FireDAC Components for Exact Online

Build 23.0.8839


Usage information for the operation QuotationHeaders.rsd.


Name Type Description
Timestamp [KEY] Long Timestamp
AmountDC Double Amount in the default currency of the company
AmountDiscount Double Discount amount in the currency of the transaction
AmountDiscountExclVat Double Amount in the default currency of the company
AmountFC Double Amount in the currency of the transaction
CloseDate Datetime Date on which the customer accepted or rejected the quotation version
ClosingDate Datetime Date on which you expect to close/win the deal
Created Datetime Date and time on which the quotation was created
Creator String User ID of the creator
CreatorFullName String Name of the creator
Currency String The currency of the quotation
DeliveryAccount String The account where the items should delivered
DeliveryAccountCode String The code of the delivery account
DeliveryAccountContact String The contact person of the delivery account
DeliveryAccountContactFullName String Full name of the delivery account contact person
DeliveryAccountName String The name of the delivery account
DeliveryAddress String The id of the delivery address
DeliveryDate Datetime The date of the delivery
Description String By default this contains the item description
Discount Double Discount given on the default price. This is stored as a fraction. ie 5.5% is stored as .055
Division Int Division code
Document String Document linked to the quotation
DocumentSubject String The subject of the document
DueDate Datetime Date after which the quotation is no longer valid
ID String Primary key
IncotermAddress String Address of Incoterm
IncotermCode String Code of Incoterm
IncotermVersion Int Version of Incoterm Supported version for Incoterms : 2010, 2020
InvoiceAccount String The account to which the invoice is sent
InvoiceAccountCode String The code of the invoice account
InvoiceAccountContact String The contact person of the invoice account
InvoiceAccountContactFullName String Full name of the invoice account contact person
InvoiceAccountName String The name of the invoice account
Modified Datetime Date and time on which the quotation was last modified
Modifier String User ID of the modifier
ModifierFullName String Name of the modifier
Notes String Extra notes
Opportunity String Opportunity linked to the quotation
OpportunityName String The name of the opportunity
OrderAccount String The account that requested the quotation
OrderAccountCode String The code of the order account
OrderAccountContact String The contact person of the order account
OrderAccountContactFullName String Full name of the order account contact person
OrderAccountName String The name of the order account
PaymentCondition String Payment condition code
PaymentConditionDescription String Payment condition description
Project String The project linked to the quotation
ProjectCode String The code of the project
ProjectDescription String The description of the project
QuotationDate Datetime Date on which the quotation version is entered or printed. Both during entering and printing this date can be adjusted
QuotationID String Identifies the quotation. All the lines of a quotation have the same QuotationID
QuotationNumber Int Unique number to indentify the quotation. By default this number is based on the setting for first available number
Remarks String Extra text that can be added to the quotation
SalesChannel String ID of Sales channel
SalesChannelCode String Code of Sales channel.
SalesChannelDescription String Description of Sales channel.
SalesPerson String The user that is responsible for the quotation version
SalesPersonFullName String Full name of the sales person
ShippingMethod String Shipping method ID
ShippingMethodDescription String Shipping method description
Status Int The status of the quotation version. 5 = Rejected, 6 = Reviewed and closed, 10 = Recovery, 20 = Draft, 25 = Open, 35 = Processing... , 40 = Printed, 50 = Accepted
StatusDescription String The description of the status
VersionNumber Int Number indicating the different reviews which are made for the quotation
YourRef String The number by which this quotation is identified by the order account

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Build 23.0.8839