JDBC Driver for Exact Online

Build 22.0.8462


Usage information for the operation Returns.rsd.


Name Type Description
DocumentID [KEY] String The DocumentID column for the table Returns.
Amount Double The Amount column for the table Returns.
Created Datetime The Created column for the table Returns.
Currency String The Currency column for the table Returns.
Description String The Description column for the table Returns.
DocumentViewUrl String The DocumentViewUrl column for the table Returns.
DueDate Datetime The DueDate column for the table Returns.
Frequency String The Frequency column for the table Returns.
PayrollDeclarationType String The PayrollDeclarationType column for the table Returns.
Period Int The Period column for the table Returns.
PeriodDescription String The PeriodDescription column for the table Returns.
Request String The Request column for the table Returns.
Status Int The Status column for the table Returns.
Type Int The Type column for the table Returns.
Year Int The Year column for the table Returns.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462