuotationLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table QuotationLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table QuotationLines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table QuotationLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table QuotationLines. |
NetPrice | Double | False |
The NetPrice column for the table QuotationLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table QuotationLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table QuotationLines. |
QuotationID | String | False |
The QuotationID column for the table QuotationLines. |
QuotationNumber | Int | False |
The QuotationNumber column for the table QuotationLines. |
UnitCode | String | False |
The UnitCode column for the table QuotationLines. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table QuotationLines. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The UnitPrice column for the table QuotationLines. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table QuotationLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table QuotationLines. |
VATDescription | String | False |
The VATDescription column for the table QuotationLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table QuotationLines. |
VersionNumber | Int | False |
The VersionNumber column for the table QuotationLines. |
Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete quotation's order charge lines.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
Line ID of shipping method or order charges |
AmountDC | Double | False |
Amount excluded VAT in reporting currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountFCExclVAT | Double | False |
Amount excluded VAT in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountFCInclVAT | Double | False |
Amount included VAT in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountVATFC | Double | False |
VAT amount in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
Division | Int | False |
Division code |
IsShippingCost | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the order charge line is shipping cost |
LineNumber | Int | False |
Line number of shipping cost and order charges |
OrderCharge | String | False |
ID of order charges is mandatory for order charge. |
OrderChargeCode | String | False |
Code of shipping method or order charges |
OrderChargeDescription | String | False |
Description from shipping method or order charges master |
OrderChargesLineDescription | String | False |
Line description of shipping cost or order charges (only available in WD Premium packages) |
QuotationID | String | False |
The OrderID identifies the quotation. All the lines of aquotation have the same QuotationID |
VATCode | String | False |
VAT code that is used for shipping cost or order charges |
VATDescription | String | False |
VAT description for shipping cost or order charges |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The vat percentage of the VAT code |
Usage information for the operation Quotations.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
QuotationID [KEY] | String | True |
The QuotationID column for the table Quotations. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table Quotations. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table Quotations. |
CloseDate | Datetime | False |
The CloseDate column for the table Quotations. |
ClosingDate | Datetime | False |
The ClosingDate column for the table Quotations. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Quotations. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Quotations. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Quotations. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table Quotations. |
DeliveryAccount | String | False |
The DeliveryAccount column for the table Quotations. |
DeliveryAccountCode | String | False |
The DeliveryAccountCode column for the table Quotations. |
DeliveryAccountContact | String | False |
The DeliveryAccountContact column for the table Quotations. |
DeliveryAccountContactFullName | String | False |
The DeliveryAccountContactFullName column for the table Quotations. |
DeliveryAccountName | String | False |
The DeliveryAccountName column for the table Quotations. |
DeliveryAddress | String | False |
The DeliveryAddress column for the table Quotations. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Quotations. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Quotations. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table Quotations. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table Quotations. |
DueDate | Datetime | False |
The DueDate column for the table Quotations. |
InvoiceAccount | String | False |
The InvoiceAccount column for the table Quotations. |
InvoiceAccountCode | String | False |
The InvoiceAccountCode column for the table Quotations. |
InvoiceAccountContact | String | False |
The InvoiceAccountContact column for the table Quotations. |
InvoiceAccountContactFullName | String | False |
The InvoiceAccountContactFullName column for the table Quotations. |
InvoiceAccountName | String | False |
The InvoiceAccountName column for the table Quotations. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Quotations. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Quotations. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Quotations. |
Opportunity | String | False |
The Opportunity column for the table Quotations. |
OpportunityName | String | False |
The OpportunityName column for the table Quotations. |
OrderAccount | String | False |
The OrderAccount column for the table Quotations. |
OrderAccountCode | String | False |
The OrderAccountCode column for the table Quotations. |
OrderAccountContact | String | False |
The OrderAccountContact column for the table Quotations. |
OrderAccountContactFullName | String | False |
The OrderAccountContactFullName column for the table Quotations. |
OrderAccountName | String | False |
The OrderAccountName column for the table Quotations. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table Quotations. |
ProjectCode | String | False |
The ProjectCode column for the table Quotations. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table Quotations. |
QuotationDate | Datetime | False |
The QuotationDate column for the table Quotations. |
QuotationNumber | Int | False |
The QuotationNumber column for the table Quotations. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table Quotations. |
SalesPerson | String | False |
The SalesPerson column for the table Quotations. |
SalesPersonFullName | String | False |
The SalesPersonFullName column for the table Quotations. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table Quotations. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table Quotations. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table Quotations. |
VersionNumber | Int | False |
The VersionNumber column for the table Quotations. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table Quotations. |
LinkedQuotationLines | String | False |
The LinkedQuotationLines column for the table Quotations. |
Usage information for the operation RejectQuotation.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
QuotationID [KEY] | String | True |
The QuotationID column for the table RejectQuotation. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table RejectQuotation. |
ErrorMessage | String | False |
The ErrorMessage column for the table RejectQuotation. |
ReasonCode | String | False |
The ReasonCode column for the table RejectQuotation. |
SuccessMessage | String | False |
The SuccessMessage column for the table RejectQuotation. |
Usage information for the operation ReopenQuotation.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
QuotationID [KEY] | String | True |
The QuotationID column for the table ReopenQuotation. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ReopenQuotation. |
ErrorMessage | String | False |
The ErrorMessage column for the table ReopenQuotation. |
SuccessMessage | String | False |
The SuccessMessage column for the table ReopenQuotation. |
Usage information for the operation ReviewQuotation.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
QuotationID [KEY] | String | True |
The QuotationID column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
CopyItemPrices | Bool | False |
The CopyItemPrices column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
ErrorMessage | String | False |
The ErrorMessage column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
NewQuotationID | String | False |
The NewQuotationID column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
OrderAccount | String | False |
The OrderAccount column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
OrderAccountContact | String | False |
The OrderAccountContact column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
QuotationDate | Datetime | False |
The QuotationDate column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
SuccessMessage | String | False |
The SuccessMessage column for the table ReviewQuotation. |
Usage information for the operation SalesEntries.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table SalesEntries. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesEntries. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesEntries. |
BatchNumber | Int | False |
The BatchNumber column for the table SalesEntries. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SalesEntries. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SalesEntries. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SalesEntries. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table SalesEntries. |
Customer | String | False |
The Customer column for the table SalesEntries. |
CustomerName | String | False |
The CustomerName column for the table SalesEntries. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesEntries. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesEntries. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table SalesEntries. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table SalesEntries. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table SalesEntries. |
DueDate | Datetime | False |
The DueDate column for the table SalesEntries. |
EntryDate | Datetime | False |
The EntryDate column for the table SalesEntries. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table SalesEntries. |
ExternalLinkDescription | String | False |
The ExternalLinkDescription column for the table SalesEntries. |
ExternalLinkReference | String | False |
The ExternalLinkReference column for the table SalesEntries. |
GAccountAmountFC | Double | False |
The GAccountAmountFC column for the table SalesEntries. |
InvoiceNumber | Int | False |
The InvoiceNumber column for the table SalesEntries. |
IsExtraDuty | Bool | False |
The IsExtraDuty column for the table SalesEntries. |
Journal | String | False |
The Journal column for the table SalesEntries. |
JournalDescription | String | False |
The JournalDescription column for the table SalesEntries. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SalesEntries. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SalesEntries. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SalesEntries. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table SalesEntries. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table SalesEntries. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table SalesEntries. |
PaymentReference | String | False |
The PaymentReference column for the table SalesEntries. |
ProcessNumber | Int | False |
The ProcessNumber column for the table SalesEntries. |
Rate | Double | False |
The Rate column for the table SalesEntries. |
ReportingPeriod | Int | False |
The ReportingPeriod column for the table SalesEntries. |
ReportingYear | Int | False |
The ReportingYear column for the table SalesEntries. |
Reversal | Bool | False |
The Reversal column for the table SalesEntries. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table SalesEntries. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table SalesEntries. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table SalesEntries. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table SalesEntries. |
VATAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATAmountDC column for the table SalesEntries. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table SalesEntries. |
WithholdingTaxAmountDC | Double | False |
The WithholdingTaxAmountDC column for the table SalesEntries. |
WithholdingTaxBaseAmount | Double | False |
The WithholdingTaxBaseAmount column for the table SalesEntries. |
WithholdingTaxPercentage | Double | False |
The WithholdingTaxPercentage column for the table SalesEntries. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table SalesEntries. |
LinkedSalesEntryLines | String | False |
The LinkedSalesEntryLines column for the table SalesEntries. |
Usage information for the operation SalesEntryLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Asset | String | False |
The Asset column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
AssetDescription | String | False |
The AssetDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
ExtraDutyAmountFC | Double | False |
The ExtraDutyAmountFC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
ExtraDutyPercentage | Double | False |
The ExtraDutyPercentage column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
From | Datetime | False |
The From column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
The GLAccountCode column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
IntraStatArea | String | False |
The IntraStatArea column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
IntraStatCountry | String | False |
The IntraStatCountry column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
IntraStatDeliveryTerm | String | False |
The IntraStatDeliveryTerm column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
IntraStatTransactionA | String | False |
The IntraStatTransactionA column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
IntraStatTransportMethod | String | False |
The IntraStatTransportMethod column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
SerialNumber | String | False |
The SerialNumber column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
StatisticalNetWeight | Double | False |
The StatisticalNetWeight column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
StatisticalNumber | String | False |
The StatisticalNumber column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
StatisticalQuantity | Double | False |
The StatisticalQuantity column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
StatisticalValue | Double | False |
The StatisticalValue column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
To | Datetime | False |
The To column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
TrackingNumber | String | False |
The TrackingNumber column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
TrackingNumberDescription | String | False |
The TrackingNumberDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATAmountDC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATBaseAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATBaseAmountDC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATBaseAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATBaseAmountFC column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table SalesEntryLines. |
Usage information for the operation SalesInvoiceLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
EmployeeFullName | String | False |
The EmployeeFullName column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
The EndTime column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ExtraDutyAmountFC | Double | False |
The ExtraDutyAmountFC column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ExtraDutyPercentage | Double | False |
The ExtraDutyPercentage column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GLAccount column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
The GLAccountDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
InvoiceID | String | False |
The InvoiceID column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
NetPrice | Double | False |
The NetPrice column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Pricelist | String | False |
The Pricelist column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
PricelistDescription | String | False |
The PricelistDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ProjectWBS | String | False |
The ProjectWBS column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
ProjectWBSDescription | String | False |
The ProjectWBSDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
SalesOrder | String | False |
The SalesOrder column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
SalesOrderLine | String | False |
The SalesOrderLine column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
SalesOrderLineNumber | Int | False |
The SalesOrderLineNumber column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
SalesOrderNumber | Int | False |
The SalesOrderNumber column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The StartTime column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
TaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
TaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
UnitCode | String | False |
The UnitCode column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The UnitPrice column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
VATAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATAmountDC column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Name | Type | Description |
Modified | Datetime |
The Modified column for the table SalesInvoiceLines. |
Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete sales invoice shipping cost and order charge lines.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
Line ID of shipping method or order charges |
AmountDC | Double | False |
Amount excluded VAT in reporting currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountFCExclVAT | Double | False |
Amount excluded VAT in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountFCInclVAT | Double | False |
Amount included VAT in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountVATFC | Double | False |
VAT amount in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
Division | Int | False |
Division code |
GLAccount | String | False |
The GL Account of the sales invoice order charge line. |
GLAccountCode | String | False |
GL account code of shipping cost or order charges |
GLAccountDescription | String | False |
GL account description of shipping cost or order charges |
InvoiceID | String | False |
The InvoiceID identifies the sales invoice |
IsShippingCost | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the order charge line is shipping cost |
LineNumber | Int | False |
Line number of shipping cost and order charges |
OrderCharge | String | False |
ID of order charges is mandatory for order charge. |
OrderChargeCode | String | False |
Code of shipping method or order charges |
OrderChargeDescription | String | False |
Description from shipping method or order charges master |
OrderChargesLineDescription | String | False |
Line description of shipping cost or order charges (only available in WD Premium packages) |
VATCode | String | False |
VAT code that is used for shipping cost or order charges |
VATDescription | String | False |
VAT description for shipping cost or order charges |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The vat percentage of the VAT code. |
Usage information for the operation SalesInvoices.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InvoiceID [KEY] | String | True |
The InvoiceID column for the table SalesInvoices. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
AmountDiscount | Double | False |
The AmountDiscount column for the table SalesInvoices. |
AmountDiscountExclVat | Double | False |
The AmountDiscountExclVat column for the table SalesInvoices. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
AmountFCExclVat | Double | False |
The AmountFCExclVat column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SalesInvoices. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DeliverTo | String | False |
The DeliverTo column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DeliverToAddress | String | False |
The DeliverToAddress column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DeliverToContactPerson | String | False |
The DeliverToContactPerson column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DeliverToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The DeliverToContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DeliverToName | String | False |
The DeliverToName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table SalesInvoices. |
DueDate | Datetime | False |
The DueDate column for the table SalesInvoices. |
ExtraDutyAmountFC | Double | False |
The ExtraDutyAmountFC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
GAccountAmountFC | Double | False |
The GAccountAmountFC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | False |
The InvoiceDate column for the table SalesInvoices. |
InvoiceNumber | Int | False |
The InvoiceNumber column for the table SalesInvoices. |
InvoiceTo | String | False |
The InvoiceTo column for the table SalesInvoices. |
InvoiceToContactPerson | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPerson column for the table SalesInvoices. |
InvoiceToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
InvoiceToName | String | False |
The InvoiceToName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
IsExtraDuty | Bool | False |
The IsExtraDuty column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Journal | String | False |
The Journal column for the table SalesInvoices. |
JournalDescription | String | False |
The JournalDescription column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SalesInvoices. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
OrderDate | Datetime | False |
The OrderDate column for the table SalesInvoices. |
OrderedBy | String | False |
The OrderedBy column for the table SalesInvoices. |
OrderedByContactPerson | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPerson column for the table SalesInvoices. |
OrderedByContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
OrderedByName | String | False |
The OrderedByName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table SalesInvoices. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table SalesInvoices. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table SalesInvoices. |
PaymentReference | String | False |
The PaymentReference column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Salesperson | String | False |
The Salesperson column for the table SalesInvoices. |
SalespersonFullName | String | False |
The SalespersonFullName column for the table SalesInvoices. |
StarterSalesInvoiceStatus | Int | False |
The StarterSalesInvoiceStatus column for the table SalesInvoices. |
StarterSalesInvoiceStatusDescription | String | False |
The StarterSalesInvoiceStatusDescription column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table SalesInvoices. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table SalesInvoices. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesInvoices. |
TaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesInvoices. |
TaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table SalesInvoices. |
TypeDescription | String | False |
The TypeDescription column for the table SalesInvoices. |
VATAmountDC | Double | False |
The VATAmountDC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
WithholdingTaxAmountFC | Double | False |
The WithholdingTaxAmountFC column for the table SalesInvoices. |
WithholdingTaxBaseAmount | Double | False |
The WithholdingTaxBaseAmount column for the table SalesInvoices. |
WithholdingTaxPercentage | Double | False |
The WithholdingTaxPercentage column for the table SalesInvoices. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table SalesInvoices. |
LinkedSalesInvoiceLines | String | False |
The LinkedSalesInvoiceLines column for the table SalesInvoices. |
Usage information for the operation SalesItemPrices.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
DefaultItemUnit | String | False |
The DefaultItemUnit column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
DefaultItemUnitDescription | String | False |
The DefaultItemUnitDescription column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
NumberOfItemsPerUnit | Double | False |
The NumberOfItemsPerUnit column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Price | Double | False |
The Price column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SalesItemPrices. |
Usage information for the operation SalesOrderHeaders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Timestamp | Long | False | |
AmountDC | Double | False | |
AmountDiscount | Double | False | |
AmountDiscountExclVat | Double | False | |
AmountFC | Double | False | |
AmountFCExclVat | Double | False | |
ApprovalStatus | Int | False | |
ApprovalStatusDescription | String | False | |
Approved | Datetime | False | |
Approver | String | False | |
ApproverFullName | String | False | |
Created | Datetime | False | |
Creator | String | False | |
CreatorFullName | String | False | |
Currency | String | False | |
DeliverTo | String | False | |
DeliverToContactPerson | String | False | |
DeliverToContactPersonFullName | String | False | |
DeliverToName | String | False | |
DeliveryAddress | String | False | |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False | |
DeliveryStatus | Int | False | |
DeliveryStatusDescription | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Discount | Double | False | |
Division | Int | False | |
Document | String | False | |
DocumentNumber | Int | False | |
DocumentSubject | String | False | |
ID [KEY] | String | True | |
IncotermAddress | String | False | |
IncotermCode | String | False | |
IncotermVersion | Int | False | |
InvoiceStatus | Int | False | |
InvoiceStatusDescription | String | False | |
InvoiceTo | String | False | |
InvoiceToContactPerson | String | False | |
InvoiceToContactPersonFullName | String | False | |
InvoiceToName | String | False | |
Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modifier | String | False | |
ModifierFullName | String | False | |
Notes | String | False | |
OrderDate | Datetime | False | |
OrderedBy | String | False | |
OrderedByContactPerson | String | False | |
OrderedByContactPersonFullName | String | False | |
OrderedByName | String | False | |
OrderID | String | False | |
OrderNumber | Int | False | |
PaymentCondition | String | False | |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False | |
PaymentReference | String | False | |
Project | String | False | |
ProjectCode | String | False | |
ProjectDescription | String | False | |
Remarks | String | False | |
SalesChannel | String | False | |
SalesChannelCode | String | False | |
SalesChannelDescription | String | False | |
Salesperson | String | False | |
SalespersonFullName | String | False | |
SelectionCode | String | False | |
SelectionCodeCode | String | False | |
SelectionCodeDescription | String | False | |
ShippingMethod | String | False | |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | |
ShippingMethodDescription | String | False | |
Status | Int | False | |
StatusDescription | String | False | |
VATAmount | Double | False | |
VATCode | String | False | |
VATCodeDescription | String | False | |
WarehouseCode | String | False | |
WarehouseDescription | String | False | |
WarehouseID | String | False | |
YourRef | String | False |
Usage information for the operation SalesOrderID.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SalesOrderID. |
Usage information for the operation SalesOrderLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostCenterDescription | String | False |
The CostCenterDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostPriceFC | Double | False |
The CostPriceFC column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostUnit | String | False |
The CostUnit column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
CostUnitDescription | String | False |
The CostUnitDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemVersion | String | False |
The ItemVersion column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ItemVersionDescription | String | False |
The ItemVersionDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Margin | Double | False |
The Margin column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
NetPrice | Double | False |
The NetPrice column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
OrderID | String | False |
The OrderID column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Pricelist | String | False |
The Pricelist column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PricelistDescription | String | False |
The PricelistDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrder | String | False |
The PurchaseOrder column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrderLine | String | False |
The PurchaseOrderLine column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrderLineNumber | Int | False |
The PurchaseOrderLineNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Int | False |
The PurchaseOrderNumber column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
QuantityDelivered | Double | False |
The QuantityDelivered column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
QuantityInvoiced | Double | False |
The QuantityInvoiced column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
TaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
TaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UnitCode | String | False |
The UnitCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The UnitPrice column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
UseDropShipment | Int | False |
The UseDropShipment column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATAmount | Double | False |
The VATAmount column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The VATPercentage column for the table SalesOrderlines. |
Use this endpoint to create, read, update and delete sales order shipping cost and order charge lines.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
Line ID of shipping method or order charges |
AmountDC | Double | False |
Amount excluded VAT in reporting currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountFCExclVAT | Double | False |
Amount excluded VAT in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountFCInclVAT | Double | False |
Amount included VAT in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
AmountVATFC | Double | False |
VAT amount in trading currency for shipping cost or order charges |
Division | Int | False |
Division code |
IsShippingCost | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the order charge line is shipping cost |
LineNumber | Int | False |
Line number of shipping cost and order charges |
OrderCharge | String | False |
ID of order charges is mandatory for order charge. |
OrderChargeCode | String | False |
Code of shipping method or order charges |
OrderChargeDescription | String | False |
Description from shipping method or order charges master |
OrderChargesLineDescription | String | False |
Line description of shipping cost or order charges (only available in WD Premium packages) |
OrderID | String | False |
The OrderID identifies the sales order. All the lines of a sales order have the same OrderID |
VATCode | String | False |
VAT code that is used for shipping cost or order charges |
VATDescription | String | False |
VAT description for shipping cost or order charges |
VATPercentage | Double | False |
The vat percentage of the VAT code. |
Usage information for the operation SalesOrders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
OrderID [KEY] | String | True |
The OrderID column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountDiscount | Double | False |
The AmountDiscount column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountDiscountExclVat | Double | False |
The AmountDiscountExclVat column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SalesOrders. |
AmountFCExclVat | Double | False |
The AmountFCExclVat column for the table SalesOrders. |
ApprovalStatus | Int | False |
The ApprovalStatus column for the table SalesOrders. |
ApprovalStatusDescription | String | False |
The ApprovalStatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
Approved | Datetime | False |
The Approved column for the table SalesOrders. |
Approver | String | False |
The Approver column for the table SalesOrders. |
ApproverFullName | String | False |
The ApproverFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SalesOrders. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SalesOrders. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverTo | String | False |
The DeliverTo column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverToContactPerson | String | False |
The DeliverToContactPerson column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The DeliverToContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliverToName | String | False |
The DeliverToName column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryAddress | String | False |
The DeliveryAddress column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryStatus | Int | False |
The DeliveryStatus column for the table SalesOrders. |
DeliveryStatusDescription | String | False |
The DeliveryStatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SalesOrders. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SalesOrders. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SalesOrders. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table SalesOrders. |
DocumentNumber | Int | False |
The DocumentNumber column for the table SalesOrders. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceStatus | Int | False |
The InvoiceStatus column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceStatusDescription | String | False |
The InvoiceStatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceTo | String | False |
The InvoiceTo column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceToContactPerson | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPerson column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
InvoiceToName | String | False |
The InvoiceToName column for the table SalesOrders. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SalesOrders. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SalesOrders. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderDate | Datetime | False |
The OrderDate column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedBy | String | False |
The OrderedBy column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedByContactPerson | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPerson column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedByContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderedByName | String | False |
The OrderedByName column for the table SalesOrders. |
OrderNumber | Int | False |
The OrderNumber column for the table SalesOrders. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table SalesOrders. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
PaymentReference | String | False |
The PaymentReference column for the table SalesOrders. |
Remarks | String | False |
The Remarks column for the table SalesOrders. |
Salesperson | String | False |
The Salesperson column for the table SalesOrders. |
SalespersonFullName | String | False |
The SalespersonFullName column for the table SalesOrders. |
ShippingMethod | String | False |
The ShippingMethod column for the table SalesOrders. |
ShippingMethodDescription | String | False |
The ShippingMethodDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table SalesOrders. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
TaxSchedule | String | False |
The TaxSchedule column for the table SalesOrders. |
TaxScheduleCode | String | False |
The TaxScheduleCode column for the table SalesOrders. |
TaxScheduleDescription | String | False |
The TaxScheduleDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table SalesOrders. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table SalesOrders. |
WarehouseID | String | False |
The WarehouseID column for the table SalesOrders. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table SalesOrders. |
LinkedSalesOrderLines | String | False |
The LinkedSalesOrderLines column for the table SalesOrders. |
Usage information for the operation ServiceRequests.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table ServiceRequests. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table ServiceRequests. |
AssignedTo | String | False |
The AssignedTo column for the table ServiceRequests. |
AssignedToFullName | String | False |
The AssignedToFullName column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table ServiceRequests. |
ContactFullName | String | False |
The ContactFullName column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ServiceRequests. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table ServiceRequests. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table ServiceRequests. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ServiceRequests. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ServiceRequests. |
NextAction | Datetime | False |
The NextAction column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ServiceRequests. |
ReceiptDate | Datetime | False |
The ReceiptDate column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table ServiceRequests. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table ServiceRequests. |
Usage information for the operation ShopOrderMaterialPlans.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Backflush | Int | False |
The Backflush column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
CalculatorType | Int | False |
The CalculatorType column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
DetailDrawing | String | False |
The DetailDrawing column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
PlannedAmountFC | Double | False |
The PlannedAmountFC column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
PlannedDate | Datetime | False |
The PlannedDate column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
PlannedPriceFC | Double | False |
The PlannedPriceFC column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
PlannedQuantity | Double | False |
The PlannedQuantity column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
PlannedQuantityFactor | Double | False |
The PlannedQuantityFactor column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table ShopOrderMaterialPlans. |
Usage information for the operation ShopOrderReceipts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
StockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The StockTransactionId column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
DraftStockTransactionID | String | False |
The DraftStockTransactionID column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
HasReversibleQuantity | Bool | False |
The HasReversibleQuantity column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
IsIssueToParent | Bool | False |
The IsIssueToParent column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ParentShopOrder | String | False |
The ParentShopOrder column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ParentShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ParentShopOrderNumber column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
RelatedStockTransaction | String | False |
The RelatedStockTransaction column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table ShopOrderReceipts. |
Usage information for the operation ShopOrderReversals.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ReversalStockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The ReversalStockTransactionId column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
Note | String | False |
The Note column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
OriginalStockTransactionId | String | False |
The OriginalStockTransactionId column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table ShopOrderReversals. |
Usage information for the operation ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
AccountNumber | String | False |
The AccountNumber column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
AttendedPercentage | Double | False |
The AttendedPercentage column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Backflush | Int | False |
The Backflush column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
CostPerItem | Double | False |
The CostPerItem column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
EfficiencyPercentage | Double | False |
The EfficiencyPercentage column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
FactorType | Int | False |
The FactorType column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Operation | String | False |
The Operation column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
OperationCode | String | False |
The OperationCode column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
OperationDescription | String | False |
The OperationDescription column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
OperationResource | String | False |
The OperationResource column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PlannedEndDate | Datetime | False |
The PlannedEndDate column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PlannedRunHours | Double | False |
The PlannedRunHours column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PlannedSetupHours | Double | False |
The PlannedSetupHours column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | False |
The PlannedStartDate column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PlannedTotalHours | Double | False |
The PlannedTotalHours column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PurchaseUnit | String | False |
The PurchaseUnit column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PurchaseUnitFactor | Double | False |
The PurchaseUnitFactor column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PurchaseUnitPriceFC | Double | False |
The PurchaseUnitPriceFC column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
PurchaseUnitQuantity | Double | False |
The PurchaseUnitQuantity column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
RoutingStepType | Int | False |
The RoutingStepType column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Run | Double | False |
The Run column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
RunMethod | Int | False |
The RunMethod column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
RunMethodDescription | String | False |
The RunMethodDescription column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Setup | Double | False |
The Setup column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
SetupUnit | String | False |
The SetupUnit column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
SubcontractedLeadDays | Int | False |
The SubcontractedLeadDays column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
TotalCostDC | Double | False |
The TotalCostDC column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Workcenter | String | False |
The Workcenter column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
WorkcenterCode | String | False |
The WorkcenterCode column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
WorkcenterDescription | String | False |
The WorkcenterDescription column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
LinkedTimeTransactions | String | False |
The LinkedTimeTransactions column for the table ShopOrderRoutingStepPlans. |
Usage information for the operation ShopOrders.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table ShopOrders. |
CADDrawingURL | String | False |
The CADDrawingURL column for the table ShopOrders. |
Costcenter | String | False |
The Costcenter column for the table ShopOrders. |
CostcenterDescription | String | False |
The CostcenterDescription column for the table ShopOrders. |
Costunit | String | False |
The Costunit column for the table ShopOrders. |
CostunitDescription | String | False |
The CostunitDescription column for the table ShopOrders. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table ShopOrders. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table ShopOrders. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table ShopOrders. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table ShopOrders. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table ShopOrders. |
EntryDate | Datetime | False |
The EntryDate column for the table ShopOrders. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table ShopOrders. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table ShopOrders. |
IsInPlanning | Int | False |
The IsInPlanning column for the table ShopOrders. |
IsOnHold | Int | False |
The IsOnHold column for the table ShopOrders. |
IsReleased | Int | False |
The IsReleased column for the table ShopOrders. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table ShopOrders. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table ShopOrders. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table ShopOrders. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table ShopOrders. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table ShopOrders. |
ItemVersion | String | False |
The ItemVersion column for the table ShopOrders. |
ItemVersionDescription | String | False |
The ItemVersionDescription column for the table ShopOrders. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table ShopOrders. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table ShopOrders. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table ShopOrders. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table ShopOrders. |
PlannedDate | Datetime | False |
The PlannedDate column for the table ShopOrders. |
PlannedQuantity | Double | False |
The PlannedQuantity column for the table ShopOrders. |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | False |
The PlannedStartDate column for the table ShopOrders. |
ProducedQuantity | Double | False |
The ProducedQuantity column for the table ShopOrders. |
ProductionLeadDays | Int | False |
The ProductionLeadDays column for the table ShopOrders. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table ShopOrders. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table ShopOrders. |
ReadyToShipQuantity | Double | False |
The ReadyToShipQuantity column for the table ShopOrders. |
SalesOrderLineCount | Int | False |
The SalesOrderLineCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderByProductPlanBackflushCount | Int | False |
The ShopOrderByProductPlanBackflushCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderByProductPlanCount | Int | False |
The ShopOrderByProductPlanCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderMain | String | False |
The ShopOrderMain column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderMainNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderMainNumber column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlanBackflushCount | Int | False |
The ShopOrderMaterialPlanBackflushCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderMaterialPlanCount | Int | False |
The ShopOrderMaterialPlanCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderNumber column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderNumberString | String | False |
The ShopOrderNumberString column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderParent | String | False |
The ShopOrderParent column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderParentNumber | Int | False |
The ShopOrderParentNumber column for the table ShopOrders. |
ShopOrderRoutingStepPlanCount | Int | False |
The ShopOrderRoutingStepPlanCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table ShopOrders. |
SubShopOrderCount | Int | False |
The SubShopOrderCount column for the table ShopOrders. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table ShopOrders. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table ShopOrders. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table ShopOrders. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table ShopOrders. |
YourRef | String | False |
The YourRef column for the table ShopOrders. |
LinkedShopOrderMaterialPlans | String | False |
The LinkedShopOrderMaterialPlans column for the table ShopOrders. |
LinkedShopOrderRoutingStepPlans | String | False |
The LinkedShopOrderRoutingStepPlans column for the table ShopOrders. |
Usage information for the operation SolutionLinks.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SolutionLinks. |
ExternalSolutionCode | Int | False |
The ExternalSolutionCode column for the table SolutionLinks. |
ExternalSolutionName | String | False |
The ExternalSolutionName column for the table SolutionLinks. |
ExternalSolutionUrl | String | False |
The ExternalSolutionUrl column for the table SolutionLinks. |
InternalSolutionDivision | Int | False |
The InternalSolutionDivision column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Name | String | False |
The Name column for the table SolutionLinks. |
OtherExternalSolutionName | String | False |
The OtherExternalSolutionName column for the table SolutionLinks. |
SolutionType | Int | False |
The SolutionType column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table SolutionLinks. |
Usage information for the operation StockCountLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table StockCountLines. |
CostPrice | Double | False |
The CostPrice column for the table StockCountLines. |
CountedBy | String | False |
The CountedBy column for the table StockCountLines. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table StockCountLines. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table StockCountLines. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table StockCountLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table StockCountLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table StockCountLines. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table StockCountLines. |
ItemCostPrice | Double | False |
The ItemCostPrice column for the table StockCountLines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table StockCountLines. |
ItemDivisable | Bool | False |
The ItemDivisable column for the table StockCountLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table StockCountLines. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table StockCountLines. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table StockCountLines. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table StockCountLines. |
QuantityDifference | Double | False |
The QuantityDifference column for the table StockCountLines. |
QuantityInStock | Double | False |
The QuantityInStock column for the table StockCountLines. |
QuantityNew | Double | False |
The QuantityNew column for the table StockCountLines. |
StockCountID | String | False |
The StockCountID column for the table StockCountLines. |
StockKeepingUnit | String | False |
The StockKeepingUnit column for the table StockCountLines. |
StorageLocation | String | False |
The StorageLocation column for the table StockCountLines. |
StorageLocationCode | String | False |
The StorageLocationCode column for the table StockCountLines. |
StorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The StorageLocationDescription column for the table StockCountLines. |
LinkedBatchNumbers | String | False |
The LinkedBatchNumbers column for the table StockCountLines. |
LinkedSerialNumbers | String | False |
The LinkedSerialNumbers column for the table StockCountLines. |
Usage information for the operation StockCounts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
StockCountID [KEY] | String | True |
The StockCountID column for the table StockCounts. |
CountedBy | String | False |
The CountedBy column for the table StockCounts. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table StockCounts. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table StockCounts. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table StockCounts. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table StockCounts. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table StockCounts. |
EntryNumber | Int | False |
The EntryNumber column for the table StockCounts. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table StockCounts. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table StockCounts. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table StockCounts. |
OffsetGLInventory | String | False |
The OffsetGLInventory column for the table StockCounts. |
OffsetGLInventoryCode | String | False |
The OffsetGLInventoryCode column for the table StockCounts. |
OffsetGLInventoryDescription | String | False |
The OffsetGLInventoryDescription column for the table StockCounts. |
Source | Int | False |
The Source column for the table StockCounts. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table StockCounts. |
StockCountDate | Datetime | False |
The StockCountDate column for the table StockCounts. |
StockCountNumber | Int | False |
The StockCountNumber column for the table StockCounts. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table StockCounts. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table StockCounts. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table StockCounts. |
LinkedStockCountLines | String | False |
The LinkedStockCountLines column for the table StockCounts. |
Usage information for the operation SubOrderReceipts.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ShopOrderReceiptStockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The ShopOrderReceiptStockTransactionId column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
DraftStockTransactionID | String | False |
The DraftStockTransactionID column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
HasReversibleQuantity | Bool | False |
The HasReversibleQuantity column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
MaterialIssueStockTransactionId | String | False |
The MaterialIssueStockTransactionId column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
ParentShopOrder | String | False |
The ParentShopOrder column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
ParentShopOrderMaterialPlan | String | False |
The ParentShopOrderMaterialPlan column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
ParentShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ParentShopOrderNumber column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
SubShopOrder | String | False |
The SubShopOrder column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
SubShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The SubShopOrderNumber column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table SubOrderReceipts. |
Usage information for the operation SubOrderReversals.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
MaterialReversalStockTransactionId [KEY] | String | True |
The MaterialReversalStockTransactionId column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
CreatedBy | String | False |
The CreatedBy column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
CreatedByFullName | String | False |
The CreatedByFullName column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
IsBatch | Int | False |
The IsBatch column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
IsFractionAllowedItem | Int | False |
The IsFractionAllowedItem column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
IsSerial | Int | False |
The IsSerial column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
ItemPictureUrl | String | False |
The ItemPictureUrl column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
Note | String | False |
The Note column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
OriginalMaterialIssueStockTransactionId | String | False |
The OriginalMaterialIssueStockTransactionId column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
OriginalShopOrderReceiptStockTransactionId | String | False |
The OriginalShopOrderReceiptStockTransactionId column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
ParentShopOrder | String | False |
The ParentShopOrder column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
ParentShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The ParentShopOrderNumber column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
ShopOrderReversalStockTransactionId | String | False |
The ShopOrderReversalStockTransactionId column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
SubShopOrder | String | False |
The SubShopOrder column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
SubShopOrderNumber | Int | False |
The SubShopOrderNumber column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The TransactionDate column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
Unit | String | False |
The Unit column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
Warehouse | String | False |
The Warehouse column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
WarehouseCode | String | False |
The WarehouseCode column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
WarehouseDescription | String | False |
The WarehouseDescription column for the table SubOrderReversals. |
Usage information for the operation SubscriptionLines.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
AmountDC | Double | False |
The AmountDC column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
AmountFC | Double | False |
The AmountFC column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Costcenter | String | False |
The Costcenter column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Costunit | String | False |
The Costunit column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Discount | Double | False |
The Discount column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
EntryID | String | False |
The EntryID column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
FromDate | Datetime | False |
The FromDate column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
LineNumber | Int | False |
The LineNumber column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
LineType | Int | False |
The LineType column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
LineTypeDescription | String | False |
The LineTypeDescription column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
NetPrice | Double | False |
The NetPrice column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
ToDate | Datetime | False |
The ToDate column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
UnitCode | String | False |
The UnitCode column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
UnitDescription | String | False |
The UnitDescription column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
UnitPrice | Double | False |
The UnitPrice column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
VATAmountFC | Double | False |
The VATAmountFC column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
VATCode | String | False |
The VATCode column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
VATCodeDescription | String | False |
The VATCodeDescription column for the table SubscriptionLines. |
Usage information for the operation SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
SubscriptionNumber | Int | False |
The SubscriptionNumber column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
EmployeeFullName | String | False |
The EmployeeFullName column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
EmployeeHID | Int | False |
The EmployeeHID column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionEmployees. |
Usage information for the operation SubscriptionRestrictionItems.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Subscription | String | False |
The Subscription column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
SubscriptionDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionDescription column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
SubscriptionNumber | Int | False |
The SubscriptionNumber column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SubscriptionRestrictionItems. |
Usage information for the operation Subscriptions.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
EntryID [KEY] | String | True |
The EntryID column for the table Subscriptions. |
BlockEntry | Bool | False |
The BlockEntry column for the table Subscriptions. |
CancellationDate | Datetime | False |
The CancellationDate column for the table Subscriptions. |
Classification | String | False |
The Classification column for the table Subscriptions. |
ClassificationCode | String | False |
The ClassificationCode column for the table Subscriptions. |
ClassificationDescription | String | False |
The ClassificationDescription column for the table Subscriptions. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Subscriptions. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Subscriptions. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Subscriptions. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table Subscriptions. |
CustomerPONumber | String | False |
The CustomerPONumber column for the table Subscriptions. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Subscriptions. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Subscriptions. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoiceDay | Int | False |
The InvoiceDay column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoicedTo | Datetime | False |
The InvoicedTo column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoiceTo | String | False |
The InvoiceTo column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoiceToContactPerson | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPerson column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoiceToContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The InvoiceToContactPersonFullName column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoiceToName | String | False |
The InvoiceToName column for the table Subscriptions. |
InvoicingStartDate | Datetime | False |
The InvoicingStartDate column for the table Subscriptions. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Subscriptions. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Subscriptions. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Subscriptions. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Subscriptions. |
Number | Int | False |
The Number column for the table Subscriptions. |
OrderedBy | String | False |
The OrderedBy column for the table Subscriptions. |
OrderedByContactPerson | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPerson column for the table Subscriptions. |
OrderedByContactPersonFullName | String | False |
The OrderedByContactPersonFullName column for the table Subscriptions. |
OrderedByName | String | False |
The OrderedByName column for the table Subscriptions. |
PaymentCondition | String | False |
The PaymentCondition column for the table Subscriptions. |
PaymentConditionDescription | String | False |
The PaymentConditionDescription column for the table Subscriptions. |
Printed | Bool | False |
The Printed column for the table Subscriptions. |
ReasonCancelled | String | False |
The ReasonCancelled column for the table Subscriptions. |
ReasonCancelledCode | String | False |
The ReasonCancelledCode column for the table Subscriptions. |
ReasonCancelledDescription | String | False |
The ReasonCancelledDescription column for the table Subscriptions. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate column for the table Subscriptions. |
SubscriptionType | String | False |
The SubscriptionType column for the table Subscriptions. |
SubscriptionTypeCode | String | False |
The SubscriptionTypeCode column for the table Subscriptions. |
SubscriptionTypeDescription | String | False |
The SubscriptionTypeDescription column for the table Subscriptions. |
LinkedSubscriptionLines | String | False |
The LinkedSubscriptionLines column for the table Subscriptions. |
LinkedSubscriptionRestrictionEmployees | String | False |
The LinkedSubscriptionRestrictionEmployees column for the table Subscriptions. |
LinkedSubscriptionRestrictionItems | String | False |
The LinkedSubscriptionRestrictionItems column for the table Subscriptions. |
Usage information for the operation SupplierItem.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table SupplierItem. |
CopyRemarks | Int | False |
The CopyRemarks column for the table SupplierItem. |
CountryOfOrigin | String | False |
The CountryOfOrigin column for the table SupplierItem. |
CountryOfOriginDescription | String | False |
The CountryOfOriginDescription column for the table SupplierItem. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table SupplierItem. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table SupplierItem. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table SupplierItem. |
Currency | String | False |
The Currency column for the table SupplierItem. |
CurrencyDescription | String | False |
The CurrencyDescription column for the table SupplierItem. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table SupplierItem. |
DropShipment | Int | False |
The DropShipment column for the table SupplierItem. |
Item | String | False |
The Item column for the table SupplierItem. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The ItemCode column for the table SupplierItem. |
ItemDescription | String | False |
The ItemDescription column for the table SupplierItem. |
MainSupplier | Bool | False |
The MainSupplier column for the table SupplierItem. |
MinimumQuantity | Double | False |
The MinimumQuantity column for the table SupplierItem. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table SupplierItem. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table SupplierItem. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table SupplierItem. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchaseLeadTime | Int | False |
The PurchaseLeadTime column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchasePrice | Double | False |
The PurchasePrice column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchaseUnit | String | False |
The PurchaseUnit column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchaseUnitDescription | String | False |
The PurchaseUnitDescription column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchaseUnitFactor | Double | False |
The PurchaseUnitFactor column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchaseVATCode | String | False |
The PurchaseVATCode column for the table SupplierItem. |
PurchaseVATCodeDescription | String | False |
The PurchaseVATCodeDescription column for the table SupplierItem. |
Supplier | String | False |
The Supplier column for the table SupplierItem. |
SupplierCode | String | False |
The SupplierCode column for the table SupplierItem. |
SupplierDescription | String | False |
The SupplierDescription column for the table SupplierItem. |
SupplierItemCode | String | False |
The SupplierItemCode column for the table SupplierItem. |
Usage information for the operation Tasks.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Tasks. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table Tasks. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table Tasks. |
ActionDate | Datetime | False |
The ActionDate column for the table Tasks. |
Contact | String | False |
The Contact column for the table Tasks. |
ContactFullName | String | False |
The ContactFullName column for the table Tasks. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Tasks. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Tasks. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Tasks. |
CustomTaskType | String | False |
The CustomTaskType column for the table Tasks. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Tasks. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Tasks. |
Document | String | False |
The Document column for the table Tasks. |
DocumentSubject | String | False |
The DocumentSubject column for the table Tasks. |
HID | Int | False |
The HID column for the table Tasks. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Tasks. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Tasks. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Tasks. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Tasks. |
Opportunity | String | False |
The Opportunity column for the table Tasks. |
OpportunityName | String | False |
The OpportunityName column for the table Tasks. |
Project | String | False |
The Project column for the table Tasks. |
ProjectDescription | String | False |
The ProjectDescription column for the table Tasks. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table Tasks. |
StatusDescription | String | False |
The StatusDescription column for the table Tasks. |
TaskType | Int | False |
The TaskType column for the table Tasks. |
TaskTypeDescription | String | False |
The TaskTypeDescription column for the table Tasks. |
User | String | False |
The User column for the table Tasks. |
UserFullName | String | False |
The UserFullName column for the table Tasks. |
Usage information for the operation TaskTypes.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table TaskTypes. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table TaskTypes. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table TaskTypes. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table TaskTypes. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table TaskTypes. |
DescriptionTermID | Int | False |
The DescriptionTermID column for the table TaskTypes. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table TaskTypes. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table TaskTypes. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table TaskTypes. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table TaskTypes. |
Usage information for the operation TimeCorrections.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table TimeCorrections. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table TimeCorrections. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table TimeCorrections. |
OriginalEntryId | String | False |
The OriginalEntryId column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table TimeCorrections. |
Usage information for the operation TimeTransactions.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Activity | Int | False |
The Activity column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table TimeTransactions. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The Date column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Employee | String | False |
The Employee column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Hours | Double | False |
The Hours column for the table TimeTransactions. |
IsOperationFinished | Int | False |
The IsOperationFinished column for the table TimeTransactions. |
LaborHours | Double | False |
The LaborHours column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table TimeTransactions. |
PercentComplete | Double | False |
The PercentComplete column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Quantity | Double | False |
The Quantity column for the table TimeTransactions. |
RoutingStepPlan | String | False |
The RoutingStepPlan column for the table TimeTransactions. |
ShopOrder | String | False |
The ShopOrder column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table TimeTransactions. |
TimedTimeTransaction | String | False |
The TimedTimeTransaction column for the table TimeTransactions. |
WorkCenter | String | False |
The WorkCenter column for the table TimeTransactions. |
Usage information for the operation VATCodes.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table VATCodes. |
Account | String | False |
The Account column for the table VATCodes. |
AccountCode | String | False |
The AccountCode column for the table VATCodes. |
AccountName | String | False |
The AccountName column for the table VATCodes. |
CalculationBasis | Int | False |
The CalculationBasis column for the table VATCodes. |
Charged | Bool | False |
The Charged column for the table VATCodes. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table VATCodes. |
Country | String | False |
The Country column for the table VATCodes. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table VATCodes. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table VATCodes. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table VATCodes. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table VATCodes. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table VATCodes. |
EUSalesListing | String | False |
The EUSalesListing column for the table VATCodes. |
GLDiscountPurchase | String | False |
The GLDiscountPurchase column for the table VATCodes. |
GLDiscountPurchaseCode | String | False |
The GLDiscountPurchaseCode column for the table VATCodes. |
GLDiscountPurchaseDescription | String | False |
The GLDiscountPurchaseDescription column for the table VATCodes. |
GLDiscountSales | String | False |
The GLDiscountSales column for the table VATCodes. |
GLDiscountSalesCode | String | False |
The GLDiscountSalesCode column for the table VATCodes. |
GLDiscountSalesDescription | String | False |
The GLDiscountSalesDescription column for the table VATCodes. |
GLToClaim | String | False |
The GLToClaim column for the table VATCodes. |
GLToClaimCode | String | False |
The GLToClaimCode column for the table VATCodes. |
GLToClaimDescription | String | False |
The GLToClaimDescription column for the table VATCodes. |
GLToPay | String | False |
The GLToPay column for the table VATCodes. |
GLToPayCode | String | False |
The GLToPayCode column for the table VATCodes. |
GLToPayDescription | String | False |
The GLToPayDescription column for the table VATCodes. |
IntraStat | Bool | False |
The IntraStat column for the table VATCodes. |
IntrastatType | String | False |
The IntrastatType column for the table VATCodes. |
IsBlocked | Bool | False |
The IsBlocked column for the table VATCodes. |
LegalText | String | False |
The LegalText column for the table VATCodes. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table VATCodes. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table VATCodes. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table VATCodes. |
Percentage | Double | False |
The Percentage column for the table VATCodes. |
TaxReturnType | Int | False |
The TaxReturnType column for the table VATCodes. |
Type | String | False |
The Type column for the table VATCodes. |
VatDocType | String | False |
The VatDocType column for the table VATCodes. |
VatMargin | Int | False |
The VatMargin column for the table VATCodes. |
VATPartialRatio | Int | False |
The VATPartialRatio column for the table VATCodes. |
VATTransactionType | String | False |
The VATTransactionType column for the table VATCodes. |
LinkedVATPercentages | String | False |
The LinkedVATPercentages column for the table VATCodes. |
Usage information for the operation Warehouses.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Warehouses. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Warehouses. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Warehouses. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Warehouses. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Warehouses. |
DefaultStorageLocation | String | False |
The DefaultStorageLocation column for the table Warehouses. |
DefaultStorageLocationCode | String | False |
The DefaultStorageLocationCode column for the table Warehouses. |
DefaultStorageLocationDescription | String | False |
The DefaultStorageLocationDescription column for the table Warehouses. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Warehouses. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Warehouses. |
String | False |
The EMail column for the table Warehouses. | |
Main | Int | False |
The Main column for the table Warehouses. |
ManagerUser | String | False |
The ManagerUser column for the table Warehouses. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Warehouses. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Warehouses. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Warehouses. |
UseStorageLocations | Int | False |
The UseStorageLocations column for the table Warehouses. |
Usage information for the operation Workcenters.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The ID column for the table Workcenters. |
Capacity | Int | False |
The Capacity column for the table Workcenters. |
Code | String | False |
The Code column for the table Workcenters. |
Costcenter | String | False |
The Costcenter column for the table Workcenters. |
CostcenterDescription | String | False |
The CostcenterDescription column for the table Workcenters. |
Costunit | String | False |
The Costunit column for the table Workcenters. |
CostunitDescription | String | False |
The CostunitDescription column for the table Workcenters. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The Created column for the table Workcenters. |
Creator | String | False |
The Creator column for the table Workcenters. |
CreatorFullName | String | False |
The CreatorFullName column for the table Workcenters. |
Description | String | False |
The Description column for the table Workcenters. |
Division | Int | False |
The Division column for the table Workcenters. |
GeneralBurdenRate | Double | False |
The GeneralBurdenRate column for the table Workcenters. |
IsLaborBurdenPercent | Int | False |
The IsLaborBurdenPercent column for the table Workcenters. |
LaborBurdenRate | Double | False |
The LaborBurdenRate column for the table Workcenters. |
MachineBurdenRate | Double | False |
The MachineBurdenRate column for the table Workcenters. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
The Modified column for the table Workcenters. |
Modifier | String | False |
The Modifier column for the table Workcenters. |
ModifierFullName | String | False |
The ModifierFullName column for the table Workcenters. |
Notes | String | False |
The Notes column for the table Workcenters. |
ProductionArea | String | False |
The ProductionArea column for the table Workcenters. |
RunLaborRate | Double | False |
The RunLaborRate column for the table Workcenters. |
SearchCode | String | False |
The SearchCode column for the table Workcenters. |
SetupLaborRate | Double | False |
The SetupLaborRate column for the table Workcenters. |
Status | Int | False |
The Status column for the table Workcenters. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type column for the table Workcenters. |
Name | Description |
AbsenceRegistrations | Usage information for the operation AbsenceRegistrations.rsd. |
AbsenceRegistrationTransactions | Usage information for the operation AbsenceRegistrationTransactions.rsd. |
AccountantInfo | Usage information for the operation AccountantInfo.rsd. |
AccountClasses | Usage information for the operation AccountClasses.rsd. |
AccountClassificationNames | Usage information for the operation AccountClassificationNames.rsd. |
AccountClassifications | Usage information for the operation AccountClassifications.rsd. |
ActiveEmployments | Usage information for the operation ActiveEmployments.rsd. |
AddressStates | Usage information for the operation AddressStates.rsd. |
AgingOverview | Usage information for the operation AgingOverview.rsd. |
AgingPayablesList | Usage information for the operation AgingPayablesList.rsd. |
AgingReceivablesList | Usage information for the operation AgingReceivablesList.rsd. |
AssetGroups | Usage information for the operation AssetGroups.rsd. |
Assets | Usage information for the operation Assets.rsd. |
AvailableFeatures | Usage information for the operation AvailableFeatures.rsd. |
Banks | Usage information for the operation Banks.rsd. |
BatchNumbers | Usage information for the operation BatchNumbers.rsd. |
Budgets | Usage information for the operation Budgets.rsd. |
CRMDocuments | Usage information for the operation CRMDocuments.rsd. |
Currencies | Usage information for the operation Currencies.rsd. |
CurrentYear_AfterEntry | Usage information for the operation CurrentYear_AfterEntry.rsd. |
CurrentYear_Processed | Usage information for the operation CurrentYear_Processed.rsd. |
DefaultMailbox | Usage information for the operation DefaultMailbox.rsd. |
Departments | Usage information for the operation Departments.rsd. |
Divisions | Usage information for the operation Divisions.rsd. |
DocumentCategories | Usage information for the operation DocumentCategories.rsd. |
DocumentsAttachments | Usage information for the operation DocumentsAttachments.rsd. |
DocumentTypeCategories | Usage information for the operation DocumentTypeCategories.rsd. |
DocumentTypes | Usage information for the operation DocumentTypes.rsd. |
Employees | Usage information for the operation Employees.rsd. |
EmploymentContractFlexPhases | Usage information for the operation EmploymentContractFlexPhases.rsd. |
EmploymentContracts | Usage information for the operation EmploymentContracts.rsd. |
EmploymentEndReasons | Usage information for the operation EmploymentEndReasons.rsd. |
EmploymentOrganizations | Usage information for the operation EmploymentOrganizations.rsd. |
Employments | Usage information for the operation Employments.rsd. |
EmploymentSalaries | Usage information for the operation EmploymentSalaries.rsd. |
FinancialPeriods | Usage information for the operation FinancialPeriods.rsd. |
GLAccountClassificationMappings | Usage information for the operation GLAccountClassificationMappings.rsd. |
GLClassifications | Usage information for the operation GLClassifications.rsd. |
GLSchemes | Usage information for the operation GLSchemes.rsd. |
GLTransactionTypes | Usage information for the operation GLTransactionTypes.rsd. |
HourCostTypes | Usage information for the operation HourCostTypes.rsd. |
ItemChargeRelation | Usage information for the operation ItemChargeRelation.rsd. |
ItemGroups | Usage information for the operation ItemGroups.rsd. |
ItemsExtraFields | Get the values of extra fields (custom fields) for Items. |
ItemVersions | Usage information for the operation ItemVersions.rsd. |
ItemWarehousePlanningDetails | Usage information for the operation ItemWarehousePlanningDetails.rsd. |
ItemWarehouseStorageLocations | Usage information for the operation ItemWarehouseStorageLocations.rsd. |
JobGroups | Usage information for the operation JobGroups.rsd. |
JobTitles | Usage information for the operation JobTitles.rsd. |
JournalStatusList | Usage information for the operation JournalStatusList.rsd. |
Layouts | Usage information for the operation Layouts.rsd. |
LeadSources | Usage information for the operation LeadSources.rsd. |
LeaveAbsenceHoursByDay | Use this endpoint to read employee's leave and absence hours by day. |
LeaveBuildUpRegistrations | Usage information for the operation LeaveBuildUpRegistrations.rsd. |
LeaveRegistrations | Usage information for the operation LeaveRegistrations.rsd. |
MailMessagesReceived | Usage information for the operation MailMessagesReceived.rsd. |
Me | Usage information for the operation Me.rsd. |
OpportunityContacts | Usage information for the operation OpportunityContacts.rsd. |
OutstandingInvoicesOverview | Usage information for the operation OutstandingInvoicesOverview.rsd. |
PayablesList | Usage information for the operation PayablesList.rsd. |
Payments | Usage information for the operation Payments.rsd. |
PaymentTerms | Usage information for the operation PaymentTerms.rsd. |
PayrollComponents | Usage information for the operation PayrollComponents.rsd. |
PayrollTransactions | Usage information for the operation PayrollTransactions.rsd. |
PreferredMailbox | Usage information for the operation PreferredMailbox.rsd. |
PreviousYear_AfterEntry | Usage information for the operation PreviousYear_AfterEntry.rsd. |
PreviousYear_Processed | Usage information for the operation PreviousYear_Processed.rsd. |
PriceListPeriods | Usage information for the operation PriceListPeriods.rsd. |
PriceLists | Usage information for the operation PriceLists.rsd. |
PriceListsLinkedAccounts | Usage information for the operation PriceListsLinkedAccounts.rsd. |
PriceListVolumeDiscounts | Usage information for the operation PriceListVolumeDiscounts.rsd. |
ProfitLossOverview | Usage information for the operation ProfitLossOverview.rsd. |
ProjectBudgetTypes | Usage information for the operation ProjectBudgetTypes.rsd. |
ProjectWBS | Usage information for the operation ProjectWBS.rsd. |
PurchaseItemPrices | Purchase Item Prices |
PurchaseOrderLines | Usage information for the operation PurchaseOrderLines.rsd. |
PurchaseOrders | Usage information for the operation PurchaseOrders.rsd. |
QuotationHeaders | Usage information for the operation QuotationHeaders.rsd. |
ReasonCodes | Usage information for the operation ReasonCodes.rsd. |
Receivables | Usage information for the operation Receivables.rsd. |
ReceivablesList | Usage information for the operation ReceivablesList.rsd. |
RecentCosts | Usage information for the operation RecentCosts.rsd. |
RecentHours | Usage information for the operation RecentHours.rsd. |
ReportingBalance | Usage information for the operation ReportingBalance.rsd. |
Returns | Usage information for the operation Returns.rsd. |
RevenueList | Usage information for the operation RevenueList.rsd. |
ScheduleEntries | ScheduleEntries |
Schedules | Usage information for the operation Schedules.rsd. |
SerialNumbers | Usage information for the operation SerialNumbers.rsd. |
ShippingMethods | Usage information for the operation ShippingMethods.rsd. |
StockBatchNumbers | Usage information for the operation StockBatchNumbers.rsd. |
StockPositions | Usage information for the operation StockPositions.rsd. |
StockSerialNumbers | Usage information for the operation StockSerialNumbers.rsd. |
StorageLocations | Usage information for the operation StorageLocations.rsd. |
StorageLocationStockPositions | Usage information for the operation StorageLocationStockPositions.rsd. |
SubscriptionLineTypes | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionLineTypes.rsd. |
SubscriptionReasonCodes | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionReasonCodes.rsd. |
SubscriptionTypes | Usage information for the operation SubscriptionTypes.rsd. |
TaxComponentRates | Usage information for the operation TaxComponentRates.rsd. |
TaxEmploymentEndFlexCodes | Usage information for the operation TaxEmploymentEndFlexCodes.rsd. |
TaxScheduleComponents | Usage information for the operation TaxScheduleComponents.rsd. |
TaxSchedules | Usage information for the operation TaxSchedules.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingAccountDetails | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingAccountDetails.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingActivitiesAndExpenses | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingActivitiesAndExpenses.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryAccounts | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryAccounts.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryProjects | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryProjects.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentAccounts | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentAccounts.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentActivitiesAndExpenses | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentActivitiesAndExpenses.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentHourCostTypes | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentHourCostTypes.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingEntryRecentProjects | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingEntryRecentProjects.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingItemDetails | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingItemDetails.rsd. |
TimeAndBillingProjectDetails | Usage information for the operation TimeAndBillingProjectDetails.rsd. |
TimeCostTransactions | Usage information for the operation TimeCostTransactions.rsd. |
TransactionLines | Usage information for the operation TransactionLines.rsd. |
Units | Usage information for the operation Units.rsd. |
UserRoles | Usage information for the operation UserRoles.rsd. |
UserRolesPerDivision | Usage information for the operation UserRolesPerDivision.rsd. |
Users | Usage information for the operation Users.rsd. |
VatPercentages | Usage information for the operation VatPercentages.rsd. |
Usage information for the operation AbsenceRegistrations.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Cause | Int | The Cause column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
CauseCode | String | The CauseCode column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
CauseDescription | String | The CauseDescription column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Employee | String | The Employee column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
EmployeeFullName | String | The EmployeeFullName column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
EmployeeHID | Int | The EmployeeHID column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Kind | Int | The Kind column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
KindCode | String | The KindCode column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
KindDescription | String | The KindDescription column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Notes | String | The Notes column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
LinkedAbsenceRegistrationTransactions | String | The LinkedAbsenceRegistrationTransactions column for the table AbsenceRegistrations. |
Usage information for the operation AbsenceRegistrationTransactions.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
AbsenceRegistration | String | The AbsenceRegistration column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
EndTime | Datetime | The EndTime column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
ExpectedEndDate | Datetime | The ExpectedEndDate column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Hours | Double | The Hours column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
HoursFirstDay | Double | The HoursFirstDay column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
HoursLastDay | Double | The HoursLastDay column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Notes | String | The Notes column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
NotificationMoment | Datetime | The NotificationMoment column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
PercentageDisablement | Double | The PercentageDisablement column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
StartDate | Datetime | The StartDate column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
StartTime | Datetime | The StartTime column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Status | Int | The Status column for the table AbsenceRegistrationTransactions. |
Usage information for the operation AccountantInfo.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AccountantInfo. |
AddressLine1 | String | The AddressLine1 column for the table AccountantInfo. |
AddressLine2 | String | The AddressLine2 column for the table AccountantInfo. |
AddressLine3 | String | The AddressLine3 column for the table AccountantInfo. |
City | String | The City column for the table AccountantInfo. |
String | The Email column for the table AccountantInfo. | |
IsAccountant | Bool | The IsAccountant column for the table AccountantInfo. |
Logo | Binary | The Logo column for the table AccountantInfo. |
MenuLogoUrl | String | The MenuLogoUrl column for the table AccountantInfo. |
Name | String | The Name column for the table AccountantInfo. |
Phone | String | The Phone column for the table AccountantInfo. |
Postcode | String | The Postcode column for the table AccountantInfo. |
Website | String | The Website column for the table AccountantInfo. |
Usage information for the operation AccountClasses.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AccountClasses. |
Code | String | The Code column for the table AccountClasses. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table AccountClasses. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table AccountClasses. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table AccountClasses. |
CreditManagementScenario | String | The CreditManagementScenario column for the table AccountClasses. |
Description | String | The Description column for the table AccountClasses. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table AccountClasses. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table AccountClasses. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table AccountClasses. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table AccountClasses. |
Usage information for the operation AccountClassificationNames.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Description | String | The Description column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
SequenceNumber | Int | The SequenceNumber column for the table AccountClassificationNames. |
Usage information for the operation AccountClassifications.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AccountClassifications. |
AccountClassificationName | String | The AccountClassificationName column for the table AccountClassifications. |
AccountClassificationNameDescription | String | The AccountClassificationNameDescription column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Code | String | The Code column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table AccountClassifications. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Description | String | The Description column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table AccountClassifications. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table AccountClassifications. |
Usage information for the operation ActiveEmployments.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
AverageDaysPerWeek | Double | The AverageDaysPerWeek column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
AverageHoursPerWeek | Double | The AverageHoursPerWeek column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Contract | String | The Contract column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractDocument | String | The ContractDocument column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractEndDate | Datetime | The ContractEndDate column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractProbationEndDate | Datetime | The ContractProbationEndDate column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractProbationPeriod | Int | The ContractProbationPeriod column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractStartDate | Datetime | The ContractStartDate column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractType | Int | The ContractType column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ContractTypeDescription | String | The ContractTypeDescription column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Department | String | The Department column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
DepartmentCode | String | The DepartmentCode column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
DepartmentDescription | String | The DepartmentDescription column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Employee | String | The Employee column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
EmployeeFullName | String | The EmployeeFullName column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
EmployeeHID | Int | The EmployeeHID column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
EmploymentOrganization | String | The EmploymentOrganization column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
EndDate | Datetime | The EndDate column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
HID | Int | The HID column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
HourlyWage | Double | The HourlyWage column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
InternalRate | Double | The InternalRate column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Jobtitle | String | The Jobtitle column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
JobtitleDescription | String | The JobtitleDescription column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ReasonEnd | Int | The ReasonEnd column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ReasonEndDescription | String | The ReasonEndDescription column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ReasonEndFlex | Int | The ReasonEndFlex column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ReasonEndFlexDescription | String | The ReasonEndFlexDescription column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Salary | String | The Salary column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Schedule | String | The Schedule column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ScheduleAverageHours | Double | The ScheduleAverageHours column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ScheduleCode | String | The ScheduleCode column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ScheduleDays | Double | The ScheduleDays column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ScheduleDescription | String | The ScheduleDescription column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
ScheduleHours | Double | The ScheduleHours column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
StartDate | Datetime | The StartDate column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
StartDateOrganization | Datetime | The StartDateOrganization column for the table ActiveEmployments. |
Usage information for the operation AddressStates.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AddressStates. |
Country | String | The Country column for the table AddressStates. |
DisplayValue | String | The DisplayValue column for the table AddressStates. |
Latitude | Double | The Latitude column for the table AddressStates. |
Longitude | Double | The Longitude column for the table AddressStates. |
Name | String | The Name column for the table AddressStates. |
State | String | The State column for the table AddressStates. |
Usage information for the operation AgingOverview.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
AgeGroup [KEY] | Int | The AgeGroup column for the table AgingOverview. |
AgeGroupDescription | String | The AgeGroupDescription column for the table AgingOverview. |
AmountPayable | Double | The AmountPayable column for the table AgingOverview. |
AmountReceivable | Double | The AmountReceivable column for the table AgingOverview. |
CurrencyCode | String | The CurrencyCode column for the table AgingOverview. |
Usage information for the operation AgingPayablesList.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId [KEY] | String | The AccountId column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AccountCode | String | The AccountCode column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AccountName | String | The AccountName column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup1 | Int | The AgeGroup1 column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup1Amount | Double | The AgeGroup1Amount column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup1Description | String | The AgeGroup1Description column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup2 | Int | The AgeGroup2 column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup2Amount | Double | The AgeGroup2Amount column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup2Description | String | The AgeGroup2Description column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup3 | Int | The AgeGroup3 column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup3Amount | Double | The AgeGroup3Amount column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup3Description | String | The AgeGroup3Description column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup4 | Int | The AgeGroup4 column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup4Amount | Double | The AgeGroup4Amount column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
AgeGroup4Description | String | The AgeGroup4Description column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
CurrencyCode | String | The CurrencyCode column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
TotalAmount | Double | The TotalAmount column for the table AgingPayablesList. |
Usage information for the operation AgingReceivablesList.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId [KEY] | String | The AccountId column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AccountCode | String | The AccountCode column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AccountName | String | The AccountName column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup1 | Int | The AgeGroup1 column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup1Amount | Double | The AgeGroup1Amount column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup1Description | String | The AgeGroup1Description column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup2 | Int | The AgeGroup2 column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup2Amount | Double | The AgeGroup2Amount column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup2Description | String | The AgeGroup2Description column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup3 | Int | The AgeGroup3 column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup3Amount | Double | The AgeGroup3Amount column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup3Description | String | The AgeGroup3Description column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup4 | Int | The AgeGroup4 column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup4Amount | Double | The AgeGroup4Amount column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
AgeGroup4Description | String | The AgeGroup4Description column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
CurrencyCode | String | The CurrencyCode column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
TotalAmount | Double | The TotalAmount column for the table AgingReceivablesList. |
Usage information for the operation AssetGroups.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table AssetGroups. |
Code | String | The Code column for the table AssetGroups. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table AssetGroups. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table AssetGroups. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table AssetGroups. |
DepreciationMethod | String | The DepreciationMethod column for the table AssetGroups. |
DepreciationMethodCode | String | The DepreciationMethodCode column for the table AssetGroups. |
DepreciationMethodDescription | String | The DepreciationMethodDescription column for the table AssetGroups. |
Description | String | The Description column for the table AssetGroups. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountAssets | String | The GLAccountAssets column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountAssetsCode | String | The GLAccountAssetsCode column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountAssetsDescription | String | The GLAccountAssetsDescription column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountDepreciationBS | String | The GLAccountDepreciationBS column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountDepreciationBSCode | String | The GLAccountDepreciationBSCode column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountDepreciationBSDescription | String | The GLAccountDepreciationBSDescription column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountDepreciationPL | String | The GLAccountDepreciationPL column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountDepreciationPLCode | String | The GLAccountDepreciationPLCode column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountDepreciationPLDescription | String | The GLAccountDepreciationPLDescription column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountRevaluationBS | String | The GLAccountRevaluationBS column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountRevaluationBSCode | String | The GLAccountRevaluationBSCode column for the table AssetGroups. |
GLAccountRevaluationBSDescription | String | The GLAccountRevaluationBSDescription column for the table AssetGroups. |
Modified | Datetime | The Modified column for the table AssetGroups. |
Modifier | String | The Modifier column for the table AssetGroups. |
ModifierFullName | String | The ModifierFullName column for the table AssetGroups. |
Notes | String | The Notes column for the table AssetGroups. |
Usage information for the operation Assets.rsd.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The ID column for the table Assets. |
AlreadyDepreciated | Int | The AlreadyDepreciated column for the table Assets. |
AssetFrom | String | The AssetFrom column for the table Assets. |
AssetFromDescription | String | The AssetFromDescription column for the table Assets. |
AssetGroup | String | The AssetGroup column for the table Assets. |
AssetGroupCode | String | The AssetGroupCode column for the table Assets. |
AssetGroupDescription | String | The AssetGroupDescription column for the table Assets. |
CatalogueValue | Double | The CatalogueValue column for the table Assets. |
Code | String | The Code column for the table Assets. |
Costcenter | String | The Costcenter column for the table Assets. |
CostcenterDescription | String | The CostcenterDescription column for the table Assets. |
Costunit | String | The Costunit column for the table Assets. |
CostunitDescription | String | The CostunitDescription column for the table Assets. |
Created | Datetime | The Created column for the table Assets. |
Creator | String | The Creator column for the table Assets. |
CreatorFullName | String | The CreatorFullName column for the table Assets. |
DeductionPercentage | Double | The DeductionPercentage column for the table Assets. |
DepreciatedAmount | Double | The DepreciatedAmount column for the table Assets. |
DepreciatedPeriods | Int | The DepreciatedPeriods column for the table Assets. |
DepreciatedStartDate | Datetime | The DepreciatedStartDate column for the table Assets. |
Description | String | The Description column for the table Assets. |
Division | Int | The Division column for the table Asse |